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10 answers

i wouldnt buy one off the net,u dont know what ur getting,as far as health goes

2006-10-10 11:44:33 · answer #1 · answered by artcherman 3 · 2 0

Its never a good idea to buy a dog online. One of the hallmarks of a reputable breeder is that they screen the people who are interested in buying their puppies because they are concerned for the puppies. Responsible breeders keep in contact with their clients for YEARS after selling a puppy. There are occassional exceptions where a reputable breeder might sell & ship a puppy but if you had to ask this question then you are not that exception. Think about it - do you want to buy a puppy from a reputable breeder who will introduce you to the pup, provide support and advice 24/7 for the life of the pupp, a person who is so concerned for his/her dogs that they screen their potential homes, etc. etc. Or do you want to buy a pup from someone who will put it in a box and mail it out to whomever pays top dollar? What are you going to do if the pup arrives and is not what you expected (sick, injured, not the correct breed or even better you send the money and no dog shows up at all)? I would really try as hard you possibly can to find a puppy in your area before looking online.

2006-10-10 17:51:15 · answer #2 · answered by Greyt-mom 5 · 1 0

Ask for references. Only work with an established organization. Beware of anyone who tells you to send a cashier's check or money order in advance of getting the dog. Unless you are getting an extremely rare dog, I think you are safest looking within driving distance of wherever you live so you can meet the dog and the people.

2006-10-10 16:12:44 · answer #3 · answered by melissa k 6 · 0 0

don't buy dogs directly from the internet. if your looking at a shelter's website thats ok. if you do find one that you like go visit the owner/shelter and make sure the dog is available and ASK QUESTIONS. You should be the one taking the dog home

2006-10-10 16:14:28 · answer #4 · answered by Michelle 3 · 0 0

I don't know what kind of dog your looking for but we sell dogs all over the US. Here is our web site: http://www.freewebs.com/hometownkennel/

W have dogs in Kansas, Colorado, New York, New Jersey, Georgia, Florida, Massachusetts, Ohio and Michigan.

I would say calling them on the phone is one way to get a better feel for them. Could ask for references or is they have a web site they may have pictures of there puppies with there new owners.

2006-10-10 16:07:37 · answer #5 · answered by wiazardofoz 2 · 0 0

There is no need to investigate. It probably is a scam. Unless you are allowed to see the dog, and it's parents, before purchasing the dog, you're being swindled.

2006-10-10 16:34:49 · answer #6 · answered by Pink Denial 6 · 0 0

Try looking in your local newspaper. Go to a vetetrinary office and ask for dog kennels in the area or try a flea market.

2006-10-10 16:01:41 · answer #7 · answered by channy200404 2 · 0 0

Don't do it. Please, don't do it! There are thousands of dogs dying everyday in shelters all over the country...all breeds, sizes, and ages.

Check out petfinder.com or visit your local shelter or rescue groups.

2006-10-10 16:05:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Thes best place to go is http://www.petfinder.com

2006-10-10 15:56:47 · answer #9 · answered by sugarcarat 5 · 0 0

go to the pet store

2006-10-10 20:47:11 · answer #10 · answered by matt 2 · 1 1

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