Yes. It is ludicrous that members of the public can freely by explosives. True: they generally only manage to blow themselves up - but since most of them are youngsters who get damaged, I think there is an argument for authorized use only.
2006-10-10 08:23:25
answer #1
answered by Barks-at-Parrots 4
I have a fireworks license through the ATF and the company I shoot for. The shells that we shoot in profesional shows like you see on tv and on the 4th should be left to the pros. You can seriously hurt yourself and others if you don't know what your doing and have experience in what to do if something is going wrong. There are some very nice backyard fireworks availabe on the market now. Although any firework can hurt somebody these one have minimal potential for danger and for the most part would wind up only hurting the shooter and not everyone within a 200 yard circle. Unlicensed and unexperienced users should stick with these. And so should many of the profesional shooters I have had the displeasure to do a show with. Fireworks are a blast and everyone leves them. But if you think they can't kill you you are crazy! Many of them are assembled by and 8 year old kid in China who works for a bowl of rice a day and a bed to sleep in. If he has a bad day you will be the first know! The worse thing about backyard fireworks is that most people that light them are so damn drunk they cant stand up let alone safley light off fireworks. I have seen pros get drunk before they light a show. Thats not good practice people and if you have ever lit off a 10 incher and see what happens when it goes 100ft in the air and starts coming back down and goes BOOM 10ft off the ground you would know what I mean. There is nothing wrong with some backyard fun but for christsakes be safe and DONT do it drunk. Your life and everyones around you depends on it. Wait till after you are done playing before you party.
2006-10-10 08:36:25
answer #2
answered by shotokandss5150 2
As with everything else its just a few idiots spoiling it for the rest. Fireworks are good fun used wisely. A lot of displays are run by people with little experience and no qualification. Why should we be dictated to just because some people don't want to be responsible for their own actions. Shall we put all in the zoo because some people don't ensure they are well kept and precautions be taken to prevent them biting someone (perhaps you'd say yes?) Or that power tools should be banned and everyone made to use professionals to do "diy"? ( a large amount of a&e cases come from diy accidents. Everyone should be encouraged to be responsible for ther own actions. We shouldn't be told to do or not to do so much. If we act irresponsibly we should be held accountable. So perhaps the questions should be, how can those people who act irresponsibly with fireworks be caught and held responsible?
2006-10-10 08:33:47
answer #3
answered by littleroo24 2
I do. I'm from Australia and they've been banned there for 20 years. The only way you can watch fireworks is at a display. This is a great thing for peoples safety and the safety of animals.
Can you imagine the stress animals go through during backyard fireworks - not just domestic pets but local wildlife as well.
2006-10-10 08:31:21
answer #4
answered by Maxblax 2
No, but I think you should be made to prove you are a father (no not a catholic vicar) to purchase them.
I love fireworks, I hate fireworks being let of in the streets by youths and students (children who go to university/polytechnics) every time they drink more than they can handle (2 pints of shandy usually) at 3am.
There is nothing better than watching your old dad toast his moustache giving you a firework display in you own garden.
2006-10-10 08:27:31
answer #5
answered by iusedtolooklikemyavatar 4
I totally agree with you, I am sick of the damn fireworks already round here were I live, goodness knows how the kids are getting their hands on them or how the shops are managing to sell them either, my poor dog is terrified from morning till night with them, why we have to put up with it year in year out I do not know, give us displays, safer and less hassle.
2006-10-10 16:15:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If only, but as usual a lot of money is made out of fireworks, this would bring the old black market back, in fireworks.
Could you also enforce it and how.
Especially those obtained via the black market.
These days you can't find a policeman to 'tell you the time' let alone 'catch a flash bang wallop'
2006-10-10 08:36:14
answer #7
answered by hippo2000 1
Yep - totally right.
I am one of those 'nerdy sensible' types, but even I and remember fooling round with them with my Venture Scout Friends (many years ago) - So heaven knows what other people could get up to / damage they can cause.
Keep to organised displays.
(Although one big cultural issue is that fire works are also used as part of the Diwali festival of light celebrations by Hindus, around the same time as Nov 5th - so something would have to be done so they could still buy them)
2006-10-10 08:36:12
answer #8
answered by David 5
the superb fireworks i've got seen are those at Laurel lakes in Laurel, MD. it is an all day adventure with a parade interior the morning, song, nutrition, a playground, and then a great fireworks show. i've got not neglected a year on the grounds that i became somewhat female
2016-11-27 19:37:08
answer #9
answered by yao 4
As an ex-pyrotechnician I would never buy my own. What can I afford? A couple of hundred quids worth? Set them off in a dull, boring sequence? Or do I get the benefit of a couple of thousand pounds worth, set to give the most dramitic effect?
It would also stop dicks scaring the old folks!
2006-10-10 08:31:13
answer #10
answered by Bush 2