Dogs are so very oriented to scent..they know each other by scent, not sight..they know much about each other when they far as gender, health, age, etc...
Some dogs hide or chew (eat) undies to protect their masters..they know that if the boogieman can't smell the master, he can't find, in wild canine behavior, this would be their way of protecting the den from predators...
However, modern dogs don't have such a sense of predators, but carry over this behavior...As dogs are so scent oriented, they roll in stuff to camouflage their own scent..when a dog takes your undies and runs, he is in effect rolling in the master's scent, to camouflage his own...This makes him more powerful, as no one will mess with him now! because he smells like the master!
2006-10-10 08:27:38
answer #1
answered by Chetco 7
Male dogs are territorial, as are Males of all species(not that a human should exhibit the same behavior)but dogs can smell very well....even if they are clean, dogs can sense odors from long ago. Small dogs are neurotic, and tend to require more attention. In order to discipline your dog/save $ on undergarments...give him a good stern talkin' to and. Find him a female dog companion to take his mind off his confusion. That's my non-professiional opinion..I hope is was an assistance to you. Have a great day and good luck
2006-10-10 15:39:16
answer #2
answered by 35 YEARS OF INTUITION 4
My moms dog did that too when I lived at home. Chewed a hole right through it! Dogs are carnivorous, and they love any sort of bodily fluid. It's like wiping blood on something. It's gross, so you gotta put the panties in a hamper that closes, and is tough to open
2006-10-10 15:25:30
answer #3
answered by Together 4
They like the smell and taste
2006-10-10 16:17:12
answer #4
answered by fortyninertu 5
your pooch likes the smell of your cooch
2006-10-10 15:51:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The reason is when the dog sniffs your crotch you tell him to stop right??? So if he takes your panties under the bed without you knowing hes happy right??? Then leave him be or just open your crutch and let him in. lol
2006-10-10 15:13:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They like the smell.
2006-10-10 15:11:50
answer #7
answered by bcringler 4
the smell
2006-10-10 15:42:02
answer #8
answered by hopeless 5
My sisters dog does the same thing. just one week ago,she asked the vet why,and he told her it's 'cuz of the smell.i'm not trying to say that your dirty,I'm just telling you what the vet told her hope it helps!
2006-10-10 15:13:27
answer #9
answered by smallish baby budge 2
I think your dog want some love.
2006-10-10 15:13:40
answer #10
answered by Victoria 2