In addition to all those other answers, you should also be aware that they will automatically deduct the funds from your checking account. You can make installment payments but you must be aware of the auto deduction. They will continue to deduct whatever they can until they get the money owed along with the finance charges. They don't really take you to court because of the shakiness of their business. Been there and done that.
2006-10-10 06:06:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
2016-09-28 17:05:45
answer #2
answered by Rickey 3
The dirty bast*rds!!!!!! This is an expensive lesson. At the very least it will cost you $$$$$$$$$$ interest $$$$$$$$$$. Do you have the cash $ on hand? Call the buggers, get the address, phone number, and fax number of the place you need to send the money to. Get the name and title (if any) of the person you are speaking to. Get the name of his supervisor. After you get as much info as you can, tell them you are going to go to
Western Union (or some other such place) and wire the money to them immediately!!!!!! Tell them you have contacted the local media about their fraudulent business practices, as well as the better business bureau, fraud squad, etc.
At the END of the converstion, tell them that you have recorded the entire converstation as proof of their dishonest scam, and them immediately HANG UP before they can protest. Don't give them a chance to say they don't want to be recorded.
God, these c*cks*ckers set my red hair on Fire!!!!!!!!! Please excuse the language, but AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH.
Good luck, let us know how you make out?
2006-10-10 06:28:59
answer #3
answered by kitty-mama 4
You must get it paid off or this will bloom into a financial can of worms. These companies make millions locking people into loans that they can barely pay off. Go back to where you got the loan and pay in person. Get a reciept.
2006-10-10 05:57:11
answer #4
answered by fuzzyglowcar 2
This could adversely affect your credit history or standing - they could take you to small claims court also - hang in there and document everything that you have done or tried to do to make payment - good luck!@
2006-10-10 05:58:20
answer #5
answered by nswblue 6
they can shoot you credit bad. you need to call and ask for an address, or pay on-line with you bank. if you but a collateral down they could condemn it. and if you collateral dos not cover the amount borrowed they can sue you for the rest of the money or they can take you to Court for the amount borrowed including interest.
2006-10-13 20:11:29
answer #6
answered by Almon G 1
Not stupid if you really needed it and had no one else to get it from. If they put it diredtly into your account then that is where they will take it from. I don't think they do mail payments, look on their website and get their westernunion info.
2006-10-10 05:59:55
answer #7
answered by NETTA M 3
stupid yes--they will put a black mark on your credit report
never ever get a loan with a company like that
2006-10-10 06:32:03
answer #8
answered by sunbun 6
you got screwed
2006-10-10 05:55:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous