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he is a male cat that has been nuetured, since he has been fixed he doesnt urinate around the house like he use to but i would like to stop it all togeather. there is a stray cat that comes on our front porch so i am sure that is why he pees there. but he pees on my kids bookbags, jackets, any plastic bag, and under my computer desk. i have tried that be gone spray and it doesnt work. any ideas?

2006-10-10 04:40:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Cats

oh and vet says he is healthy

2006-10-10 05:35:53 · update #1

9 answers

Yikes, I have had male cats that I got rid of because I could not get them to stop urinating in my home. Here are some things you can try. Buy Natures Miracle from the pet store and follow the directions, you must completely eliminated the smell of any accidents in the home, you cat had heightened senses, you may not be able to smell the odor, but he can. Nature's Miracle is the only thing that eliminated the odors when my kitten peed on the couch. Then I bought cat attract kitty litter, this is a litter that attracts cats to their box, it's 100% guaranteed and works like a charm. If he still insist in peeing in the same areas, try placing a litter box in the spot. Male cats are very territorial and although he is fixed, he is still marking territory. I have had luck breaking females from urinating outside of the litter box, but I never conquered it with a male.

Good luck!

2006-10-10 06:11:45 · answer #1 · answered by Michelle Lynn 4 · 0 0


2016-12-25 14:59:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My cat was doing that, so we took her to the vet. She had crystals as well and is on a special diet which makes her vomit, such a hassel of a kitty.

So we got her an extra litter box, I put her in one of her boxes when I think she hasn't peed in a while (I do this a couple of times a day, in the morning and before bed), and she actually will pee for me. Since I've been doing this she hasn't urinated outside of the litterbox. 2 weeks urine-free, yippee!! Now I just have to look after the vomiting problem. We use the clumping litter, which is great.

We cleaned her messes on the carpet and couch and chair really good with Nature's Miracle, Shout, Febreeze, cat repellent spray, and put tin foil on top to prevent her from going back to those spots. We got the couch professionally cleaned. The carpet and couch still smells pissy though unfortunately.

2006-10-10 08:28:57 · answer #3 · answered by hello 6 · 0 0

Try getting a larger litter box and a different litter. The cat might have a urinary tract infection that would cause him to go in places he shouldn't. It is almost like he is saying "look
I am peeing here" just to get your attention. I had a male cat that when he got a UTI would pee in shoes or places that would surely get him noticed. When he went to the Vet he did have a UTI and was put on antibiotics. If you have cats peeing out on your porch that can also trigger a problem. Your cat is still marking his territory to tell the other cats to back off.
Have him checked out, it could solve all your problems.

2006-10-10 04:54:33 · answer #4 · answered by simbasega 3 · 0 0

I had the same problem with one of my male neutered cats. It looks like he's marking.

We tried everything: scooping out the cat box more frequently (4 times a week instead of 3 times a week) and totally replacing the sand every 2 weeks. We always use odor absorbant spray for cat boxes. His marking behavior only got worse, then one day I noticed he cried in pain every time we picked him up. We rushed him to the vet and found out he had urine crystals so bad that he was almost blocked up. That's why he was urinating everywhere. He was doing it whenever he could to relieve the pain.

After his procedure, he started marking again. We found out that another neighborhood cat had starting showing up in our yard. We changed our policy about not letting any cats out after 4:00 PM and now let them out any time they wish.

He stopped marking.

2006-10-10 04:56:31 · answer #5 · answered by Jazz In 10-Forward 4 · 0 0

It could be a problem with the litter box itself. Try getting a new one or cleaning the one you have washing it out with some bleach and hot soapy water. Then even maybe change the brand of litter, my cat did this and that is what we did and the problem stopped. If this doesn't fix the problem I would see the vet to rule out anything medical.

2006-10-10 04:47:05 · answer #6 · answered by kna0831 3 · 1 0

I agree with kna0831...clean the box and change the brand of litter you use, if that doesn't work..take him to the vet. We had to change brands because my one cat was allergic to the dust in the one we used. She would always be sneezing after using the cat box and then stopped using it. When we cleaned and changed it, it fixed the problem. good luck!

2006-10-10 04:52:29 · answer #7 · answered by ♥ Callie ♥ 4 · 0 0

It really sounds like he needs to go to the vet. My cat started doing the exact same thing, so I took him to the vet as soon as I could. Turned out that he had crystals in his urine, and had to be on medication and special food. He could have gotten blocked up and died, so you really should take kitty to the vet.

2006-10-10 04:50:40 · answer #8 · answered by SLR 3 · 0 0

i think you could send him/her to a pet training camp and he/she might will learn a lot more than that!
hope i've ben helpful!

2006-10-10 04:47:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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