I wish you stated your daughters age. But Here goes I think she may not be ready. My son who is now 2 1/2 yrs old. Just started using the potty on and off. Everyday more and more. Until recently he would not even sit on the potty not at all. I kept talking to him about it. He went in with mama and dada to potty. After a short while he started slow wanting to sit and play around and get up and sit back on it over and over. Well one day he just did it and then did it again. But I also have to reinforce keeping a diaper on because he will still just go if he pleases. If she takes it off put it back on after asking want to try the potty. She says no diapy goes on. Keep at it she will get there.
2006-10-10 03:11:56
answer #1
answered by four2love 2
If she's under 3 then she just might not be ready yet - be patient and try again in a month or two. You don't want to put a lot of pressure on her because it'll make the potty experience a bad one and it'll slow her transition. If she's over three then she's probably being stubborn/testing you/etc. Try to make it a game or reward her with stickers - something like that. As far as not wearing either a diaper or underwear goes, be firm and let her know it's one or the other. Neither one is not a choice for her. Good luck.
2006-10-10 10:21:22
answer #2
answered by chicchick 5
Try the reward system, it is what I did. Get a calendar and some stickers when she uses the potty she gets to put a sticker on that day and after so many stickers she gets to pick out a prize. Just go to the dollar store and pick up some stuff so that she gets to pick out a toy or crayons or whatever for using the potty so many times. Keep doing this and she will being using the potty all the time.
2006-10-10 11:32:04
answer #3
answered by whats up all 2
well, it sounds just like my little girl. she was a year and a half when i tried to potty train her, she didnt like it at all.... but eventually she started asking about it. we gaveher one skittle for going in the potty, but she would go one day and not the next, sounds like your little girl needs time to get used to it. she may not be ready for panties yet, so i would suggest some pull-ups. i also let my girl pick out some panties she really liked and told her she could have them when she went to the potty everyday. she decided that she would start going by herself. when she removes her diaper or underwear, just pick her up and put her on the potty, no questions asked. she will get the idea that her panties stay n til she goes potty. you are in for a rough road, but dont worry.... my grandmother says: she wont be walking down the aisle in diapers hon! so although it will drive you nuts, she will get potty trained soon!
2006-10-10 10:58:58
answer #4
answered by dindonelle 2
that can be hard but just don't push her if you want try putting a teddy on the potty and tell her teddy or one of her fav. dolls that she really likes is going to the potty,make noises if you have to and see if that will work,sometimes it's just that they're are scared but if they see one of their toys doing it they are more likely to try.I don't really know much about little girls,I had to take my son outside a few times before he would start doing it on the potty,I quess he felt more free out there but don't worry it's only a stage.I thought my son would never start going on the potty and I was constantly cleaning up after him.He'll be 4 in a few days and he is still having accidents,they happen but they are few and far between.good luck and be patient with her.she'll let you know when she's ready and when she does start going make a huge deal about it!then she'll be excited and want to do it again.
2006-10-10 10:40:10
answer #5
answered by ///\oo/\\\ 4
i started to potty train my son around 1.5 years old...i worked at it and worked at it...he would go on the potty one day, then pee all over the floor the next day...i tried the rewards system, giving him a sticker everytime he went or a small piece of candy... eventually I gave up...then.....
one day he came up to me and said "mommy pee pee"...i said you have a diaper on, you can go in that...he said NO and ran off to the bathroom and went potty...he was potty trained from that day on....
i bought all those potty training books, tried the cheerios in the toliet and everything...but you know what, the best way, was letting him do it on his own...he has been potty trained since he was 2 years old...
sometimes you need to let them figure it out for themselves or to tell you when they are ready....i didnt want to push my son either, and thats when i gave up....then he basically taught himself....good luck
2006-10-10 10:24:44
answer #6
answered by sherichance79 4
That's rough I am desperately attemting potty training myself so I can't answer that. Maybe you could put the diapers on and put some masking tape around the waist to keep her from removing them. I only advocate this alternative because I know my son and I were close to not speaking to each other over this potty training thing and I have recently decided that I had better wait awhile and let us become freinds again before I try to train him.
2006-10-10 10:12:56
answer #7
answered by leavemealone 3
Get her a potty chair and let her carry it around and play with it. Putting toys into it (as long as its clean), sitting on it while watching cartoons, etc.. Let her gain an interest in it for a while with no pressure and next time she takes a diaper off ask her if maybe she would like to sit on the potty chair and let her take it wherever she wants to sit. This has helped alot of friends I know. It just take a little time and patience.
2006-10-10 10:01:46
answer #8
answered by MiZmeL 4
perhaps she just isn't ready... I don't know how old she is, but her body might not be ready. Is she staying dry at night? You've got to tell her, firmly but nicely that she has to keep the diaper on until she can tell you when she has to go potty.
2006-10-10 10:05:47
answer #9
answered by betterlife_travel 4
There is this really good book that i have.
"Caring for your baby and young child" Birth to age 5.
You can get it over the internet. iT is really good and it tell you about potty training!
2006-10-10 10:03:43
answer #10
answered by Raluca 2