1 @ The "at" sign.
2 abibliophobia The fear of running out of reading material.
3 absquatulate To leave or abscond with something.
4 allegator Some who alleges.
5 argle-bargle A loud row or quarrel.
6 bamboozle To cheat or deceive.
7 billingsgate Loud, raucous profanity.
8 bling-bling Shiny jewelry or other show of wealth.
9 bloviate To speak pompously or brag.
10 blunderbuss A gun with a flared muzzle or disorganized activity.
11 bodacious Audacious, gutsy.
12 borborygm A rumbling of the stomach.
13 boustrophedon A back and forth pattern.
14 bowyang A strap that holds the legs of the pants in place.
15 brouhaha An uproar.
16 callipygian Having an attractive rear end or nice buns.
17 canoodle To hug and kiss.
18 cantankerous Testy, grumpy.
19 catercorner Diagonal(ly).
20 cockamamie Absurd, outlandish.
21 codswallop Nonsense, balderdash.
22 collop A slice of meat or fold of flab.
23 crapulence Discomfort from eating or drinking too much.
24 crudivore An eater of raw food.
25 donnybrook An melee, a riot.
26 doppleganger A double, someone identical to someone else.
27 dudgeon A bad mood, a huff.
28 eruction A burp, belch.
29 fard Face-paint, makeup.
30 fartlek An athletic training regime.
31 fatuous Unconsciously foolish.
32 fenestration Putting in windows or the arrangement of windows.
33 filibuster Refusal to give up the floor in a debate to prevent a vote.
34 firkin A quarter barrel or small cask.
35 flibbertigibbet Nonsense, balderdash.
36 floccinaucinihilipilification Considering something to be worthless.
37 flummox To exasperate.
38 formication The sense of ants crawling on your skin.
39 fuddy-duddy An old-fashioned, mild-mannered person.
40 furbelow A fringe or ruffle.
41 furphy A portable water-container.
42 gaberlunzie A wandering beggar.
43 Gardyloo! A warning shouted before throwing water from above.
44 gastromancy Telling fortune from the rumblings of the stomach.
45 gazump To buy something already promised to someone else.
46 gobbledygook Nonsense, balderdash.
47 godwottery Nonsense, balderdash.
48 gongoozle To stare at, kibitz.
49 gonzo Far-out journalism.
50 goombah An older friend who protects you.
51 hobbledehoy An awkward or ill-mannered young boy.
52 hoosegow A jail or prison.
53 hornswoggle To cheat or deceive.
54 hullabaloo An uproar or scandal.
55 jackanapes A rapscallion, hooligan.
56 kerfuffle Nonsense, balderdash.
57 klutz An awkward, stupid person.
58 lackaday An interjection indicating disappointment.
59 la-di-da An interjection indicating that something is pretentious.
60 lagopodous Like a rabbit's foot.
61 logorrhea Loquaciousness, talkativeness.
62 lollapalooza Something outstanding.
63 lollygag To move slowly, fall behind.
64 macaronic Containing a mixture of foreign words.
65 malarkey Nonsense, balderdash.
66 maverick A loner, someone outside the box.
67 mistletoe A parasitic plant with waxy white berries.
68 mollycoddle To treat too leniently.
69 mugwump An independent politician who does not follow any party.
70 mumpsimus An outdated and unreasonable position on an issue.
71 namby-pamby Weak, with no backbone.
72 ornery Mean, nasty, grumpy.
73 osculate To kiss.
74 panjandrum Someone who thinks himself high and mighty.
75 panty-waist A sissy.
76 pettifogger A person who tries to befuddle others with his speech.
77 picayune Picky, very particular.
78 pratfall A fall on one's rear.
79 quean A disreputable woman.
80 quidnunc A busy-body, nosey person.
81 rambunctious Aggressive, hard to control.
82 rhabdomancy Searching for things underground with a divining rod.
83 rhinorrhea A runny nose.
84 rigmarole Nonsense, unnecessary complexity.
85 schadenfreude Delight in someone else's misfortune.
86 shenanigan Prank.
87 smellfungus A perpetual pessimist.
88 snarky Out of sorts.
89 snickersnee A long knife.
90 snollygoster A person who can't be trusted.
91 snook A gesture of defiant derision, like thumbing your nose.
92 troglodyte Someone or something that lives in a cave.
93 turdiform Having the form of a lark.
94 veneficial Poisonous, used to poison or in sorcery.
95 wabbit Exhausted, tired, worn out.
96 wampumpeag Money, wampum.
97 whippersnapper An upstart, a smart guy.
98 widdershins In a contrary or counterclockwise direction.
99 wowser An obnoxiously puritanical person.
100 yahoo A rube, a country bumpkin.
2006-10-09 19:34:02
answer #1
answered by mallimalar_2000 7
I think the funniest words are the ones that can be used in double entendres like "erection".
2006-10-10 03:27:32
answer #2
answered by FireKracker187 2
1)any word that is originally borrowed from another language and is massacred by the American twang
4)nuclear (when Bush pronounces it)
2006-10-10 03:02:29
answer #8
answered by liszar 2