Make a list of all your favorite songs (the most energetic, motivating, make-u-wanna dance, happy songs) and blast them while you're working out. Pick out a cardio activity with your favorite exercise machine (mine is an elliptical bc it burns a good amt of calories and is fun to do!)---so you can use all that energy.
If you want to be entertained and not even realize how much time has gone by while you're working out, I suggest placing a t.v. in front of your exercise machine of choice---elliptical (cross-trainer), treadmill, or an air-strider (whatever one u like that gets ur blood pumping!). You only need cardio for about 30 mins (but at a good pace). Start the first day and workout for however long you want. Then, add 2 minutes to that time everyday you workout. Make sure you workout at least times per week. You'll eventually get to 30 mins. Also, after your cardio, remember to stretch --simple exercises that will improve your strength and flexibility by 19% more than ppl who don't do stretching!
To keep you doing your exercises at least 3 times a week, give yourself a treat for doing all your hard work--at the end of the week when at least 3 days have been completed. Then, make sure it's a non-food treat!! Like going out to the movies or buying yourself a little something. (if it's something bigger you want to be rewarded with consider setting aside $10 to that item each week you keep your promise and subtract $10 everytime you fail). If you do well one week, then fail the next, it's like you did all that work for nothing so you'll think---I better keep up with this.
If you go to a gym, you can always bring a friend to keep you going... but they can sometimes be distracting. But definitely pick some good workout music that makes you feel like dancing!
Perhaps you can also keep track of what you eat during the day so you can control your caloric intake. My sis did that and it really shows you how much you've been eating during the day. Look up the average calories for that item and add up at the end of the day to make sure you're at a good level of calories that are needed.
and most of all....Believe in yourself and that you can do this!!!
Best of luck!
2006-10-09 17:00:17
answer #1
answered by peachieone19 2
Do you really want to shed some weight? I mean really? You need to look at yourself and realize that if you are not happy with how you look then you have to do whatever is necessary to achieve your goals. Nobody can do this for you. You have to decide what you want and stick to your convictions. With regard to the type of exercise you do I would suggest walking with some good music. Walking can burn just as many calories as running and won't make you so sore that you give up on the second day. After a while of walking a couple of miles a day, your body will start to change and then it's easier to get motivated to do other exercises and maybe watch what you eat a little bit. When I hit 310 I'd had enough. I took a good hard look at myself and decided if I wasn't going to be honest with myself then I wouldn't accomplish what I wanted to. First, I started walking 2 miles a day. I did this for about a month and then started looking at the kinds of food I was eating. I identified the foods that I had trouble controlling and gave them up. It's been 3 years now and I haven't had any fast food since. I now run 3 miles a day and have lost 70 lbs. I owe it all to walking every day, rain or shine. When you're out there walking in the rain or the 0 degree weather, tell yourself that it will make walking on the nice days easier if you suffer through the bad days.
Good Luck - You can do it, if you really want it.
2006-10-09 16:52:31
answer #2
answered by John C 2
Start out small. Do up a plan. Let say for example, skipping. This month, i will skip only for 5min at a pace i am comfortable with. Don't over use yourself or you will only feel "pain" . Make yourself enjoy it. 3 times a week. That's all.
Easy? yes.
Next is, you must be discipline enough to follow your plan. Punish yourself by doing another day of skipping if you miss one of the days. Of course, if you are busy on your exercise day, do some arrangement so you still exercise 3 times a week.
2006-10-09 16:48:45
answer #3
answered by Rolypoly 1
get a buddy to exercise with you and you guys can motivate one another. Set a goal for yourself and try to achieve it and that way you can have something to go after. And another thing, change things up, if you like sports, playing basketball full court is a great way to exercise and swimming is too, so you don't have to always do the same boring running around the track.
2006-10-09 16:52:58
answer #4
answered by beauty 4
I have had the same problems. Just remember you're not alone......The way to get motivated is to come up with a plan.......These are the facts.........Run 3-5 times a week for a period of 20 minutes with your heart rate up at about 75%.......(100% would be much too intense, where as 50 % would be too light...the key is to maintain a "jog" throughout workout)..........It may seem hard as heck at first but you're body will soon adjust......Self discipline is key to anything you do, including this. If you go by these guidelines, you should have no problem getting in shape...good luck!
2006-10-09 16:46:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
what makes me motivated is when i shop i find a bikini i really wanna wear this summer and it motivates me to look good in my bikinii also thinking bout how good i will look gets me motivated and showing people that i havent seen in a while how good i look also makes me motivated also i get motivated to run further because i think opposite instead of thinking wow i ran two miles im done im like two miles.. thats it i can double that and i like battle with beating my own self you need to look at what motivates you... think about the belfast marathon and you dont wanna come in last so that be motivation or if you are doing it for weight loss have a goal weight be your motivation or if you are looking just to finish have that be your goal the marathon is gonna sneak up so fast and you dont want it to be a week before and you are like dang i got to hit the gym plus if you start working out slowly and increasing your time spent working out or your intensity and soon itll become apart of your daily life instead of like a chore good luck!!!
2016-03-18 07:11:30
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Do something you like. I used to hate exercising, and then I started doing jazzercise--it's sooo much fun. I laugh as I workout and we dance to the music. I want to go. That's what works for me. For you, you'll have to find what is fun for you to do: going walking/hiking with a group like the Sierra Club; playing tennis or raquetball; playing a team sport (they have them for adults as well as kids); biking; and so on.
Of course, you can always join a gym; but I never did like those so much--not a whole lot of fun running in place in front of a row of tvs tuned to boring shows (blech). All the best to you :-)
2006-10-09 16:47:20
answer #7
answered by j14456um 3
Place two pictures side by side... one is the body type you want to be = your goal; and the other is of a chubby/fat/obese person. Then every morning look at those two pictures and yourself. If you want to be thin/fit/slim then go exercise. Just do it and you'll thank yourself in 3 months time. Good luck.
2006-10-09 16:57:58
answer #8
answered by escpforever 2
Music pick the music and steps as well...everyday you play the music you like and you will get motivated...try also to drink lot'\s of water and also eat jsut a litte piece of chocolate before you start ...remember just a little
2006-10-09 16:41:02
answer #9
answered by Yami 3
get a friend to exercise with u to keep ya motivated
2006-10-09 16:45:45
answer #10
answered by angelwings 2