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my cat hates the car and gets sick and gets diarrhia..how can I make the move a little easier for him? I am moving from pennsylvania to florida which is about an 18 hour drive..

2006-10-09 16:24:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Cats

11 answers


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2006-10-09 16:55:55 · answer #1 · answered by A Veterinarian 4 · 0 0

What ever you do don't give it benadryl. You can go the sedation route it's an easier one if you and the cat are alone in the car. If someone else is there and you are looking for a way without sedation here are a few tricks I have learned. not right at the tip of the ear but about 1/4 from the tip is an acu-pressure point that helps them relax. If you rub you thumb and index in a soft circular motion it helps the cat relax but you need to start getting the cat use to having it's ears handled since most cats don't like at first when you touch their ears but as soon as they realize what is happening they really like it. Also you can gently pet the tip of the nose for some odd reason its hypnotic to them and also relaxes them. The best thing would have been if you had more time to get the cat used to short trips in the cat that don't lead to the vet. For the diarrhea you also give it some rice water (the water from cooking rice cooled) it helps get diarrhea under control and re hydrates them at the same time.

2006-10-09 16:45:51 · answer #2 · answered by fierequebecoiseauusa 2 · 1 0

Check w the vet. Basically you need to hold his food- empty tummy means less to throw up. He will still need water during the trip to keep from dehydration.
The vet can give you meds to help ease the stress.
In the car for the trip::
Use bottled water or put some of your present home water in a big jug for him to drink from.
Have a pile of clean towels for his carrier so you can change them out once they get soiled from his problems at either end (so you don't have an odor issue for your own tummy to deal with) Have a big plastic bag for the dirty ones or buy some cheap ones that won't hurt your wallet too bad if you want to just toss them in the trash.
I'm guessing you don't have much time to acclimate him to car rides. Do leave his carrier out and open for him to explore while you are still in Pennsylvania. Maybe set a bit of his favorite treat in the back so he learns to go in and out without scary things happening to him.
Make sure he has a harness/collar w address and phone # in case he manages to slip away from you during a pit stop.
My Seal Point was the same way. I had to take her on a long trip twice. I found after she got over the initial heaves, she seemed to prefer sitting on the console between the front seats and kept her face in the breeze of the airconditioning...as long as she had the cool wind in her face she wasn't puking.
Talk to him during the trip, try not to yell at him when the yowls get on your nerves. At least you aren't getting sick from the ride like he is!

2006-10-10 00:31:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My cat has the exact same problem, miserable isn't it? I get sedatives from my vet. They cost about 30 dollars, but 1 or 2 pills (depending on the size of your cat,) will knock him out for the day and he'll sleep, or at least just lie there, while you drive. You'll hate seeing him like that but anything is better than getting sick out of both ends for 18 hours!!

2006-10-09 16:26:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

they are staggering cats for vendors who're arranged to commit important time to them. The oriental breeds are very needy, and bond very strongly with their chosen individual. they are exceedingly intelligent, and maximum take okay to leash and harness education. be careful what you like for although, and confirm you recognize the thought of 'needy'. this implies having a cat that is linked to you like velcro! they are all talkative - some loud, and a few continuously. they like stimulation meaning interactive toys. The additionally do not do properly on low priced meals crammed with corn (abdomen subject concerns!) so do superb on a top rate eating regimen. they are additionally companies to undesirable tooth, meaning try to be arranged to take them to the vet frequently for tooth cleansing. different than that, the OSH is a Siamese-variety cat in a great selection of coat colorings. in simple terms be useful which you do seem for a terrific breeder - and it sounds as though like in the event that they have a waiting checklist, then you definately are probably on the desirable song. yet another breed it is advisable to discover is a Devon Rex. Very comparable in character and "neediness" to the Siamese and OSH.

2016-11-27 03:49:25 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Start slowly. just short trips around town. Keep the windows up to reduce stressful noise. Talk to the cat & it can make things a little easier if your cat is crate trained. place one of your shirts in the crate & place the crate in the front seat with you with the door facing you so the cat can see you keep the radio low or off. Remember, start with short trips.....

2006-10-09 17:15:17 · answer #6 · answered by More Lies & More Smoke Screens 6 · 0 0

I had a cat who hated travelling, too. He didn't get car-sick, but he would freak out the whole time. The vet gave me something called Ace to give him. Basically, it was like kitty valium. I just had to give him a pill every four hours. Talk to your vet, I'm sure you can get a tranquilizer like that.

2006-10-09 17:36:25 · answer #7 · answered by locolady98 4 · 0 0

The vet can give you some meds. Call him.

P.S. I live in Florida...seems like everyone is moving here. Why are you> Job, climate....?

2006-10-09 16:26:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I know you can give dramamine to dogs. I had to give it to mine. Cll the vet and ask if it's safe and how much. good luck. Be careful.

2006-10-09 16:35:14 · answer #9 · answered by MISS-MARY 6 · 0 1

let your cat travel by aeroplane
and u travel by car

2006-10-09 16:26:49 · answer #10 · answered by kenya 1 · 0 1

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