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I know many people are unhappy about the United States/Mexican border issue. Mexico is a poor country and the people there don't have a lot of opportunities. How can you be mad that they want to come here? Wouldn't you want to live here too if you were born in Mexico? They do jobs that a lot of Americans don't want to do. Some people that work for the border patrol say it gives them job security.

2006-10-09 15:45:13 · 14 answers · asked by NoDoubt 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

14 answers

No one is mad at them coming here, they are mad that they don't follow the law.

Do I have to follow the laws here if I am poor?

Yes, they do jobs here that citizens CAN'T do. Under the table paying jobs that decent americans will not do because it is ILLEGAL! Minimum wage jobs that americanc can't do because we can't live on it! They can because they live in apartments with 30 others and all ride in the same car.

2006-10-09 15:49:31 · answer #1 · answered by AveGirl 5 · 4 2

Mexico is not the first country whose poor citizens wanted to immigrate to the U.S. Ireland, for example, was facing a nationwide famine when many Irish came here.

This country is made up of immigrants from around the world; no one is disputing that, I don't think. But all of these generations of immigrants have had to go through the proper channels to gain entrance to the U.S. and eventual citizenship.

The current illegals, however, think they are above the rules and regulations that thousands of others, who were just as poor, had to follow. Many of them want special treatment, and that just isn't fair to everyone else who had to come here the right way.

That's why people are upset. At least, it's why I'm upset.

2006-10-09 23:16:03 · answer #2 · answered by Pink Denial 6 · 1 0

If they come here to live they should become an American and obey OUR laws...they should put America ABOVE Mexico...they should not try to turn the U.S. into Mexico. There are people who would do those jobs you speak of ...but they can't get hired because the Mexicans will do those jobs for way less pay...if the Mexicans were legal they wouldn't be working for such low wages. AND, THEY NEED TO PAY TAXES!!!!

2006-10-09 23:05:53 · answer #3 · answered by my two cents 6 · 2 0

I'm not in the slightest mad that they want to come here. I'm mad that they come here illegally and steal jobs from Americans. On top of that, they've not in the slightest tie to America and would ditch it in a heartbeat. They take our money- we have to support their entire lives through taxes. They ruin our economy by sending all of their wages to Mexico. And now the government wants to let them stay here? Have you seen some of these people? For instance, Jose M's answer to the question, "Why do some Mexican people make a racial issue out of everything?" And I'm expected to support this?

2006-10-09 23:26:16 · answer #4 · answered by Brian S 4 · 3 0

stereotypes and bullshit is a lot of what im hearing here.....it seems like people here aren't using their two hemispheres of the brain to think about this question from different angles. My parents are immigrants, they're legal hardworking and earn a decent wage..... and we live in a really good community. Not everythings the same for everyone.......not all immigrants are the same......if you need someone as young as me explaining this then many of you need to look at the facts and put this into perspective. Many immigrants come here for a new life, better oppotunities or even just for a change

2006-10-13 22:42:45 · answer #5 · answered by tinkywinkerz 2 · 0 0

We have Somalians who have zilch of opportunities in their homeland, war, hunger, sickness and more adverse poverty than Mexico, and yet they came here legally.

Their culture allows men to have more than one wife, but they are giving that up in order to find their opportunities here. Men are willing to adapt gender equality to women, and so on and forth. And they are willing to learn what is to learn.That is assimilating in United States of America.

It is totally irrelevant that they are the reason for the job security of Border Patrol. How about they are the reason why we have to spend billions to build a wall? You really need to to get rid of that "mentality".

To cptcanuck2...

Well, Mexico has 12 free trade agreements with over 40 countries including, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador do you think they would allow free movement of people from these latin countries inside their territory?

The US should adapt the Mexican's government "SOUTHERN PLAN" of massive deportation of illegal immigrants from Central America.In 2000, Mexico had expelled from its southern border 152,967 illegal aliens. Most of them, more than 70,848, were Guatemalans, 40,892 were Hondurans, 33,960 came from El Salvador, 3,340 from Ecuador, and 1,836 from Nicaragua and the number of deportations is increasing by 30 percent each year.

Mexico is more "xenophobic' than the US and they torture illegal immigrants because that's where "xenophobism" originated. They want to control their southern border in order to let ONLY Mexicans to come illegally in the US.

2006-10-09 23:23:52 · answer #6 · answered by fanofkeanur 3 · 1 0

With this question you have invited the flood of anti-immigrant people to give you their points of view. Before that, let me tell you mine. I believe that there should be increased border security, improved worker programs, and an amnesty for SELECTED illegal immigrants who are already here. You may get many arguements like "why don't they do it legally?" Well it's because it's too expensive, too long of a wait, and you have the risk that they deny you. That risk is not worth taking when you're broke, running out of time, and can't take any chances. Totally agree with your point of view.

2006-10-09 22:52:09 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Mexico is a poor country and the people there don't have a lot of opportunities.

Then let those people stay there and TELL there government and not ours.... Thay need to STAND UP for them,and they to can have a country like ours...

Our Fathers of this country died for us!!!

If this people would STAY and STAND UP for what they want OVER THERE, this would NOT been goin on now....
There are billions of men and women that can fight for there RIGHTS...in MEXICO so they can have a FREE NATION...LIKE USA!!!

2006-10-09 23:04:21 · answer #8 · answered by --}--@STORMY@--}-- 2 · 3 0

Well, according to economists, free trade in everything including labour is the way to combat poverty. So, the Mexican illegals are doing what they should do, which is to migrate to make a better living. Americans say they are wrong, but Mexican illegals could say Americans are wrong to have border controls on labour markets.

2006-10-09 23:27:23 · answer #9 · answered by cptcanuck2 4 · 0 3

no one should be mad its not just mexicans that come here illegal the united states is build put of many immigrants and it includes hispanics there is no need to kill no one because they are trying to get a better life

2006-10-09 22:59:03 · answer #10 · answered by chicana 2 · 0 2

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