He is 15 years old and talking about ninjas as though he is 8 or 9 years old. I do not mean any disrespect but does he have emotional issues, it seems that he is a little slow or something. First of all you need to explain and should have a long time ago that it is not appropriate to put your hands on other people, he should keep his hands to himself. He could get into some serious trouble. I would really seek some counseling for him. And see what is going on with him and the ninjas.This behavior is a little different for a 15 year old young man, why isnt he playing football or basket ball or skate boarding or things that other 15 year old boys are doing? For real. Good luck and God Bless
2006-10-09 13:53:12
answer #1
answered by ? 7
Sit him down and explain that this is serious, that he should NOT be kicking kids in school. (If you can afford it) offer to sign him up for karate classes or something similar, compromise and tell him to keep the ninja moves in the class (not school). It sounds as though he is going through a phase, look up ninjas on the Internet with him and go over the history and what not. Find out why it interests him so much. It also will give you a little mother/son bonding time.
To Legend: Don't answer questions unless you have something intelligent to say.
To J2theOE: Do not tell a mother her kid is "just one of those weird kids at school"
2006-10-09 12:15:24
answer #2
answered by Itsalongnight 2
Some facts about Ninjas:
1. Ninjas are mammals.
2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
Sorry but as much as you can't ask the sun to not rise in the moring or birds not to sing, you can't ask a ninja to not fight all the time. It's best to learn to live with it.
2006-10-09 12:09:40
answer #3
answered by homersmyid 2
I wouldn't let it annoy and worry me too much if I were you. Your son is going through a phase. Who knows how long it will last (possibly his whole life), but it doesn't sound like it can get any worse. Often when teens are growing up and around this age they are really looking for the things that they like, don't like, and want to be, so they can define themselves. For me, I was royally excited to learn that I loved frogs. It sounds stupid, but I talked about frogs a LOT as a young teenager, because it was something that I was into. Your son is into ninjas, which is exciting for him. Don't put too much of a damper on him right now, just really let him know that it is inappropriate and dangerous to be practicing these ninja moves on people. Maybe you could get him into a karate class or something so he could get that out of his system in a safe, constructive way. Best of luck!
2006-10-09 12:08:21
answer #4
answered by jennabeanski 4
Educate him on what a real Ninja is. Take him to a dojo and let him talk to a sensei. When he finds out it is really hard work, either he will quit or he will succed in becoming a Ninja.
2006-10-09 15:43:46
answer #5
answered by Starla_C 7
While you can't refute the awesomeness of ninjas, it sounds like your son is behaving at a maturity level of a seven year old. It's time to throw the boy in some counseling. Use any resources your son's school will provide.
2006-10-09 12:53:59
answer #6
answered by elizabeth_ashley44 7
hes proberly just one of them weird kids at school but if you dont wanna do that. explain to him (your gonna have to be harsh. tuff love) but tell him theres no way he could ever be a ninja, u have to gifted and real ninja dont really exist ne more cuz its so hard to be one there like 1 in a million. ud have to train with monks for like 20 years to become a ninja and even then u might not have ninja quaitys. so hes wasting his time.
2006-10-09 12:06:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I believe too that the mother and son bonding thing is a good point. I use to be Pipi Longstockings for years and no one could change my mind. In the end, my mum simply called me "Pipi" when I needed to come down for diner ......... guess what? I grew over it.
2006-10-09 12:31:13
answer #8
answered by Endie vB 5
at least hes still a homo sapien. imagine how the mothers of the teenage mutant ninja TURTLES felt. poor, poor women.
2006-10-09 18:20:11
answer #9
answered by Walty 4
omg, ninjas are so freakin cool.
2006-10-09 12:09:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous