Let me add more to your list if I may.
Thank you immigrants legal or not legal as you said :
For taking care of our kids when we are work
For cleaning our public restrooms
For cleaning our houses when we have no time for that
For cleaning our job offices
And of course ones again for making California the greatest state in the U.S. and world.
2006-10-09 11:46:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Its not really a question but a good point. Its too bad that some people are too close minded to actually make sense of ALL the pros AND cons to immigration ( legal or not ). Although most would agrue that there are no pros to illegal immigration, these are the people that are so caught up in what the media is presenting on a daily basis. Look at all the facts before putting ANYONE down.
PS- E coli is not from illegal immigrants.
Someone needs to at least properly educate our children, especially in this matter. Instead of perpetuating the cylce of ignorance and hatred.
2006-10-09 12:13:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Some of these racist are too dumb to realize it or to lazy to read any statistics if they could read. They have no education or knowledge of whats going on outside of their trailer park. Its funny that the people that complain are in rural areas.
Build your damn wall, its only gonna keep them in here. HAHAHA.
The politicians just pulled a fast one by you idiots. You complain but have no clear or realistic solutions. Lets deport all the racist to Saudia Arabia, give them a taste of their own medicine.
Let me clarify the situation for those that only speak from what they hear on the TV. Illegals as many call them (Its funny how we don't even call murderers, child abusers illegal but we call those that cross into the US --Misdemeanor-- Illegal), do contribute a lot into the economy. Most end up paying taxes in many forms, sales tax, many illegals own homes and pay property taxes, those that make up social security numbers or use others SSN pay taxes that they never file to get refunds. Those that buy homes will fix the borrowed SSN's credit by paying off their collections and raising their credit scores so they can by homes. By working for cheap they help reduce the price of many items that we Americans use every day. You ***** about $3/gallon gas, how about $3 cabbage, $7/lb tomatoes, how about Motel 6 raising their price to $60 a night instead of $37. The fact is working Americans are getting old and many jobs are being left open. We need new young workers.Illegals put money into SS so the older americans can have health care.
Illegals don't use the health care system as many people claim. I know many that are too scared to go to the hospital or use any public aid. They will visit clinincs and pay cash or got to Catholic charities health centers and pay cash as well. The fact is that Americans themselves are draining the health care system not illegals.
I would stop deportations and raids now!!
give a period of 6-12 months were evey illegal would have to register. Those that don't would face fines or late fees to registered upto 30 days after the grace period. Have all of them go through background checks. Those that are cleared if the can prove they have been here 7+ years and have a family would be given citizenship. 3-6 yrs given residency. Less than 3 given a work permit and have to re-apply to get it again. Guest worker program as many illegals just come to work for a few months and return. Not everyone likes it here. Deport the criminals with violent crimes
2006-10-09 12:04:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Illegal immigrants do very few of those. They do not pay taxes, do not fight on our armed forces, do not forgive our racial discrimination (remember the march in DC?). I wouldn't call it expanding our culture as much as forcing us to learn their customs and language. I hardly agree that California is the greatest state in the nation. I do not understand 8, but if you are talking about Texas, we won all that territory in wars.
Legal immigrants, on the other hand, do all of these and more. I fully support any and all legal immigrants.
2006-10-09 11:56:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Ha! I have a list!
Thank you all you kind I L L E G A L S for....
1) Stealing from our economy
2) Stealing our jobs
3) Having more children so you may have more wel-fare.
4) Trying to assimilate our culture so we can all speak Spanish
5) For creating discrimination upon you.
6) NOT FIGHTING IN OUR ARMED FORCES!!! (you can't be an illegal and join our military!!!!)
7) Sending the money you earn back to Mexico, and not placing it back into our economy
8) What the hell you talking about. If your meaning back in time... That's the past... get over it. Every other religion and race has gotten over there pain.... they can get over there's. (It was LAND!! By the way!!!)
9) You skipped one, but Ill feel it in.... For killing our people
10) For breaking our laws
11) For ruining Texas and Arizona's borders
12) For taking planters job
13) For taking the pickers job
14) For taking the food packagers jobs
15) For taking the cooks job
16) For Taking the waiters job
17) You ran out of thoughts...not space. LMFAO
18) For taking our crops when you run across the border
19) For protesting when we will not pay you enough
20) For protesting when we will not give you benefits
21) For trying to mold us to fit your needs
22) For bringing chaos to our country
23) For smuggling drugs
24) For bringing your gangs
25) For making US Pay for your ignorance. Its we who must pay to put up that fence..not you.
26) For invading our Taxes
27) For Trashing our lands
28) For assisting in the over-poputation in America
29) For Turning our food supply deadly.
2006-10-09 12:05:43
answer #5
answered by Angel of Man 4
Thanks. And for all those racists people out there for hating immigrant why don't you get out there and do what they do busting there butts for pennys. I bet racists would complain but they don't they do the jobs that people think there too good to do. But i do have one thing to say event though they do allot for less They could of took the time and applied for a visa or citizenship to were all these problems would not of accured and people would not of been so hateful cuz they only started this when Bush brought it up. I understand people are angry but if you think about something they would of not had our jobs if we were doing them in the first place.
2006-10-09 11:50:22
answer #6
answered by everlasting_matchstick 3
No, I support and applaud only legal American citizens and legal immigrants for those things. Illegals are not to be applauded - they can get out of the country and we would be better than ever! I would like illegals to get away from our food because now they are killing us with e-coli.
2006-10-09 11:58:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
How about this one, Thank you Mexicans and all Latino immigrants legal or not for making California the state that is supporting the economy of the USA.
Way to go all the immigrant supporters (legal or not)
2006-10-09 11:50:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Legal immigrants are great. The others are draining school and health care funds and are driving down wages for our own people.
2006-10-09 11:45:59
answer #9
answered by DAR 7
immigrants are good for the country. Illegal immigrants hurt this country in ways that your little list could never touch.
Oh shy angel.. you forgot pressing 1 for english, less money in schools for technology because of the drain of illegal immigration on them. These are just two more!! There are hundreds!
Amnesty will NOT work!! Read your history books!!
2006-10-09 11:34:44
answer #10
answered by mommato4boys 3
WOW I had to get to HIGHER ground it's sure getting DEEP in here. You forgot to thank Illegals for:
1: Higher Crime Rates.
2: Higher numbers of cases in Hepitutis and TB
3: Forceing our Hospitals to close there ER's.
4: and estimated 250,000 Child Molestors
5:Undercutting US wages and Stagnateing them.
6: We may even end up THANKING them for our recent E_Coli Outbreaks or do you only wanna give them ALL the credit for Picking the food and Packing it which pretty much covers it ALL so I would ASSUME then they are responsible for these outbreaks.
2006-10-09 11:40:02
answer #11
answered by Anonymous