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The blue ice has frozen the flame
The blizzard has destroyed the warm
The snow has swept the dryness


When the spring comes
the flower blooms
The rabbit runs
The geese flies
The butterflies appears
The life has begun

My love has warmed the cold
and ur gesture has melt the frozen ice
Our love will remain and exist forever...
and will never end
everlasting, like the sun
romantic like the moon
and strong like the diamond

2006-10-08 22:23:01 · 25 answers · asked by la montée 4 in Society & Culture Languages

I realize that my English is bad...
so please correct my English too, if u`d like to.

2006-10-08 22:24:02 · update #1

This poem should be written in my mother language, so it might be sounds strange in English.

I`d be very happy if somebody could translate it into French

2006-10-08 22:25:53 · update #2

if u think that it`s too long, just translate the first part, but the one who can translate the whole poem might get 10 points

2006-10-08 22:28:50 · update #3

and if u translate it into language that uses non-Latin alphabet, just type it in your alphabet.

Don`t worry, because I could read Greek, Russian, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean-Hangeul and Arabic

2006-10-08 22:35:49 · update #4

25 answers

O gelo azul congelou a chama que a tempestade de neve destruiu o calor a neve varreu a seca e... Quando saltar vem a flor floresce o coelho corre as moscas de gansos que as borboletas aparece a vida começaram o Meu amor aqueceram o frio e o gesto de ur tem o ferro fundido o gelo congelado que o nosso amor residirá e existirá para sempre... e não terminará nunca eterno, como o sol romântico como a lua

thats portuguese ^^ up there

this is french

La glace bleue a gelé la flamme que la tempête de neige a détruit le chaud la neige a balayé la sécheresse et... Quand le ressort vient la fleur fleurit le lapin court les mouches d'oies que les papillons apparaît la vie a commencé Mon amour a chauffé le froid et le geste d'ur a la fonte la glace congelée que notre amour demeurera et existera pour toujours... et ne finira jamais éternel, comme le soleil romantique comme la lune et fort comme le diamant

and this is italian

Il ghiaccio blu ha congelato la fiamma che il blizzard ha distrutto il caldo la neve ha scopato la siccità e... Quando la molla viene il fiore fiorisce il coniglio fa funzionare i mosche che delle oche le farfalle compare la vita ha cominciato Il mio amore ha scaldato il freddo ed il gesture del ur ha fusione il ghiaccio che frozen il nostro amore rimarrà per sempre e che esisterà... e mai non concluderà everlasting, come il sole romantico come la luna e forte come il diamante

2006-10-09 01:10:14 · answer #1 · answered by italiana mocha 2 · 0 1

The blue ice has frozen the flame,
The blizzard has destroyed the warmth,
The snow has swept the dryness.

When the spring comes,
the flower blooms,
The rabbit runs,
The geese fly,
The butterflies appear,
Life has begun.

My love has warmed the cold,
And your gesture has melted the frozen ice,
Our love will remain and exist forever...
And will never end.
Everlasting, like the sun,
Romantic like the moon,
And strong like a diamond.

2006-10-09 13:34:30 · answer #2 · answered by AndyB 5 · 0 1

In Hungarian:

A kékszinü jég megdermesztette a lángot
A hóvihar tönkretette a meleget
A hó elsöpörte a szárazságot

és mégis...

mikor megérkezik a tavasz
a viragok kibomlanak
a nyul ugrabugral
a hattyùk felröppenek
és elkezdödik az élet...

Szerelmem felmelegìtette a hideget
és tetted megolvasztotta a jeget
Szerelmünk maradandó és mindörökké élni fog...
vége soha nem lesz
örökkévaló, akár a Nap
romantikus akár a Hold
és szilárd akár a gyémánt

2006-10-10 10:36:42 · answer #3 · answered by charmed 3 · 0 0

Tá an daighear reoite ag an oighear gorm,
Tá an teas millte ag an síobadh sneachta
Tá an tur glanta leis an sneachta.


Nuair a thagann an t-earrach,
Bláthann an bhláth,
Ritheann an coinín
Trasnaíonn na géanna ar an aer,
Taibhsíonn an féileacán
Tá an saol tosnaithe.

Gorann mo ghrá an fuacht
Tá an leac-oighear leáite ag do ghotha
Fanfaidh ár ngrá is beidh sí ann go deo...
Ní bheidh deireadh léi feasta
Marthanach, ar nós an ghrian
Románsach, ar nós an ghealach
Agus láidir ar nós an diamant.

That's Irish.

2006-10-09 05:55:31 · answer #4 · answered by RM 6 · 0 0

I'm trying to learn Italian, so I thought I'd have a go in that language. No guarantees but it sounds lovely because it's the language of love:

Il ghiaccio blu ha congelato la fiamma
La tempesta di neve ha distrutto il calore
la neve ha scopato via la siccità


Quando arriva la primavera
il fiore fiorisce
il coniglio corre
l’oca prende il volo
la farfalla si rivella
la vita ha cominciato

Il mio amore ha scaldato il freddo
ed il vostro gesto ha fuso il ghiaccio che era irrigidito
il nostro amore rimarrà e esisterà per sempre ...
e non finiscerà mai
eterno, come il sole
romantico come la luna
e forte come il diamante.

2006-10-09 05:55:34 · answer #5 · answered by SteveT 7 · 0 0

Niebieski lód zmroził płomień
Śnieżyca zniszczyła ciepło
Śnieg zmiótł suchotę


Gdy przychodzi wiosna
kwiaty rozkwitają
króliki biegają
gęsi latają
motyle się pojawiają
zaczyna się życie

Moja miłość ogrzała zimno
a twój gest roztopił zamarznięty lód
Nasza miłośc przetrwa i będzie istnieć wiecznie
i nigdy się nie skończy
nieskończona jak słońce
romantyczna jak księżyc
i mocna jak diament

It's in Polish

2006-10-09 06:02:30 · answer #6 · answered by ~ B ~ 4 · 0 0

La glace bleue a gelé la flamme que La tempête de neige a détruite le chaud La neige a balayé la sécheresse


Quand le printemps vient la fleur fleurit Le lapin court Les oies volent Les papillons apparaissent que La vie
a commencé

Mon amour a chauffé le geste de froid et ur a fond la glace gelée Notre amour restera et existera à jamais...
et ne terminera jamais éternel, comme le soleil romantique comme la lune et fort comme le diamant

this is the french tranlation

2006-10-09 05:35:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wish I could write it in Japanese letters, but I am using my friends' computer, which doesn't do that. I wish I had my own computer though...in tne mean time, I'll do that in Romaji.

Aoi kohri wa honou o kohrase
Hubuki wa netsu o hakaishi
Yuki wa kawaki o ubaisatta

Haru ga kureba
Hana wa saki
Usagi ga hashiri
Gachou ga tobi
Chou ga araware
Inoch ga umareru

Watshi no ai ha samusa o atatame
Anata no shigusa ga kohri o tokashita
Watashitachi no ai wa eien no sonzai to nari, soshite tsuzuku darou
Soshite owaru koto wa nai darou
Taiyou no you ni eien ni
Tsuki no you ni romansu ni michi
Soshite daiamondo no you ni chikarazuyoku

Huh, pretty poem that is. Did you write it? I like it. I hope I was helphul somehow.

2006-10-09 21:48:40 · answer #8 · answered by ono 3 · 0 0

This is Esperanto, but it may not be perfect:

La blua glacio estas frostinta la flamon
La neĝventego estas detruinta la varmon
La neĝo estas balainta la sekecon


Kiam la printempo venas
La floroj floras
La kunikoj kuras
La anseroj flugas
La papilioj aperas
La vivo estas komencinta

Mia amo estas varmiginta la malvarmon
kaj via gesto estas fandinta la frostan glacion
Nia amo restas kaj ekzistas por ĉiam…
kaj ne finas,
eterna kiel la suno
romantika kiel la lundo
kaj forta kiel la diamanto

2006-10-09 13:47:37 · answer #9 · answered by The Doctor 7 · 0 0

The friend learning italian did quite a good job, this is my version (italiana 100%) with only minor corrections:

Il ghiaccio blu ha congelato la fiamma
La tempesta di neve ha distrutto il calore
la neve ha spazzato via la siccità


Quando arriva la primavera
il fiore fiorisce
il coniglio corre
l’oca prende il volo
appare la farfalla
la vita è cominciata

Il mio amore ha scaldato il freddo
e il tuo gesto ha fuso il ghiaccio
il nostro amore rimarrà ed esisterà per sempre ...
e non finirà mai
eterno, come il sole
romantico come la luna
e forte come il diamante.

2006-10-09 12:52:02 · answer #10 · answered by Vogon Poet 5 · 2 0

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