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Have you ever wonderd why the world is the way it is today? I will tell you RELIGION ( It Kills ) lets all come to the table and be honest religion is a PRACTICE a cult in which we all became slave to that why its hard to give up and easy to defend... But have we ever stopped to notice our righteous leader never created the religion in which we practice. They were to busy helping others doing the things we dare not do in the name of love. They were peaceful people who wanted a better place for us all to enjoy but mens lust for power destroyed them. Personally im tired of religion because a new one is created each day that always claims to be the True Religion based on lies of the past... Then we have religious highjackers who steal your religion and twist it out of context and make it look bad... I say if we need to go to the shelters and help the the addicted and afflicted instead of worry about scriptures and religions that can be perverted day to day. Be like our righteous leaders.

2006-10-08 21:43:39 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

Do as I do, I follow no religion nor do I believe or follow any church or preacher.

I believe in God alone and what my heart tells me is right and wrong.
You have no idea where anyone is going to lead you too, but you know in your heart where you want to go, so follow it.

2006-10-08 21:50:11 · answer #1 · answered by Sean 7 · 3 3

I'm not sure that you quite understand what you are talking about. Most leaders did jumpstart the religion through their practice. How can you say that they did not believe in what they were doing and believe it to be a religion? They did what they did in faith and faith is the founding creation of religion. To say that religion is unnecessary is to mock all nations of the world both past and present. The only constant among nations is that they all have religions formed to help their society and give themselves an order, direction and meaning to life. Denying the power of religion and the community that is created because of it is ignorant. You claim that we can all just do good deeds and be okay, but isn't that a claim of a sort of religion? Every person is involved in a religion, even atheists who have no belief in God have a religion because their belief in the inexistence of a God. A cult is a derogatory term and should not be used in reference to religion. I'm sorry, but I feel that you are ignorant in this subject and whether you are a believing person or not you should not mock other people in their way of being and their hope for something greater than temporary life on earth.

2006-10-08 22:02:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Religion translates to "remembering" It means remembering what was taught by your forefathers. Noah or Abraham didn't have a religion,they had Faith.
Humans can be corrupt but a faith biased life is not the cause of a corrupt world.
A weed is any plant that is growing where you don't want it. All plants have a value.
If you must blame something for the sorry state the world is in blame humanity.

2006-10-08 21:56:25 · answer #3 · answered by timex846 3 · 2 0

Jesus spoke against religion and traditions. Just believe the Word of God and know that he gives you the past and future in it and you are taken care of by the blood of Christ. Walk with him and he will be your leader not some head guy who speaks for all . No no no....Forget that stuff. Just bible based FAITH.

Yes many RELIGIONS are created everyday because the advesary, who often is rarely mentioned, is out there and wants to scrammble your decision and make it as hard as possible for you to find your way. STOP!. God is looking for you not the other way around if you would just stop and call for him he will find you. Don't take people word for it just ask him yourself where he wants you to be.

2006-10-08 21:56:09 · answer #4 · answered by digdugs 3 · 2 1

i dnt blame u for this kind of thought. many ppl think like this now. What v c around ourlives ...is easily interpreted in the name of religion. why??? because ppl responsible of corruption/bloodshed/terrorism belong to one religion or the other. Either they misinterpret their religion or they misuse it. Coz trust me no religion calls for trouble. no religions calls for inncoent blood/ lies/ terror...there are simple minds who understand bits of truth and then the brainwashers who emotionally manipulate the young minds to do their dirty jobs. if u go through any sacred text (authentic one) u will never be able to find any orders for killings or greed or corruption. In the world today there no more black and whites..,. there are only grey areas. and we are confused... and religion(in its truest form) only convinces mankind to be human again and not be wolves...for man without faith and principles is an animal. i hope this helps... have a gud day

2006-10-08 22:07:07 · answer #5 · answered by maha 1 · 0 0

I agree,people try to remember every qoute from the bible and every event,and people from different religions always argue over which is the true religion.People don't think about there actions 6 days out of the week,but on the day they go to church they'll try to be generous and expect to be forgiven for their sins when they go to church.But I do believe in god and try to leave a peaceful life and always do what I believe is right,I don't think what religion you follow is important, but rather how peaceful you live your life and always choose what's right over which is wrong.I know people who think they are more religious or better in god's eyes because they go to church every weekend or took katicism,I don't think god would want you worshiping him,I think he would rather have you out on sunday helping others in need like you said.

2006-10-08 21:54:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You'll get no argument from me, I'm in complete agreement. The churchs are running wild, all religions touting that they are the only true religion, using the name of God to start wars, bomb abortion clinics, etc. etc. I believe that the true church is within our own hearts. What is most important is that we love one another.....regardless of race, culture, belief, etc. That we help one another. And I will always believe that the most important rule of all is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". If you simply follow that one rule, you can't go wrong.
It is the sheer hypocrisy of religion that drove me away from organized religions. They pick and choose what they want to believe from the scripture, disregarding what doesn't fit into their agenda. They want the ten commandents posted everywhere but don't follow them.......what about "no graven images"? Don't I see images of Jesus everywhere? What about resting on the seventh day? Yet church is held on the first day of the week in most religions. "Thou shall not kill", yet we war in the name of God. And the biggest ones of all, not commandments but rules, "Judge not lest thee be judged" and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". All of which are conviently laid to rest while they continue to chase after the "sinners" that don't agree with their doctrine.
Organized religion should be abolished. Let those who want to worship gather their neighbors and do so. But no tax breaks, no political rallies, no out of control televangilists robbing the elderly of their income.

2006-10-08 22:06:00 · answer #7 · answered by Hillaryforpresident 5 · 2 0

first you are very right and very wrong. I am very religious baptist. I personally ran a homeless shelter for alcoholics and drug addicts in tennessee for three years. We had many religious people come in and councel our people. But mostly I was the only religion they ever saw. I helped them get straightened out. I showed them unconditional love and acceptance I showed them that they were needed and necessary and most went to work and made their lives better in a few months. some did not, by their choice. But they were loved anyway.

2006-10-08 21:52:40 · answer #8 · answered by marilee w 4 · 2 1

If everyone becomes a leader then whom will they lead?Agree that religion is a practice--but a practice of what?Everything needs a basis to stand and not everybody can lead!

2006-10-08 21:53:58 · answer #9 · answered by CRAnoop 3 · 0 0

i am in agreement with you, also look at this world... look at how human beings in the name of "GOD" are destroying our planet and killing innocent lives...is a shame...it has always been that way, and always will be. most ppl do not believe in themselves, so how can they believe in someone else? how is this following the "teachings" when all we see is men's greed, bloodsheds, hypocricy, dishonesty... all the energy, all that makes us live is in our planet earth, but there are so many ppl that rather believe in fairie tales from a book written by MEN, than actually respect and take care of this planet, hence it gives us life. we are in the 21st century and the majority of ppl will rather throw themselves in blind faith, than opening their eyes to see that the only one that can do something about all the suffering, killings and hunger , is US! we made this, we can change it...

it saddens me that most ppl will never realise this.

2006-10-08 22:34:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What you are "tired of" isn't religion, but prejudice and hypocrisy.
Religion means "to bring together again" -- and the fundamental purpose of the worlds diverse yet complimentary religious systems (ie Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism,Judiasm, Christianity, Islam, and Baha'i) is to (1) safeguard the interests and promote the unity of humanity, and (2) foster a spirit of love and fellowship. All the Sacred Scriptures of the world's faiths deal with those two topics. Anything other than that is man made. The number one cause of religious prejudice are the two absurd concepts of 1. exclusivity (we are the only ones who are correct)
and 2. Finality (God cant reveal anything more. It all ends here)
In truth, relgions get "upgraded" (l;ike software!) about every 500 to 1000 years...New Messenger, new holy book, etc. But the moral.ethical spiritual teachings remain constant....BE NICE TO EACH OTHER. BE OF SERVICE TO HUMANITY. LOVE ONE ANOTHER, etc. That is the essence of Faith -- deeds, not words.
So, dont concern yourself with the behavior of others. Arise to fulfioll your potential as a person of Faith dedicated to the service of all humanity.

2006-10-08 21:58:48 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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