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2006-10-08 18:56:37 · 24 answers · asked by Friendless Wonders 1 in Health Mental Health

24 answers


2006-10-08 18:59:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

NO, but it will seem so to you when you are drunk.

Alcohol is a poison and a neurotoxin, with the primary effect of suppressing the judgment center. So drunks are not more likeable, more handsome, or more vocal, instead they are just fools.

Drunks think that they are the life of the party, and compared with a lot of the other drunks they might be. However, from the viewpoint of the sober people, like most of the women in the bar, the drunk is just a fool.

Since the judgment center of the brain is suppressed the drunk is willing to do things that he would not be willing to do sober. A shy person could speak more and find it easier to proposition women, but he has to balance this new found “courage" with his foolish behavior. Since he can no longer judge where that line is he usually gets it wrong.

Alcohol has been called "Courage in a Bottle" because people that drink a lot of it seem to be braver. Actually they are more foolish. They are just as likely to jump up and run alone across an open battlefield to charge the enemy. When sober he would be too frightened to do that. Where a hero would quietly sneak around and attack the enemy by surprise. The hero might not make it, but he would stand a much better chance than the drunken fool who would charge across the battlefield and quickly get shot into pieces.

Drunks will encourage other people to get drunk as well; after all they are feeling so well. Actually alcohol is a depressant. After it suppresses the judgment center it affects the equilibrium, and it can cause blackouts or alcohol induced memory loss. In higher doses it can suppress the heart and the lungs. If that higher dose is taken quickly enough then the danger isn't from suppression of the heart and lungs it comes from all the alcohol in the bloodstream. The human body wasn't designed to handle alcohol; so heavy drinkers build up a lot of alcohol because when it goes through the stomach it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream (alcohol is a good solvent so it can easily pass through membranes that would slow down other substances). There the liver and the kidneys try to flush out the poison, which is a difficult task. Meanwhile the alcohol dilutes the bloodstream, this is called alcohol poisoning, and it is often fatal.

Because the liver and kidneys have so much trouble with the disposing of alcohol its effects linger. Since the drunk is drinking his booze faster than his body can get rid of it he doesn't realize how quickly he loses control and becomes the typical foolish drunk.

Drinking alcohol will make you more outgoing, you are liable to proposition men and women that you would never approach when sober. The drunk will not think anything is wrong even as he sways in his seat. He will seem popular because his intoxicated (actually poisoned) brain will not realize that the crowd is laughing AT him not WITH him. Sure the drunk is the life of the party, just like a clown he performs the craziest stunts and when you laugh at him he is too stupid to realize that he is being made fun of. In fact he enjoys it calling these people his friends. Sure they want to be friends with the drunk, it makes them look so much better when he is the drunken fool.

About the best thing alcohol will do is to make you look like a fool, and when you are sober you will be boring and a pain to be around. However, if you have an interesting personality, if you have something to say that is worth hearing, and if you know how to interact well with other people then you will be popular and get a lot of TRUE FRIENDS, instead of a being a foolish circus clown.

2006-10-09 02:24:25 · answer #2 · answered by Dan S 7 · 0 1

that's a common misconception. First off, if you start making friends when you are drunk, they really aren't freinds. They may just be hanging w/ you because you are funny when you are drunk. Also, you won't know it while you are drunk but you will probably be acting stupid, like the kind of outgoing person that climbs onto a table and spills thier guts to a bar, and belive me alot of people don't like that. If you want to make more friends, try joing clubs or groups or something, join a community service thing, great place to make friends. Also, another thing, if you do get drunk that increases your risk greatly of being sexually asualted (man or woman, lots of people don't care) and that's not what you want to happen i'm guessing. Point is, don't get drunk, won't do you any good, harm at most.

2006-10-09 02:03:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This sounds like a 'fake question' but i'll answer it anyway

No, the person you are shows though even when you are drinking. so if you are not likeable and outgoing drinking can only make it worse. People might like you drunk because you may end up doing really stupid things, but thats people laughing AT you instead of WITH you.

2006-10-09 02:01:23 · answer #4 · answered by Louis T 3 · 1 0

No, you will not. If life was that easy we'd all be drunk all the time! I never drank until I was 25 years old, and then that was only in social settings. I have wonderful friends that I have received over the years and none of them were through drinking. Let people get to know you because of your knowledge and work ethics. Those will be the friends that will last, not just some drunk buddies.

2006-10-09 02:00:36 · answer #5 · answered by Goldfinger 2 · 1 0

It depends on who is around you when you get drunk, Alcohol is a depessant but it can also make you happy for a while, until something happens that sends a happy mood into a violent or very aggressive situation. As with any mind altering substance, there are good and bad variations of outcomes. But they are all addictive and never end up affecting the user in a positive way.

2006-10-09 02:09:52 · answer #6 · answered by josified 3 · 0 0

probably not. If you're wanting to be social, you should just be yourself. Let people like you for you. All Alcohol is going to do, is turn you into a monster. Sure you might make a few friends, but are they the right kind of friends you want in your life? Probably not. Alcohol messes up ALOT of peoples lives. So my best advice would be to not drink at all, or as little as you can. Don't make it an everyday thing. It's a waste of money, and a waste of your life. But some people just don't understand that. Be strong.

2006-10-09 02:02:00 · answer #7 · answered by detroitkid17 2 · 1 0

Absolutely. Just make sure you get so drunk that you don't remember exactly what you did or who you made friends with. That way if it turns out you are a mean nasty drunk who fights with everyone, you will have absolutely no recollection of it. Don't bring any pain in the butt friends who will want to fill you in on all the gory details the next day. You don't need to know!

2006-10-09 02:00:36 · answer #8 · answered by jblonde 4 · 0 0

Not necessarily. Alcohol is a depressant drug. You never know how the drug will effect you. It is a depressant. It oftentimes makes a person depressed. For a person suffering from depression, a drink of alcohol is not a good idea for them. It will make them more depressed. Some people get more quiet when they drink alcohol. Some get beligerant. It depends on how you react to the drug. Its an individual thing. No guarantees about how you will react to it exist.

2006-10-09 02:02:20 · answer #9 · answered by Bronweyn 3 · 0 0

Probably not, you will just be drunk. Drinking alcohol never solves any problems, it creates more problems. If you want to be liked and have more friends, just try to be a better person and get involved in social activities.

2006-10-09 02:09:41 · answer #10 · answered by Browneyedgirl 1 · 0 0

If you get drunk you most likely will think that your more likable and think that every body is your friend, when in reality nobody will know who you are the next day, you most likely will end up throwing up every where and that is what you will be remembered for and people will steer very clear of you.

2006-10-09 02:01:21 · answer #11 · answered by ms_pussinboots 2 · 1 0

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