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Muslims, Christians, and Jews die every day because of their beliefs. It's ******* madness. If I were going to believe something so strongly that I'd die for it, I'd at least require more than just a feeling. I'd need some proof. Jesus is quoted in the Bible as saying "Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe". Do we encourage faith without seeing or proof in anything other than religion? Lots of people think that those who believe in Scientology are crazy. What is the difference between Scientology and Christianity aside from 2000 years?

2006-10-08 18:31:25 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

You must think ur family is crazy then. You need to question them before its too late.

2006-10-08 18:36:23 · answer #1 · answered by Pashur 7 · 1 6

I completely agree... there is just not enough room here to answer such an entailed question!! Having been raised southern baptist (is there anything worse?!!) and of course having A BRAIN OF MY OWN, I have always questioned my elders about this 'blind religion'. I have been fed more lies in favor of some guy that never exsisted than anyone would ever lie for me, and I'm real and less than 2000 years old!!!! Religion absolutely disgusts me, due to the fact that so many people blindly follow without question, so many have died without proof.... by todays standards, religion by any name is a CULT!! Where is this proof?!!! People have proof of aliens, spaceships, and a world of greater life after this one, and they are considered 'crazy' even though they hold proof, yet the religious expect EVERYONE to believe in some farsical 'god' or 'jesus', neither of which having any proof of exsistance other than some 'book' written by 'falible man' (religious girls especially, try REALLY reading the book of 'john' once in a while and see how you are viewed by these falible men, should you need proof)
Sadly, those that are (as I put it) "LOST TO THE LIE" are indeed blind to their own lives and minds. If you believe any schmuck on the steets trying to sell you something without first being able to sample or see it, what are you called??????!!!!!!!
The difference between Scientoloy and Christianity is that Scientology has the backing of PROOF and doesn't try to force it down the throats of ALL PEOPLE like it's their job!!! Scientology accepts that there are dumb%*#$@ in this world that just won't SEE, and that it is there perogotive to be ignorant.
Smack: You're a dumbass if you don't know that most of the wars in this world have been in the name of 'religion', so HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people have died in the name of religion just in our known history....UH DUUHHHHH!!!! What is the war we are currently in called???? Did you even know that we are currently at war......... ..... go back to sleep, retard!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-09 02:09:13 · answer #2 · answered by Beth 2 · 0 2

Ok, None of those people do what they do because religion tells them to do it.

Nobody reads the Torah, New Testament, or Quran and says, "Hey, I didn't know that I have to kill people to get to Heaven. Well, I'd better obligate my duties."

No religion teaches killing.

For example, the Islamic suicide bombers who quote the Quran.

They want to kill, because their families were killed or because their friends were killed, not because of the Quran.

They just want to kill.

If they were Christian, they would just quote Jesus saying, "An Eye for an Eye, and a tooth for a tooth" adding on, a death for a death.

BUT Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all teach Mercy.

Be merciful, forgive.

None of the Crimes of Humanity have been because of a certain religion.

Hitler wanted to convert all christians into Hitler-worshippers.

Hitler burned crosses.

None of these wars have been religion based, but only greed based, or desperation based, etc.

I have many nonreligious friends who say, hey, I'm going to do good how I please and I'm not going to read any religion's books because there is a chance that they may inspire me to become evil and do bad things.

All the religions are only GUIDANCE.

None of them says that you shouldn't do good as you please.

Jesus's quote was misinterpreted by you.
Jesus is quoted in the Bible as saying "Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe".
This means that the people who have not been given proof that God exists, and yet still believe in him, are great indeed.

My nonreligious friends always tell me, "Yeah, I believe in one all powerfull being who is God, but.." then they tell me that they don't want to get caught up in that Jewish, Christian, Muslim thing.

Seriously, next time that you find a religious person whom you believe to be good, ask him to show you the good side of religion, the REAL side of religion.

I have always looked for advice from friends and teachers and family. The holy books are only universal books of advice from God (). That's all. They only advize you.

Being religious makes you no less, only more.

2006-10-09 01:51:20 · answer #3 · answered by husam 4 · 1 1

People only die for one thing, and it is the one thing worth dying for. Hope. While I understand your lack of belief in any particular religion as I feel the same, you also must understand that without a religion life is hopeless. You live then you die, there is no reason. While I can't personally find that initial child-like hope (or ignorance as you may rightfully call it) I am envious of those who can. Is it not a blessing to be able to believe that your life has a deep meaning? I am proud that I have searched enough to find the correct answer that all religions are flawed, but I also have searched myself enough to know that I would be happier if I could somehow jump back 'through the looking glass.'

2006-10-09 01:42:18 · answer #4 · answered by ben_j_mac 2 · 1 2

I'm a Christian, but I'm not offended by your question. It is commonly asked and raises good points. I'll answer it as well as I can. Is seeing believing? Did Helen Keller need to see or hear anything to believe in the things that she did. Christianity isn't scientific, but it is based on something way better. Faith.

Faith isn't just some religious thing. In every day life, we use our faith in things to conclude things. If you marry someone, you probably already have faith in them that they aren't going to cheat although you will never know for sure. In the same way, I believe my Lord won't let me down, and it's a sincere and genuine feeling that you don't really understand until you try it for yourself. It doesn't make sense and it might sound crazy, but once you experience it, it is just so meaningful and so real.

When I was lost, I always leaned on God. THis awesome all powerful and all knowing being. He cared for me, and gave me comfort. I couldn't have just gotten that out of nowhere. Look at the earth and all that runs and swims in it. Could that have come out of nowhere? Not in my opinion. Now you're probably just calling me a religious freak, but I can't have gotten the emotional support and love that I got from an invisible quack that I made up. God was so real, and He was so true. Give him a chance and you could find it life changing. I had no purpose before I met Jesus. I was going to get good grades, go to college, get married, die, and then fade away from the memories of all people in a hundred years. What was the purpose and value of my life?!? What was I searching or fighting for? lol. But now, I know I'm fighting for something real, and I love the sense of self-significance it gives me. God Bless You and have a wonderful life!

2006-10-09 01:39:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

First off, it's people that said "Jesus said." It's hearsay.

And I quite agree, it's madness. And Scientology is religious dogma in modern clothing. Any belief system is just that, a mindset in some human's brain. I look to science, not Scientology, for my information about the nature of things. But then, I have the luxury of being able to do that because I don't live in a theocratic country like Iran or Iraq.

2006-10-09 01:37:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

The difference between Western and Religion and Eastern religion is that Eastern religions motivate you to find your own truth. In the Kalama Sutta, the Buddha teaches the danger in fashioning one's beliefs merely on the following grounds: on hearsay, on tradition, because many others say it is so, on the authority of ancient scriptures, on the word of a supernatural being, or out of trust in one's teachers, elders, or priests. Instead one maintains an open mind and thoroughly investigates one's own experience of life. That's why they use meditation, to open and clarify their sight.
Scientology isn't a faith system but a series of processes that a person uses to find his own truth.Scientology is much like Buddhism but instead of meditation they use auditing with the same goal and faster results.
Scientologist believe in "What is true for you is what you your self observe to be true." Nothing else matters except your own observation.

2006-10-09 07:58:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

All the proof I need to believe is all around me. From the amazing clouds in the sky to the structure of the human body. Every thing I look at is a miracle. I do not believe that killing of any sort is for religion. This is something that man/woman chooses to do of their own accord. No religion be it Christian, Muslim or any other states in it's Bible / Koran etc that it is good/ right to kill others who do not believe. It's all political just like war.

2006-10-09 01:36:40 · answer #8 · answered by Funny Bunny 3 · 3 4

The difference is the person of Jesus Christ who died on a cross, rose again, and is the only way to salvation. You post a lot of questions on here, always fervently calling these things myths. I pray to God, in the name of His son, that He show you the truth. I am glad you know that quote, that Jesus said with regard to Thomas. It's still true.

2006-10-09 01:49:57 · answer #9 · answered by Esther 7 · 2 2

How can so many martyrs for Christ die for what they believe in, it's because they know that they know He lives and who they believe in is Truth. And to die for Christ is to gain what they can not lose. Not feelings, a knowing.

Isn't Scientology about space aliens? I don't know so I can not comment if they are crazy or not.

2006-10-09 01:52:49 · answer #10 · answered by Faith walker 4 · 2 2

"What is the difference between Scientology and Christianity aside from 2000 years?"

The Scientologist's fairy tales are more likely to be true because the Christian god has properties that contradict themselves, making its existence impossible.

2006-10-09 01:41:23 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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