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i really can't understand how u can think its ok to kill another human being for all these reasons

1:)its not the womans body that is getting murdered its the babys which is a totally different body
2:)if it has a beating heart ( 10 wks after conception) its alive
3:)if its so acceptable then how come the women are ashamed to talk about it
4;)the bible states that if it is done in silence then it is wrong, not in those exact words
5:)some girls use it as birth control only because it is legal
6:)there are many couples who can't have children and would love a baby and are on a very long list for a baby
7:)doctors have done sonograms during abortions and realized that the baby feels pain
8:)some talk about the state of consciousness, but, a 1 wk old don't have consciousness that we know of so would it be wrong to kill them also, i doubt it

2006-10-08 18:17:14 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

99% of the time when a doc. says that a womans life is in danger if she continues the pregnancy and the woman refuses to have an abortion, they usually turn out just fine

2006-10-08 18:20:54 · update #1

i wouldnt sit by and let one of my family members get murdered , what is wrong with this world when we let these innocent lives get murdered

2006-10-08 18:21:42 · update #2

oops i said the heart starts beating 10 weeks after conception that is wrong its 10 days after conception

2006-10-08 18:24:53 · update #3

excuse me i don't freeze no embryos and i don't agree with that either, as a christian i don't believe in that, so not all christians do and the ones that do im sure are pro choice for their own sick reasons, just like yours

2006-10-08 18:28:24 · update #4

i suppose that a person with no conscious can be pro choice, they are killing a human being, them anti choice sites your talking about they are of aborted babies, and if u actually bothered to read some of them u will find out that alot of them are 8 wks and over and that the doctors used a sonogram for some and found out that the baby does feel the pain, not only that, but there is women that gets abortions right before they are due, look at that site and tell me that isn't murder on how they perform that, i can compare a baby that is aborted lets say 1 wk before the due date to a 1wk old baby, there is no difference between them and if u are pro choice u are agreeing to this also because of the fact its u pro choicers that lets it happen,

2006-10-08 18:37:20 · update #5

Ignorance is bliss, huh?
i understand their stance but if it weren't for them then abortion would be illegal, look at the sites i have posted especially on partial birth abortion , that is what they are agreeing with, and if faced with the decision they would get an abortion where as pro lifers wouldn't, they are just as wrong as the ones getting an abortion, and alot of pro lifers used to be pro choice until they realized once they had an abortion what a terrible thing they did. if its not wrong then y do women feel guilty after murdering their child? most do not all but most.

2006-10-08 18:43:02 · update #6

Jennifer M
i have actually done research on it, and by the time docs usually find anything wrong with the mother or the child the would have to do a partial birth abortion, which basically means that with machines and stuff the baby might be able to survive outside of the womb but instead they bring the baby out feet first (breech positon) and hold the head inside of the mother or otherwise they couldn't kill it , it would be illegal then, shove a pair of scissors in the back of the neck, open the scissors to make the hole larger ( remember baby is still alive) and they insert this tube and suck the baby s brains out and when the head collapase they deliver the rest of the baby , then as a very nice gesture they will clean it up and let the mother hold the baby she just murdered

2006-10-08 18:49:34 · update #7


i had a child from rape and i don't look at my child as the rapists baby, he is my son and i love him dearly, i was 16 when i was raped and conceived him, through my whole pregnancy i thought i was going to have to give him up but the moment i saw him he was my child and mine alone, he doesn't know i was raped and he will never know, many rape victims could love their child if they gave it a chance to live

2006-10-08 19:13:44 · update #8

i do realize that if abortion wasn't legal then it woudl still happen with a clothes hanger or something but , that would be alot more riskier than having it a clinic, there sure would be alot less abortions like there was when it wasn't legal.

2006-10-08 19:20:54 · update #9

and if they still wanted to do it with a clothes hanger then that would be their choice to accept the complications that could happen to them

2006-10-08 19:21:53 · update #10

31 answers

Pro-choice Americans have no right to complain that they won't have Social Security in about 20 years, because we've aborted 40 million would-be taxpayers since 1973 who would otherwise be paying into the system. Cry me a river that those who were screaming for women's rights 35 years ago are now crying that they're going to starve to death in their old age because of Social Security's insolvency. They can't have it both ways.

2006-10-08 19:47:22 · answer #1 · answered by Pastor Chad from JesusFreak.com 6 · 0 3

>>"i really can't understand how u can think its ok to kill another human being for all these reasons"<<

I'll give the direct answer, then specific to your points.

short answer: its not a person yet.

>>"1:)its not the womans body that is getting murdered its the babys which is a totally different body"<<
no its not. its a clump of cells, up to late term being an undeveloped form of an animal.

>>"2:)if it has a beating heart ( 10 wks after conception) its alive"<< are you a vegetarian? what about all the animals that go into all the meat products that you eat? most of them are far more "legitimately alive" than a 3 month old fetus, they are ACTUALLY living, rather than proto-alive.

>>"3:)if its so acceptable then how come the women are ashamed to talk about it"<< social pressures do not mean moral correctness. I'd be ashamed to wear a big purple hat, that doesn't make it morally wrong.

>>"4;)the bible states that if it is done in silence then it is wrong, not in those exact words"<<
actually the bible gives a provision that can be very easily intepereted to LEGALIZE abortion. of course not by the means we know it, but theres a verse that allows 2 men to conspire, and beat a pregnant woman til she loses the "child" and as long as she survives, the husband can chose to not charge the agressor anything.

>>"5:)some girls use it as birth control only because it is legal"<<
while theoretically this is so, I severely doubt the reality is nearly like that. its severely physically, and emotionally traumatic to the mother, and an individual's mis-use of something doesn't mean its inherently bad.

>>"6:)there are many couples who can't have children and would love a baby and are on a very long list for a baby"<< and there are already loads of children in the system that have no parents.

>>"7:)doctors have done sonograms during abortions and realized that the baby feels pain"<<
there were theorys at one point that PLANTS could feel pain. did you know that? and I agree that late term abortions are a horrible thing, but sometimes even then its neccesary, (but, not partial birth ones, I agree 100% thats murder) but first 2 trimesters... its at best a proto-animal. not a person.

>>"8:)some talk about the state of consciousness, but, a 1 wk old don't have consciousness that we know of so would it be wrong to kill them also, i doubt it"<<

1 week old's don't always have a soul or person-hood yet. thats true, but assuming they are viable, its assumed that they are likely to gain one and its gotten this far... its far more appropriate to be cautious, and not allow it.

its that simple, until the infant is a viable husk, and/or has a soul attached, its not a person.

>>"oops i said the heart starts beating 10 weeks after conception that is wrong its 10 days after conception" mice have a heart too, does that make it murder to kill one? no.

and ANOTHER point is the political and social aspects, ENTIRELY separate from the moral aspects.

it NOT being legal would NOT change it from happening. it would still happen, but be less-safe for the mother, and get alot more people hurt.

you can be pro-choice while feeling its wrong. alcohol is dangerous and gets abused, but thats legal, because it being illegal didn't help it get used less, and only caused more problems.

my opinion: first trimester, at will.
second trimester: discouraged, and with counseling, but without having to have medical reasons.
third trimester: only with medical cause. theres no excuse to not have decided and acted in the first 6 months.

2006-10-08 18:36:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

If you don't understand it, and it's clear that you do not, then don't avail yourself of it. That's what pro-choice is all about. You aren't ever required to have an abortion, even if a doctor tells you your life is in danger, and no one else is required to follow your religious ideals, which became clear in your add'l detail comments.

It's a hot button issue, and will remain one. Women are going to have abortions whether it is legal or not. They did it in the 20's, the 30's, the 40's, the 50's and the 60's. Some of them died because they went to back alley abortionists out of desperation. When you read what I just wrote, if you thought for one second that they "deserved it then," then you need to rethink your whole attitude about the women who do seek abortions.

I don't know anyone who ever had an abortion that used it for birth control. It has always been an agonizing decision for any woman, please don't belittle that. I'm sure those exist that do use it for birth control, but they are no better than those fanatics that bomb abortion clinics. Lack of morals exists in all facets of our society, even among Christians.

I also found it disingenuous that you asked that question. You clearly are not seeking answers or guidance, you already have your own agenda where this is concerned. Why not just be honest and pose a question such as "How can anyone have an abortion, I just don't think it's right?" Now that would be a more honest way of getting your point across.

2006-10-08 18:53:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

1 & 2: The baby is not alive until it is born
3: Some woman don't want to talk about it because of people like you that know nothing of their situation but will still condemn them for it.
4: Who cares what the bible says, it has no place in politics
5: Yes I would agree that some people use it as birth control which I frown upon, but a lot of women have real reasons for needing them. Either way, it's none of your business.
6: Maybe they are in the wrong line? Pretty sure there is just as big of a line of kids waiting to be adopted.
7: So we should force woman to risk death or rape victims to go through pregnancy and labor because of that?
8: I find it hard to believe a 1 week old baby that has been born doesn't have any higher state of consciousness than a fetus still in development. Either way, the 1 week old is still alive while the fetus is not.
9&10: not even gonna bother

You may think it's wrong and that's fine. Don't have one. Whether a woman has been raped or is at medical risk, or for whatever reason, it is not your right to tell them what they can or can't do. Enough already geez.

2006-10-08 18:39:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Didn't you ask this question before?

I am not for abortion unless the baby is going to be better off not being born for medical reasons. Or in some cases if the baby was conceived by a rape. Which I think adoption is a better option.
I am going to try to answer your questions, please note its not what I think personally just trying to give you some answers.
1.) Your right it is not the woman's body but the baby who would be getting "killed". However it's the womens body which the baby will remain in till birth so they do have the right to say what they want to do with their body. ( I personally think if they spread their legs they need to take care of the baby and not have an abortion.)
2.) If you get an abortion before then, then most don't consider the baby to be alive. ( No brain activity, then they don't consider it to be alive.)
3.) True lots of women are ashamed to talk about it. Then again lots of women are ashamed to talk about their vaginas, period, and other women health issues. Somethings are just meant to be personal.
4.) Not ALL people believe in the bible! Those who do should follow their bible or find another religion if they can't follow theirs.
5.) I don't know any girls who use "abortion" as birth control. can you provide FACTS to that one?
6.)Yes that is true. Again it comes back to the whole " women carry the baby" thing. Most don't want to have to carry the baby and deal with delivery just to give the baby away.
7.) Have abortions earlier on in the pregeancy. (Im sure your #7 is not true in all cases)
8.) Some think that if there is no brain activity then the baby is not alive and therefor it can't be considered murder.
9 & 10) I am not checking out those sites so I can't answer those questions.
Please note I don't agree with "all" of the answers above. I was just thinking out side of the box and was able to give you an answer so I did.
Likewise Pro-choice is about "women's rights". You don't have to agree that abortion is right, you are just fighting for womens rights. I am all for womens rights, that don't mean I agree with everything women choose to do.

2006-10-08 18:32:13 · answer #5 · answered by larrys_babygurl_4life 4 · 3 1

I agree! I am Pro-Life, also. I think many girls/women that have abortions aren't fully educated on what is really inside of them. So many say it's a blob of tissue. That it isn't a rely baby until you are showing or feel it move or after it is born. Their excuses are a mile long. But all your listings are correct. On a religious note, it is a human life at the moment the sperm enters the egg. They fuse an immediately being to divide. Each cell automatically knows if it's going to be a blood cell, a skin cell, a heart cell, a hair cell, etc. It's quite amazing! This baby didn't ask to be made at that time. Just because the parents didn't want to have a baby at that time doesn't give them any right to have it killed. Yes, it is killed. It is burned, or cut up or torn about and sucked out witha vacuum. Abortion stops this human from growing. This is murder!

I truly think when a woman goes in for an abortion or when she finds out she is pregnant, she needs to be educated on what is happening to her baby. When we are diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, lung cancer, ovarian cancer... the doctor tells us what it is and what is happening and what will happen if this disease continues. Why don't doctors tell the woman what her baby is at that time, it's length, weight, features... and how it will grow for the next several months. And if she is scared, then she should be referred to a specialist, a nurse, a mid-wife, someone, to help she think thigns through. Give you numbers to adoption agencies. I am adopted. My mother was 16 and walked into a clinic to have me killed. She saw another teen walk out crying. She left and gave birth to me and I was adopted at 10 days old. Her and I met 6 years ago and things are fine. I send her a card on my birthday thanking her for letting me have a birth day.

I could easily go on and on. But this isn't a chat room. I think all we can do is pray, volunteer our time to help pregnant teens and young women, and support Pro-Life organizations. Our city has a group that once a month sits infront of the Planned Parenthood and says the rosary. I've helped one girl decide not to go in and she ended up keeping her little boy. He's gorgeous and they are doing fine.

Pro-Life protects all lives. The unborn need the most protection. They just want to grow and develop and live.

2006-10-08 18:39:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

1. I kink of doubt that there are women who go to abortion clinics as their only means of birth control, the cost is over $200, so it would get rather expensive.

2. there are children in other country's that also have children in orphanages, the only "parents" that wait to adopt are the ones that are choosy about their child

3. some doctors also said that Terri Schiavo could feel pain and was conscious, we found out that they were wrong.

4. there have been women who have talked about their choice to perform an abortion,

5. there have been Hundreds of children put up for adoption that later on felt horrible that their parents "didn't want them". What about the child that doesn't get adopted? the child that grows up at the orphanage?

6. What about rape victims? would you want to give birth to a rapists child?

7. what about women who could have problems during their pregnancy that could cost them their lives?

8. Stop quoting the ******* Bible, it was written long before there were modern hospitals, People died quite often and it was thought as "gods will", think for yourself for a change!!!

2006-10-08 18:37:28 · answer #7 · answered by death_from_above 2 · 4 1

Somehow, the thing that has a chance for life just seems to take a back seat to the thing that's already alive. Meaning, the mother already has a life, the fetus only has the possibility at life. The mother should come first.

No, you aren't killing babies. In order to be a baby, the fetus has to be able to survive outside the womb, even if it's with help from machines. During the first trimester, it can't do that.

2006-10-08 18:37:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

1.) It is not murder to kill a non-human.
2.) It may be alive but that does not make it a person--cancer is also considered living and may contain human DNA, but it is not a person.
3.) Society and anti-choice people make them so.
4.) Not everyone follows the Bible. It also says that bats are birds, and I don't buy that either.
5.) Some people abusing something does not make it inherently wrong. People also abuse their driving privileges, and credit cards, and plastic surgery.
6.) They should adopt one of the hundreds of thousands of needy children already in the state system. They would love such a stable and loving home.
7.) This is misleading and inaccurate. Most scientists agree that as the nerves and the brain are not fully connected at this time it is impossible for an embryo to feel pain at the time at which elective abortions are legal.
8.) It is not a matter of consciousness but of viability. It is illogical to compare an 8-week old embryo to a newborn infant.
9.) I will not support misleading anti-choice propagandist sites.
10.) I will not support misleading anti-choice propagandist sites.

*response: “No conscious” I assume you mean no “conscience” which is a different thing. This sort of ad hominem attack will get you nowhere. You also seem to be operating under the delusion that all pro-choice women are pro-abortion. I simply believe that all people have the right to choose what happens in their bodies.

I assure that I am well-informed in this area, and that I did not get all my information from propagandist sites, either pro- or anti-choice. I’ve read the report findings of scientists in the field. It’s impossible that an 8-week old embryo can feel pain—it is not to that developmental stage.

Elective abortions in my state are limited to first-trimester, as they should be. This is supported by science.

(Please do calm down. You posted this, you had to expect responses. Did you think that all would agree with you?)

2006-10-08 18:25:29 · answer #9 · answered by N 6 · 6 3

Consider this: You've heard of in-vitro fertilization and all the other super expensive, time-consuming, 'emotional rollercoaster' treatments that couples endure cuz they WANT a baby, right?

Well, just as a woman will do almost anything to have a baby she really wants, a woman will do almost anything to NOT have a baby she DOESN'T want.

If women cannot have safe, legal abortions, they will absolutely have UNsafe, ILLEGAL abortions.

My own personal spirituality doesn't reconcile with the idea that abortion is the ever the BEST option, but I live in the real world-My spirituality is MINE. Abortion is a matter of PUBLIC health.

2006-10-08 18:40:07 · answer #10 · answered by chicky22 1 · 6 1

You say that:

"99% of the time when a doc. says that a womans life is in danger if she continues the pregnancy and the woman refuses to have an abortion, they usually turn out just fine"

Have you actually done research to come up with this information? Or was this just what you "think" is true?

Every woman has the right to control what goes on with her own body. Everyone makes mistakes, why should she and the unborn child both pay for those mistakes? It is none of your business what others choose to do. If you're against abortion, that's fine. Everyone has their own views of the matter. But you can't force others to do what you want because you have different opinions.

2006-10-08 18:29:22 · answer #11 · answered by Me 5 · 4 3

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