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27 answers

To those of you who answered in a rude way, I'd like to know if you consider yourselves Christian because it doesn't sound like you are. Does it make you feel like a big person to be unkind to someone who wishes to share something with you, whether you want to accept what is offered or not. If you don't want us at your door, that's fine. Just let us know and we will put you on our "don't call on" list. If someone still comes by, just kindly remind that person of your wishes not to be disturbed. We will try to honor your request. There is never an excuse for rudeness.

2006-10-08 22:35:57 · answer #1 · answered by LineDancer 7 · 2 0


Both legally and etymologically, the term "soliciting" means "asking". Instead of "asking", Jehovah's Witnesses hope to "give" something (an encouraging thought from the Scriptures).

The term "soliciting" never applies to the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Interestingly, a common misconception is that Jehovah's Witnesses go from door-to-door because they feel it is their duty to get a householder to "convert". In fact, Jehovah's Witnesses would go from door-to-door even if there were no hope that anyone would change their religion, or even if no one would listen to them!

That is because Jesus Christ specifically assigned the house-to-house ministry to the Christian congregation, with no regard for specific results.

(Luke 10:1,2) After these things the Lord designated seventy others and sent them forth by twos in advance of him into every city and place to which he himself was going to come. 2 Then he began to say to them: “The harvest, indeed, is great, but the workers are few. Therefore beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.

Jehovah's Witnesses are trained to direct attention to the bible, and move on when their message is unwanted. Since each congregation in the United States tries to call at every home in its territory at least twice each year, there is strong motivation for them to move on where little interest is shown. Also, the Scriptures help the Witnesses to expect little interest from most:

(2 Timothy 4:3-5) For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching ...and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories. You, though, keep your senses in all things, suffer evil, do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry.

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2006-10-09 16:23:13 · answer #2 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 2 0

It' won't work, cause they're not soliciting for money. They only ask for donations for the worldwide work if someone accepts the bible literature, but everything is free including bible studies if the householder wants one. Jehovahs' Witnesses do not intend to force or coerce their beleifs on anyone, just to spread the message of the good news that Jesus talked about in Matthew 24. If the householder does not want to be contacted anymore, all they have to do is say so, and their house will be marked on the territory list for a period of one year. That means no one will approach that door for that period of time. They may move or have a change of heart , so that's why only a year is used.

2006-10-09 01:44:40 · answer #3 · answered by jaguarboy 4 · 1 0

Ignorance must be bliss.
First off, i want to clear up the fact that i AM NOT a Jehovah's Witness, rather someone who read this post and managed to be shocked by the idocracy and ignorance of the respondants.
1- Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in heaven, so them coming to your door has nothing to do with them trying to get themselves into heaven. Try research before you respond.
2- No sign will keep them away. Instead of being rude or ignorant, when they come to your door tell them this:
"i appreciate you trying to teach me the truth, or what you believe to be the truth, but i have found a religion all in my own. I am not interested, and would never be interested. Please respect this and do not come here again. I am being polite this time, but i will not be so again."
If they continue to come after this point in time contact the local Kingdom Hall and ask to speak to an elder. When you get him on the phone let him know that the ministry work that they are doing is interfering with your life, and is becoming a nuisance. Tell him that you are making a formal request for them to discontinue any efforts of ministry work at your house. If this still does not work, contact your local authorities.

Don't be rude,
Don't be ignorant.

There is no cause for any backlash against them doing what they feel is right in their religion.

2006-10-09 01:20:31 · answer #4 · answered by Ignorance is bliss, huh? 2 · 2 0

No, The Supreme Court of the United States states that Jehovah's Witnesses are not solicitors, but are ministers.

Therefore no soliciting signs do not apply to them.

2006-10-10 13:55:37 · answer #5 · answered by TeeM 7 · 2 0

No, a 'no soliciting' sign doesn't work. However if your community has a policy that people who go door to door must obtain a list from the village before setting out knocking on doors, they will not stop to visit you if you have added your address to the list.

I have found honesty is the best policy - just tell them you are not interested and to please not stop back again. They don't.

2006-10-09 01:31:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

GET A CAT !!!!!!!!!!!

We use to have them coming around alot. Dad invited them in one day to sit and talk for a bit.
Both ladies were very nice, but didn't know how to take daddy. He opened his Bible and told them he wanted to compare them. Both ladies stood up when they could NOT match everything and daddy told them he reads the words God sent for man, not what man sent for man.
The last time we had one lady come on the porch. I had a white cat named Oscar. He was at the end of the porch and when dad asked the lady if she believed in The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, she said that was not what they believed in and Oscar took off across the porch and put both claws in her leg about thigh high and scratched her all the way to her ankles.
He must have thought he had done something great, cause he went to his end of the porch, stretched, laid down, and started licking his paws. Crazy cat... No more problems with ANYONE else coming over.

2006-10-09 01:21:00 · answer #7 · answered by Mary D 4 · 1 1

Sorry that won't work. They never think they are selling anything. Sure narrow minded of them.

Me direct and say no Jehovah's Witnesses allowed here. Go away and do not knock.

It might be good to have another sign for the LDS group as well.

2006-10-09 01:39:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

They might. Make sure it is a very fresh and new looking sign and be able to point to it from your front door.
Jehovah's Witnesses use a "sales pitch" designed for non-Catholic Christians. If you have something near your front door that indicates that you might be Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu or Buddhist, they will probably leave you alone. Answering the door dressed in a towel also works.

2006-10-09 01:15:06 · answer #9 · answered by anyone 5 · 1 2

I doubt it. Maybe if you put a note on your house saying watch out for your snake since it got loose.

2006-10-09 01:26:57 · answer #10 · answered by Michelle G 5 · 1 0

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