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hi, since a lot of years ago i have panic atacks... i've been from psychitrist to psychitrist... nothing worked for me very well... i learned how to control those atacks, but im not cured, and i don't think i will be able some day to get healed... well... i had been well for more or less 1 year... that meens without panic atacks (but i've been having some fear but i keep controling those) but the last week i went to the university and i found out that there was a HUGE traffic to get back home... so i inmediatly got in panic... i didn't know what to do... in that moment i forgot everything i knew and i started to feel like i was going to die, and no one was there to help me, so i started calling my mom, but no help, i called a friend (who knows that i have that) and he kind of helped me, but i have classes tomorrow again... at the same hour, and now i can't sleep thinking if im going to find trafic in my way to the university... can somebody tell me what to do in that situation!!!

2006-10-08 17:57:45 · 15 answers · asked by shu 2 in Health Mental Health

15 answers

I used to get panic attacks about being out of control - like if there were lots of people around I didn't know, if I didn't know how or when I was going to get home, or even just knowing my way around where I was (where I could get food, where the nearest bathroom was, where the nearest phone was).

I knew how I felt was irrational, but that didn't stop it. I think it is the thalamus in your brain that makes you panic and gives you phobias, and this is a part of the brain that controls instinct and basic impulses - it is not the 'thinking' part of the brain. So knowing how you feel is irrational cannot completely control it, but it does help.

It takes time to get over panic attacks, but you have to keep at it. The trigger for you seems to be traffic (possibly not being in control of when you get home or to uni, not being in control of how long you are one the road for). Obviously this is not something you can completely avoid, nor would trying to be healthy.

My suggestion would be, take your time. Before you go to class have some study set aside that you can do at home, or at uni in the library for example. If you hear about traffic, stay at uni - socialise if your comfortable with it, or do that study at uni rather than at home. You can leave uni when it has calmed down a bit.

On the way to uni, leave even an hour earlier that you usually need to, and do some study before class if you get there early (this is a good idea anyway, well, it tends to make me more relaxed before class).

Have a talk with your mum, or a friend about what happens. If you're comfortable with it, see the campus counsellor and let he/she know that sometimes you have panic attacks but your working on it, and it doesn't happen that much anymore. Ask your mum, friend, and/or counsellor if it is okay for you to phone them if another attack happens. This will prepare them in case it does, and it should reassure you a bit that you will be okay should another attack strike.

Hope this helps.

2006-10-08 18:25:01 · answer #1 · answered by Tink 2 · 1 0

The doctors did not give you drugs for your panic attacks? I know how you feel, because I have had them for years and I take Xanex and it is the only thing that helps. If I know I am going into a stressful situation, I take two. Just yesterday, we went to a small town fair and there were so many people that I got caught up in a crowd and could not get out and I felt the panic coming on and I was afraid I would start screaming any minute, but thankfully, my husband recognized that I was about to panic and pushed his way out of the crowd dragging me with him. Thank goodness that he is 6'4" and weight 250lbs so he got me out quick. I was shaking and my heart was racing and my chest hurt like a heart attack and I could not catch my breath, so see I do know how it feels. All I can recommend is drugs cause I know you have been told by the doctors how to calm yourself and breathe. I even had hypnosis and it did not help. All the doctors do is make you realize what the problem is and that you are not going to die from it.

Could you possibly take the bus to and from class, or call a taxi? I know a taxi would be expensive, but if it gives you peace of mind then it would be worth it. Maybe just until you get used to the traffic. If the traffic is just near the university, park your car several blocks away and walk to your car and avoid the traffic. Good Luck......

2006-10-08 18:15:17 · answer #2 · answered by nesmith52 5 · 0 0

I used to hav a very serious problem with panic attacks. I was in a anxiety group, and my panic attacks lasted longer then anyones: for hours on end. Then, I don't know why they stopped. But they came back. Some poeple say that the way they fend them off is to keep remindin theirself that what theyr thinking isnt true. That works for them. For me---I just stop thinking completely because I know for shur that whatever Im thinking in a panic attack is tottallt wrong and it ia a disaster to listen to any thoughts rigt then. I let the hormones or whatever is raging go on ahead and rage, but I refuse to listen to anything they say---for five minutes I give myself the silent treatment---and if I can get thru that I can get thru anything!

2006-10-08 18:12:03 · answer #3 · answered by Albatross 1 · 0 0

ask your doctor about cbt
I've been on the course for anxiety/panic attacks,depression and acrophobia
it helps you understand what is happening to you there is no cure but you can learn how to control your feelings :0)
try this for now
make a diary called the court case

what is the worst thing that could happen when your out

1st step
write down your thoughts
(i cant go in to university ill panic and make a fool of myself)

2nd step
is to look for evidence for the thoughts
(well it did happen last time i did panic)

3rd step
look for evidence against the thoughts
(i did panic but i did get there in the end)

4Th step
sum up all the evidence and come to your own conclusions
(i know i panicked at 1st however i did see it through and got there in the end and i did control it)

try doing that about ten times then before you go out write down you feelings for and against and when you come home write down how it went and you will start to see that its not that bad the more you face the problem the more you will be able to control it
it is very hard and does take time but you will get there
there are loads of things you can try if you need any more info or help please email me and ill do my best to help
there is no cure for anxiety/panic attacks you just need to find things to help you control your feelings :0)

2006-10-09 00:36:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am so happy, it was only a 35 minute drive ( 70 minutes total) but absolutely no sign of anxiety or panic i shopped till I dropped - brilliant! I will now go for the next stage DUAL CARRIAGE way, probably at the weekend, with my husband accompanying me first then the solo drive, if successful the final stage of driving on motorway

Beat Anxiety And Panic Attacks Naturally?

2016-05-16 03:56:24 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I would get on some anxiety medication. Im on Kolonapin, it's just something to take when your having a panic attack or you going into a situation that you know will make you have one and it helps a lot!

2006-10-08 18:07:30 · answer #6 · answered by someoneoutthere 5 · 1 0

See your doctor, and have him prescribe a medication that you can take when these attacks come on such as Ativan. Keep small paper bags in your car or with you at all times, because when you get an attack you are more likely to hyperventilate. When you have a panic attack you raise the oxygen level in your blood to unsafe levels, that causes the lightheadedness, the tingling feelings, by breathing in the paper bag, you are inhaling your own carbon dioxide therefore lowering your acute oxygen levels.

2006-10-08 18:07:10 · answer #7 · answered by beautyofthesea 5 · 1 0

what you need to NOT do is to rely on other people in this situation or to avoid it entirely. Once you begin to rely on a person to get through your attack then you begin to associate that person with avoiding the attacks, therefore you will be more likely to have attacks when that person is not around. Similarly, avoiding the situation will result in a pattern of avoidance that is really unhealthy.

The best thing to do would be to face the situation and to concentrate on things other than the warning signs of an attack, as worrying about these often actually causes the attack. I suggest leaving early, give yourself plenty of time to get to class, and when you get there, do something you really enjoy (ice cream or something) before you go to positively condition yourself to the experience. Also, constantly remind yourself that you have accomplished this and that it's ok.

2006-10-08 18:13:03 · answer #8 · answered by bored 2 · 0 0

First of all you are not done figuring out why you have this anxiety.
Dig deep.

For now the part with re planing your return home is probably the best solution. Expose yourself everyday to something uncertain, little thing to get a better control on the little surprises life has in stock for all of us.

Hope you feel better, also you may want to try mediation.

2006-10-08 18:13:51 · answer #9 · answered by bineusa 3 · 0 0

First of all, I have had panic attacks for the past few years, so I know how you feel. I learned that they can be brought on by stress,anxiety, and even things in your past that are still bothering you. One Big Factor I have learnd also is that your fear brings on a life of it's own. In other words what you fear will happen does happen, all because you brought it on by the fear of it.
This seems to be the problem in your case. You are bringing these on by fear.
I would suggest right now, getting a paper and pencil and writeing down exactly what you are going to do when you get stuck in that traffic jam. Write down a song you can put on in your car when you get in that traffic jam.
Also, bring it with you tomorrow , and when you get stuck in traffic, start writeing things down that are bothering you at the moment. Once you have alot written, you can learn what are bring these attacks on.
And most of all DO NOT FEAR THEM.
....................................................................Hope I helped you and God Bless.

2006-10-08 18:45:42 · answer #10 · answered by stephen 1 1 · 0 1

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