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26 answers

Outlaw marriage.

2006-10-08 17:13:09 · answer #1 · answered by Smiley 5 · 2 4

We have the biggest divorce rooted in the world is in America. When Christianity is the most cleanest, holiest thing there is this side of heaven. But it's representatives is what's breaking it up. It's what those who represent it. We call ourself a Christian nation. We're no more Christian nation than any of the rest of them are. We call ourselves that, but a Christian is an individual experience, a man borned again of the Spirit of God makes a Christian, not a cold confession, going to church and living... Your fruits tells what you are.
The divorce courts of America produce more divorces by our women than all the rest of the nations. The morals in our country is lower, and divorces, than it is in France or Italy, where prostitution's on the streets. But they're prostitutes; ours is married women trying to live with several men, and several married men trying to live with other women. In a report in 1961 it said:But to show how degraded we are, when our American boys went overseas in this last war, it was three out of four that went overseas was divorced by their wife before they got back. And great big headlines says, "What's Happened to the Morals of our American People?" WHAT DO YOU THINK THE REPORT IN 2006 WOULD SAY?
Homes are broke up, remarriage, constantly all the time. Uncertainty of home life. America leads the world in divorce cases. The American home today is uncertain. A man marrying a wife, it sure is a problem, certainly is. Or a woman marrying a man, it's certainly an uncertain thing. They even got it in the marriage ceremony now, "I take him for better or worse." There's a question on it, uncertain. Be good to pray through on it, don't you think so? Think that would be better. Pray through.
Look at women, how they dress and get on the street; and how that men, the very first thing that's thought of almost today is something immoral. Every entertainment, on cigarettes, whiskey, whatever it will, or some other play, or some, it has to have some immoral woman in it.
I wonder if any man in his right mind could deny that we are not living in a weak and an adulterous generation, when homosexuals, perversion. And the divorce rates in America is higher than any other nation in the world. And the whole world's gone into a chaos of it. Three out of every four, nearly, is divorced, taking the whole thing around in ten years of marriage. Divorce, marry again, and marry again, divorce and marry again. "They were eating, drinking, marrying wives and given in marriage." Look at the hour we're living in. When was it ever in such a chaos?
I think today what's got so many divorce cases now, that we lead the world in America, in divorce cases; we lead the rest of the world. There's more divorces here than anywhere else (this nation), and supposed to be a Christian nation. What a reproach: our divorce courts. I think the reason of it is because that men has got away from God, and women's got away from God.
And we find that if a man prayed and a woman prayed over the matter, not just look at a pretty set of eyes, or big strong shoulders, or such as that, or some other worldly affection, but would look first to God and say, "God, is this Your plan?"

2006-10-09 01:41:57 · answer #2 · answered by freddie g 2 · 0 0

They make it too easy! You can say :"He leaves the toilet seat up" BAM!! DIVORCE!!
"I hate the way she washes my clothes" BAM!! DIVORCE!! It doesn't matter what your beef is usually in 6 months your divorced! You can get married if you have only known the person 5 minutes. This is a free country so you can marry anyone at any time. But I think we should tighten up the divorce laws, make it harder . And definitely the person that has done the wrong should be the one that pays more, or all. And there should be a REAL reason and not be able to divorce on a whim.\
Back to the bible!!!

2006-10-09 00:54:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most people in the U.S. have no real concept of how much effort goes into making a marriage work. A marriage, or any long term relationship, is a never ending series of compromises and negotiations. Anyone who goes into it thinking "Well, the hard part's over" is setting them self up for failure. People in the country are addicted to the "quick fix". When a relationship hits a rough patch, and they always will, rather than try and work it out people simply re-market themselves on the theory that sooner or later they will find a zero-maintenance partner. Society has gotten too large and too complex for the values of 100 years ago to work. Women no longer have to put up with a miserable, loveless marriage because they are no longer dependent on a man to support them. We are living in a new millineum, there is a new kind of people living in a new kind of society. The mores of 100 years ago no longer apply, they can't, because the social conditions that made them work no longer exist. We need new definitions of marriage to reflect the new definitions of relationship, and it's not like it's something new. Same-sex marriages, line-marriages, polygamy, polandary, open marriages, even marriages with expiration dates have all been used with success. None died out because they didn't work, when they died out it was because Christians with more guns made them stop, the only reason the Mormons abandoned plural marriage was that it was made a condition of Utah becoming a state. You want divorce rates to go down? Find ways to make marriage work in the real world, not in the immagined world of 50s sitcoms where all life's problems could be solved in 30 minutes. I submit that denying marriage to want who want it, while forcing it on people who don't, is never going to increase the number of successfull marriages, and successfull marriages, or perhaps spousicide, are the only way to reduce divorces.

2006-10-09 01:02:27 · answer #4 · answered by rich k 6 · 0 0

We need to make it harder to get married in the first place. It's harder to buy a house if you have the means than it is to get married when you're broke. The marriage license should take longer to process and more forms to fill out. And make the divorce process twice as hard, unless domestic violence is involved. That way the only people who would get married are the ones who intend to stay married.

Religion % have been divorced
Jews 30%
Born-again Christians 27%
Other Christians 24%
Atheists, Agnostics 21%

Get your facts straight before insinuating that Atheists are less able to be happy than Christians.

2006-10-09 00:33:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The divorce rate is so high because we Amercians are used to immediate gratification. Think about it....Do women really want marriage, or do they want a wedding? And then, when reality sets in and the going gets tough, rather than work on the marriage, they give up. It's all about the attitude in this country.

2006-10-09 00:19:49 · answer #6 · answered by Taffi 5 · 0 0

There are several reasons:

1. Widespread use of pornography: watching pornography diminishes the natural attraction towards the opposite sex. It also distorts the understanding of mutual relationship between a couple.

2. Homosexuality: It is a fatal problem of the modern society. It is also responsible for cracking marriage relationship.

3. Premarital sex: A massive survey among teenagers in US showed that 25% of them under 19 already had sex. This is also a big reason.

4. Unaware parents: Parents these days are extremely negligent about what their growing children are doing. They don't know where they go, who they meet and what they do. They don't teach their children morality, ethics and values. Most likely because they are too carefree about such matters.

5. Ignorance of religion: Most teenager Americans don't care about their own religious ethics and values, they do whatever they want, have girlfriends and relationships, later they pay for it.

2006-10-09 00:45:38 · answer #7 · answered by SFNDX 5 · 0 0

1) We Americans are quite spoiled. We live in a culture where if you don't like what you have, you either get rid of it or "upgrade".

2) Many people don't seem to understand the meanings of "committment" and "keeping vows (or) promises".

3) People (not just Americans) are often self-centered & lazy. We think of our own wants and desires, and often decide to persue them over working on the issues we have at home.

4) Communication often sucks in relationships that end in divorce.

5) Americans stand on pride, not reconciliation. When conflicts arise, our natural instincts are either fight or flight. For instance, we guys seem to have picked up something somewhere that causes us to retreat and hide our feelings instead of hang around and express them each time conflict arises. Women on the other hand often seem to push the issue further, using the tactic of name-calling and demeaning the fellows' identities. We clash b/c we don't know how to resolve the issues...

5) The media doesn't help any w/ their suggestions of adulterous relationships.

6) The sad thing about this too, is that I can't say it's b/c they don't have Jesus in their lives, b/c the divorce rate of Christians are right up there with non-Christians.

7) We don't understand or know enough about our partners, or even ourselves...what makes us feel worth, and what makes them feel worth? How do we as a spouse make our spouse feel worth, and how do we communicate to them how to make us feel worth?

8) Unfortunately, many take after their parents who also divorced.

(I can keep going on, but I'll stop here).

2006-10-09 00:27:24 · answer #8 · answered by Turmoyl 5 · 0 1

These days people seem to have a lack of commitment. Biblical values have been eroded and people just don't see the value in the institution of marriage but this has been detrimental to society. So many kids growing up without both parents etc.

I think a lot of people make the mistake of going into marriage seeking only what they will benefit from it. When their partner dissapoints them (which is inevitable) their expectation is shattered. The biblical model of marriage is more of a ministering to your spouse rather than taking - which will build a healthy relationship when practiced by both partners.

2006-10-09 00:19:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because it so easy to get a divorce. So people know the first sign of any problems in any marriage they give up and head for the divorce.

2006-10-09 00:14:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I was in a country town in the South, refraining from saying the name, where they had the highest divorce rate of any other towns, 7 of them, I'd ever been to, and lived in for 3 months or longer. Living within MEANS is BIG. BOTH husband AND wife need the URGENCY to AGREEING to living witthin MEANS. Also, the lesser income families can't say,"I can LIVE ANY WAY I WANT, I WORKED for it" UNLESS it's WITHIN their MEANS!! I met a dude, who TRIED living the life of the RICH AND FAMOUS on a BURGER FLIPPIN income!! To ME? That's gonna GET you divorced!! CREDIT CARDS ARE NOT A DIAMOND RING!! When you say "I DO," it DOESN'T mean, I WILL spend ANY way I WANT, any TIME I want!! PRIORITIES in LIFE ANNNNNNND relationship, marriage!! SCHEDULE is EVERYTHING!! RESPONSIBILITY to SCHEDULE is EVERYTHING!! EVERY RICH person I've EVER heard says, IT'S NOT THE MONEY that makes you HAPPY!! It's the TIME spent TOGETHER!! The BIBLE says, "HUSBANDS, LOVE YOUR WIFE AS CHRIST LOVED THE CHURCH,"(Ephesians 5:25) and GUESS what THIS means? The fruits of the Spiit are Love, Joy, Peace, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, UNDERSTANDING, FORGIVENESS (Galatians 5:22-23). TO MEEEEEEEE, this says, that LOVE is= UNDERSTANDNG, FORGIVENESS, and a WHOLE LOT of other things!!
I think we need to drop the Bud Bottle( beer, wine, alcohol, drugs, immorality) and cry out to Jesus more, when we have these "things" called temptations, to get angry, fight with our spouse, and go out on our spouse. Jesus can halt a Space Shuttle LANDING!!! So, PEOPLE can CALL on HIM, when they are TEMPTED, and be right with EVERYTHING!!

2006-10-09 00:35:26 · answer #11 · answered by thewordofgodisjesus 5 · 0 0

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