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After this Nuclear testing, what are the dangers of North Korea. A lot of people are saying that if this is not resolved the US will invade North Korea, which could very well lead to WWIII. North Korea and China would likely join forces. This would call for a draft in the United States.

2006-10-08 16:35:42 · 18 answers · asked by Mikey Boy 2 in Politics & Government Military

18 answers


2006-10-08 16:42:39 · answer #1 · answered by Pseudo Obscure 6 · 0 2

The idea that China supports the idea of North Korea having nuclear arms is silly. China wish to be the strongest in Asia and North Korea having nuclear weapons is likely to set off an arms race in Asia. Japan, South Korea, China and India will likely stock weapons .

The failure is the lack of ability by the U.S. to control and negotiate a deal. The country has been under the misconception that trade sanction is a sufficient incentive for a country to give up a nuclear program. It won't work with North Korea and it won't work with Iran. North Korea was fed up waiting for a deal and it went ahead with their plans, since the U.S. weren't going to enter into bilateral talks.

Repercussions for North Korea? Most likely, there will be very little repercussion. The U.S. is currently distracted with both Afghanistan and Iraq. Both countries are still in rampant turmoil and it will take a great deal of effort to stabilize.

The question is whether the U.S. should focus on the Middle East or Asia? Which area poses the most amount of threat? The Middle East which promotes a lot of radicalism that remains the biggest threat. As such, it is not a good idea to shift too much attention to Asia.

I think any type of WW3 predictions or a bit extreme. Any war against the North Korea is not very likely.

2006-10-09 02:51:40 · answer #2 · answered by Tristan K 2 · 2 0

The possibility of that scenario is very remote. Here are the reasons why;
1. U.S. currently does not have the military capabilities nor inclination to go to war with North Korea - U.S. forces are tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it cannot afford to go to another war, especially during the election year.
2. If, and very remote if, the U.S. uses military forces to surgically strike North Korea's nuclear installations - China would not come into the picture with its military forces. (China already declare this) The diplomatic relations between North Korea and China is not what it used to be. However, if this scenario happens, expect fallout in either South Korea or Japan and the U.S. and the World will feel its impact shortly thereafter - again, the reason that U.S. cannot (or will not) go to war over this.
3. Lack of proper "cause" to invade North Korea - North Korea completed a "nuclear test". There was no invasion by North Korea forces anywhere, it did its testing within its borders. There is no precedents where the U.S. intervened with its military forces against a country for simply performing a nuclear test. The notion of pre-emptive strike, how popular that might be, does not gives the U.S. sufficient reason to attack North Korea, especially when the U.S. did not suffer any North Korean terrorist plots in recent years (or ever).

2006-10-09 19:35:12 · answer #3 · answered by heuiim 2 · 1 1

I agree with your analysis of the situation. The way North Korea acts there will be WW III, I predict within the next 2-7 years. I agree that North Korea and China will join forces but you are forgetting about the wild card in the picture, Russia. Russia isn't really our ally, they have never really been our true ally. I believe that if WW III were to erupt Russia would join China and North Korea. WW III will certainly call for a draft, since NONE of the current pussy liberals will ever fight and the school systems these days are producing way too many of them. All I can say is join up now before the draft and god help us if we are against China, North korea, and Russia.

2006-10-09 00:59:39 · answer #4 · answered by Entrepreneur 3 · 0 1

First of all, let's not call it an invasion as US will not admit that they would want to invade North Korea; but will without any doubt, they will meddle in the politics of the communist country (as usual as they have done in Vietnam, Somalia and Afganistan). Heck, they want to have a say in all world government systems and think they rule the world - which is definetely not.

It will be a mega war if US decides to send their military forces to North Korea. This is unlike the war in Iraq where Iraq find little allies other than Islamic extremists. Primarily, families of US soldiers will protest that the lives of their sons are at stake - remember how many lives lost during the Vietnam War, the war in Iraq and also in Somalia.

If China combine forces with North Korea, a third country may join in though we do not know yet whether it will join N.Korea or the US - that country is none other than Russia. And if the Big 3 countries in the world are in war namely the US, China and Russia; the rest will be involved inevitably. - UK and etc (though I will fear that even I will be drafted in Singapore)..this will not only call for a draft in US but also around the world.

War will be horrifying as this could be a nuclear war instead of your usual guns and bombs - think of N.Korea and Iran. Shudder to think of the consequences of war and the ironic that the dictators of war often live while his civilians and soldiers die by the thousands.

Hence, pray for no war but for the N.Korean leader and Iran's leader to breathe their last as soon as possible. HAHA

2006-10-09 00:01:21 · answer #5 · answered by stanzzz 2 · 1 1

The worst part is that our allies Japan & S. Korea lost all confidence in us when Clinton & Carter tried to bribe N. Korea with $5 billion and some nuclear reactors if they promised not to build nukes back in 1994. Clinton also promised we wouldn't inspect them for nukes for the next 5 years.

Of course they immediately started building nukes with the money we gave them. Albright later said "we were duped !!" She wasn't so bright after all, was she?

So I guess the biggest idiots in the US are Carter, Clinton and Albright. The "3 Stooges", as Kim Jong Il calls them. Or maybe we're the biggest idiots for believing they care about the safety of Americans and their allies.

So how can any of our allies believe we're serious about preventing nuclear wars? No wonder no one in the world trusts the US anymore. We let our enemies make fools out of us.

Oh, and if they do start a nuclear war, we won't need the draft since we'll all be dead. And don't worry... you won't feel a thing !

2006-10-11 20:15:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous 7 · 0 0

A vital key to this possible conflict is China. We can sweep NK off the map in a matter of few days if China does not interfere. I don't see why China still need NK. NK may have been a good buffer between U.S. and China during the Cold War. But we don't fight with weapons anymore. We fight over business tables. South Korea will make a better neighbor than the North Korea. Will China make that change?

2006-10-09 00:56:26 · answer #7 · answered by oskeewow13 3 · 1 1

North Korea is trying to lure US into a war, moreover the US election is coming up thus I think it is very likely Bush will launch a war on North Korea. If not, he will lose face as a republican.

So when the war starts, that is when lots of people from both sides will die because North Korea has nuclear weapons, they have the ability to fight back, unlike Iraq, who didn't have any. To US, it will be a huge loss. To North Korea, they have nothing to lose.

2006-10-10 10:16:33 · answer #8 · answered by Quan 2 · 0 1

How many Americans know about the US military’s upcoming test called Divine Strake in the Nevada desert?
Stop the media drama and get down to the facts.
North Korea’s people are already faced with hunger and starvation due in part to the US governments above and below the table economic sanctions.
Their back is against the wall.
The US spends more on its military than the rest of the world combined.
Stop being a nation of hypocrites and start on to the path of benevolence.
Take imediate steps to start on the path toward a peaceful resolution that benefits all parties involved.

2006-10-09 11:22:37 · answer #9 · answered by Cid2006 2 · 0 1

if it does lead to world war three the americans have much more allied countries than north korea and china. but invading quick enough could lead to no result exept a small 2 year war against north korea and maybe a slight chance of the first war against china.

2006-10-09 00:16:41 · answer #10 · answered by Yung C 1 · 1 1

The U.S. is not going to war with North Korea over this. The casualties in a full scale invasion of North Korea would be enormous. I assume North Korea has a few more of these bombs, and I am fairly sure Kim Jong Il would use them if he was about to be toppled. We are not going to risk a full scale war in Asia over this. China is not going to join forces with North Korea either. Trust me, they are just as pissed off about this as we are. They are going through a huge economic expansion thanks mainly to business with the U.S. and Japan. They do not want to rock the boat. There will be sanctions, and there will be economic consequences. I wouldn't rule out a possible cooperative trade embargo and possible naval blockade either. But, I do not believe there is going to be a full scale invasion or a buildup of troops in South Korea. There is not going to be a draft.

2006-10-08 23:51:39 · answer #11 · answered by wileycoyote_the_supergenius 3 · 5 1

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