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First I need to get this straightened out: Why do you all think that the illegals should stay in Mexico and why do you insult them? What have you done to be able to insult them? Did you fight for this country when the people were revolting against Britian? Did you bleed for this country? Did you die beleiving in your rights? No. You were just born here, you may not even deserve to be here, whilst immigrants risk their lives to earn what they want. Shouldn't that be a good enough for them to stay here?

2006-10-08 16:08:01 · 36 answers · asked by Liquid Snake 5 in Politics & Government Immigration

36 answers

I'm not sure if you are aware of how many people are risking their lives at this moment this very moment blood is being spilled for America while you and i sit here tapping on a keyboard about who's whats , whys and whens . please come to America work worship join the military pay taxes . learn to speak the language of the country you live teach others about your native language customs and cultures make your dream come true and help those around you to reach their dreams as well . but please if you don't want to be American or understand what America is then may i suggest the middle east or maybe if you like something alittle more tropical i hear Cuba or Brazil is beautiful this time of year .

2006-10-08 16:33:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Okay, give this rant a shot.

I don't specifically dislike anyone I don't know. I don't like the fact that people are not only breaking the law, but flaunting it.

Did I fight in the American Revolution? hhmm.. pretty sure that wasn't a serious question.

Did I die for this country?... probably not expecting an answer for that one, either.

Was I born here? yes.

But you're missing a couple wee facts. I have also been a contributing citizen of this country ever since I was old enough to be one. I work, I pay taxes, I vote, etc.

Can I skip on that paying taxes thing if I swim across a river, walk through a desert, or crawl through a tunnel? No.

So that's not enough reason to let someone just stay here.

Now, do I have a problem with anyone coming here legally and applying for citizenship? No.

I guess that makes me a spoiled brat to all the snide little bleeding hearts up there. How dare any of us want someone to follow the laws of our land. What selfish little spoiled brats with entitlement issues that makes all of us. YAWN.... I could go on, but I worked today. Worked at my mediocre pay, blue collar, labor intense job.

I am so spoiled... think I'll go take a generic aspirin, wash it down with tap water or generic cola, and go to bed.

2006-10-08 16:17:56 · answer #2 · answered by Namtrac 5 · 6 0

What do you not understand about the word ILLEGAL!? And while I did not personally fight for this country, I have family that did. Both of my grandfathers fought in WW2, My dad and Uncles were in Vietnam. I have cousins, and other loved ones over in Iraq as we speak. I can also date my heritage back to the civil war, where I had ancestors who fought.
Name any other country anywhere that has an open border policy. Any country that allows anyone from anywhere to just move in to their country and set up residency without having to follow the law. YOU CAN'T, because non exist. So why should America be forced to do this? Why should Americans have to foot the bill to support illegals? I can't get medical insurance for myself because I'm diabetic. I pay close to $1,000 dollars (out of my own pocket) a month just on my medicines, but the illegals down the street are getting their medical expenses paid for by the government. How is that right or fair? It's not! I haven't broken any laws, they have, yet I'm the one who's punished.
I am in no way racist, or prejudice against people of other races. My daughter is white, black, and Hispanic. My adopted daughter is Laotian. The difference is that they are here LEGALLY! I don't condone or support anyone who breaks the law, period!

2006-10-08 16:25:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Obviously, you feel very passionate about this. And that's good. You have a right to feel the way you want to. So, to come on so strong about something that is a very sensetive subject you have to ask yourself this question: Have I stepped back and looked at this situation from the American Citizens standpoint? If you are going to argue something, be sure to back it up. I am an American citizen. I pay my taxes. I work hard just like you. And I would risk my life for this country. I do not look at illegals as bad people. I dont make fun of them. We are not supposed to generalize illegals, then as citizens, we should not be generalized either. Keep this in mind when you decide to argue this point. Try not to come across as so aggressive, because that is all people will see when you try to put your point across.

2006-10-08 16:24:21 · answer #4 · answered by katienebraska 2 · 3 0

That's a long question. Probably starting with the word "illegal" - it means that you are belittling all the people that went through the proper channels to get here legally. You do not pay taxes yet you bleed our social services systems dry. You drive down minimum wage (trust me, if illegal workers were not available SOMEONE will step up to the job). Things are hard enough in this country without people sneaking over the border, risking their lives and screwing up the system. Do you know how stringent the laws are in other countries for people to immigrate to them? Very. So stop acting like the US is the worst country in the world for asking people to go through legal channels to come here to live and work. Why can't you try to stay in your own country and make things beter for yourselves and your fellow country-men. I would respect that a whole lot more.

2006-10-08 16:23:17 · answer #5 · answered by heather 3 · 2 1

Illegal aliens are IL-LEGAL. It's AGAINST the LAW to try to move to the United States without doing it the RIGHT way. No brain surgery! What we've got is a 20-year period of negligence in law enforcement since the 86 amnesty, and a lot of politicians claiming to represent the american public inSTEAD trying to bring more people into the country to vote for them. So, they're breaking the law, too, as are the companies that've been found to be hiring illegals. LEGAL immigration ONLY, support the US Border Patrol!

2006-10-08 16:19:34 · answer #6 · answered by gokart121 6 · 2 0

It's not what i have done to be able to stay in America the question really is what have illegals done to be able to stay in America. Did they fight for this country like you ask of Americans? Did they bleed for this country? What did they do in mexico to gain rights? If these illegals that you are so fond of are as strong and versatile as you think they are then why don't they do something for themselves in their country of origin?

2006-10-09 01:49:47 · answer #7 · answered by joeandhisguitar 6 · 0 0

Quite a few of them are here clogging up our legal system, taking our federal resources, making us pay them to be here----ILLEGALLY. We have to pay for their food, shelter, and for them to have kids here---and don't speak English. At least learn the language if you plan to stay someplace. They live with 12 people in a 2 bdrm house or apartment and wonder why the neighbors are aggravated when they cant play by the rules----because they don't take the time to make sure the know ans understand the rules/laws.

I live in a neighborhood in Charlotte, NC----have been here over 7 yrs and have seen it go to crap because of them. They don't take care of the place they live and are turning it into a ghetto. It wasn't like that when there weren't as many. If you don't like the rules/laws here-----GO HOME!!!!

2006-10-08 16:28:13 · answer #8 · answered by itsjustme_erin 3 · 1 0

You must be on another planet, or you must be an illegal immigrant yourself.
Let's start.
They come hear illegally..... they get hurt.....go to a doctor......give a phony name and get out of paying medical.....or get welfare.....
This is why our health insurance is sooo high.......
We are paying for their care....
But maybe you don't know that yet because mommy or daddy is still paying for your healthcare....
Housing.....is so expensive ....because they can't build housing fast enough to keep up with all the immigrants...........
They take our jobs..........I had a regular basic job......got taken away by a bunch of immigrants....who......didn't even graduate from high school.....didn't know English well enough to understand most things...........and I don't want to hear they just take jobs we don't like or want to do......they take office jobs.......medical jobs........too.
They commit a lot of crimes and sometimes flee back to Mexico, where they are safe......even if they murder......because the Mexican Government does not extradite them if they could get the death penalty.
then there are the ones here, that work at US jobs.....get paid....and guess what.......they send all their money back to Mexico..........guess what that does to our economy......
There are many more reasons, but these are the few I have experienced.

2006-10-08 16:37:09 · answer #9 · answered by pixles 5 · 1 0

First of all, it is pretty stupid trying to compare the present generation to something that has happened hundreds of years ago. Mmm'k? Secondly, not all illegals are from Mexico, and every country has their rules. Some countries in Europe do not allow foreigners to become citizens unless they learn the language and learn the history. Actually, A LOT of countries do this. So do I think that America is being taken advantage of? HELL YES. Do not even try to pull this BS that you have just typed above. All countries have rules, America is just too kind to reinforce them.

Another thing that you fail to realize is that a lot of the tax money that you pay yearly goes to the illegals. Yes, they go straight to the illegals instead of needy families that are ALREADY in America. They have taken over welfare, and they are a costing America thousands, upon MILLIONS of dollars. Do you still want them here?

Do you?

2006-10-08 16:17:23 · answer #10 · answered by Ohay 3 · 5 1

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