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16 answers

Home Remedies for Eczema

Tips 1:

Rub nutmeg against a smooth stone with a few drops of water. Make a smooth paste. Apply.

Tips 2:

Add 1 tbls turmeric powder to a tbls of bitter neem leaves. Grind to paste. Apply.

Eczema Home Remedies:

Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18
Apply a teaspoon of sandalwood paste mixed with a teaspoon of camphor to the affected areas.
rating: 7 (9 votes)

Submitted by terri at 2006-03-02 18:10:53
Noxema the original (not the newer fancier versions) works great, three times a day, my 2-yr old hasn't struggled with it since I tried it. By the way the name was derived in the late 1800's as Noxema (standing for No-Xema) who would have known?
rating: 7 (10 votes)

Submitted by Shae at 2004-11-02 08:08:39
My best friend's daughter had to deal with eczema. After spending tons of money with doctors and creams, my grandmother recommended that she give her daughter oatmeal baths (stops itchness) and mix almond oil with castor or mineral oil. Being that its a heavy oil for her dry skin and doesn't have the fragrance/perfume dyes that lotions have.
rating: 6 (12 votes)

Submitted by Renee at 2006-01-11 21:04:38
Tons of Vaseline (no off brands here) and be super careful when shaving inside and around the raised welps or risk bleeding awhile. Ironically, when the skin is slathered with the thick grease, it doesn't itch and, even if it did, you couldn't get to it (lol) Good luck and let's hope it works on mine as well.
rating: 6 (18 votes)

Submitted at 2004-10-06 15:20:36
Quit eating dairy products of all kinds. No milk products. My life long eczema totally cleared after I stopped ingesting milk products. Try it!
rating: 6 (14 votes)

Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18
Take iron, zinc, and vitamins A, D, E, and B-complex to help heal affected area.
rating: 5 (6 votes)

Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18
Avoid foods with dairy.
rating: 5 (15 votes)

Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18
Apply a paste made from nutmeg and water to the affected areas.
rating: 5 (13 votes)

Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18
Apply burdock, comfrey, dandelion, goldenseal, and slippery elm tea to the affected area five or six times daily.
rating: 5 (4 votes)

Submitted by Cheyenne at 2006-02-15 18:24:21
What helped me cure my eczema was:
1. use less lotion (chemicals in non-organic lotion can be very drying)
2. use cool water to wash hands with.
3. Peel a banana and rub the peel onto your skin. Wait 10 minutes then rinse in warm water (no soap.)
4. Use less soap on your hands.
5. Drink a lot of water.
rating: 5 (2 votes)

Submitted at 2006-03-03 23:34:18
Vitamin B complex taken twice a day for the first week and once a day after that. Mine was nearly gone after the first week.
rating: 5 (2 votes)

Submitted at 2006-08-13 18:26:59
My daughter had developed excema all over her body. I took her to a dermatologist, and was displeased because he acted like he was afraid to touch her. She noticed his actions. When we left his office she asked me why did he act like she was poison? I told her he was still ignorant in his practice. I talked to a clinic doctor who my sister worked for and he prescribed Elacon. I think I am spelling it right. She used it and in about 3 days it was gone. We also prayed along with it. She has never had it since. She was 12, now she is 28!!!
rating: 5 (3 votes)

Submitted at 2005-03-27 23:34:35
gold bond ultimate healing cream will completely rid you of eczema just rub some on every chance you get and you'll see it disappear
rating: 4 (9 votes)

Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18
Aloe vera juice, taken orally, will help cleanse the system.
rating: 4 (8 votes)

Submitted by ashley at 2006-05-13 17:42:35
okay, first off, eczema is an incurable skin disease. I have had it my entire life. It will never go away. You can only treat it by moisturizing with whatever you can find that works or by using a topical steroid. So all of you people that claim it 'went away' must have had something else. Aveeno lotions and oils are about the only things that work to treat the area. A thick layer of Vaseline will also do the trick if you do not mind a greasy feeling. No matter what you do..you will still see more flares.
rating: 4 (5 votes)

Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18
Apply aloe vera gel, cod liver oil, or strawberry leaf tea to affected area.
rating: 4 (3 votes)

Submitted by carole at 2004-12-28 13:23:45
olive oil. apply liberally with cotton. cover area with white gloves for hands, white socks for feet.
rating: 4 (8 votes)

Submitted at 2005-11-01 16:38:12
Apply Noxzema to the infected area twice a day. After 6 tubes of prescription cream failed to do the trick, I gave up and decided to just let my excema run its course. Then a month later, I read an article about Noxzema and decided to try it. I could see a difference overnight. It helped with the discoloration that can sometimes left by eczema. Keep using it until it eczema is gone. Mine was completely gone within 2 weeks!
rating: 0 (0 votes)

Submitted by Shalonda at 2006-01-17 22:53:57
Avoid dairy products, acidic juices such as orange and tomato, and avoid peanut butter. Keep skin moist at all times...flare ups are worse in extreme hot or extreme cold
rating: 0 (0 votes)

Submitted by Kimm at 2006-02-09 11:23:51
Brown vinegar!!!! apply directly to infected area. ie.soak in tub for back area or saturate a clean cloth to apply. It stings a little (at first) but will soon subside. I have tried this for many years. My children developed eczema too and now they also do it. To keep from smelling like a pickle I f/u with a non-fragrance deep moisturizing cream (Eucerin or WalMart has a very brand)
rating: 0 (0 votes)

Submitted by Koryn at 2006-06-06 23:08:51
I had eczema all throughout my childhood. I had it behind my ears, my eyes, and in my nose. It was oozing and itchy and I had an unfortuate childhood.Anyways my step mom got me Destitin Diaper ointment for behind my ears((they used to crack and ache. For my eyes ( they would be like glued shut in the mornings and i would lose eyelashes) she got me the Polysporin optimatical ointment. I used the creams from the doctors the never worked. I used these two and it went away. More proof? A woman came in to my work with cracked red hands i suggested it to her and she came in a few days later saying it worked.TRY it! Ps its messy
rating: 0 (0 votes)

2006-10-08 15:31:37 · answer #1 · answered by steamroller98439 6 · 0 0

I have 3 sons, 2 with eczema. What I do is this: I use Ivory soap. You can use Cetaphil too. You need a soap that is pure with no perfums or anything. I have tried many lotions, creams, and prescriptions. The one people have the most luck with is Cetaphil although it didn't work for mine. I currently use Skin Zinc. I had to order it online.

Eczema is usually flared up by allergies. During the worst times of the year you might want to consider allergy medicine. Also eczema is also a result of not enough zinc in the body. Like I said, I use Skin Zinc. There is a spray you put on the areas then an hour later you put the lotion on. Within an hour, you could hardly tell there was a patch of eczema there. I was amazed. I got a six month supply for about $90 or $100 and that was over a year ago. I still have a lot left. It doesn't have any steroids. I highly recommend this to everyone!! I hope this helps. Good luck!

2006-10-08 15:32:33 · answer #2 · answered by country girl 5 · 0 0

Ask your doctor or dermatologist for Elidel cream which works great. I've got it on my face & this helps a lot. The side effects are mild to moderate burning & headaches. For those 2 side effects, it's worth using.

Use Curel or Eucerin creams or other similar lotions/creams. Avoid creams/lotions that have water as the very first ingredient. Wash with a mild soap, like Dove or Aveeno. Switch laundry detergent, fabric softner & dryer sheets to dye/perfume free. The more scents you combine, even the same one, the more the scent(s) will irriate the eczema.

Steroids will help short term & make her gain weight. I wouldn't go that route at all. I've had eczema since I turned 12 & the hormones in my body went bananas.

I don't know of any home remedies for it either.

2006-10-08 15:30:10 · answer #3 · answered by Belle 6 · 0 0

although i dont have eczema i have suffered from psoriasis since i was a child and the 2 conditions are from the same 'medical family' im no doctor but keeping the skin moist is usually a good thing so a very mild moisteurizer unperfumed on the areas may help also there is nothing better for the skin than water so ensure they drinnk enough of it i never have really hot showers/baths as hot water can irritate the skin so just be careful to have their baths/showers at luke warm hope this help and good luck with it also aloe vera is good...i used to snap a bit off the aloe vera tree when i vacation in spain...split the leaf and rub the lotion on any sores/bites etc....

2016-03-18 06:40:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Two of my children suffer from eczema And let me tell you that you definitely ant to watch what your daughter is eating. Acidic foods such as orange juice and tomato products are not good for any one with eczema. I always know when my oldest daughter has had too much acid in her diet because it shows on her face. Eczema dry the skin from the inside outward and I have also found that given my children black olives to eat helps with eczema. When I was younger my stepbrother had really bad eczema and my mom would give him burnt toast but I don't remember why she said that she did this. in a nutshell eczema is a form of allergies so please watch what she eats and you will definitely be able to get control of her condition.

2006-10-08 23:35:04 · answer #5 · answered by juicie813 5 · 0 0

My little boy had eczema on his cheeks. I was not sure what method to use but I didn't want to make my boy go through any surgery treatments at this young age. Some suggested a plastic surgeon since it was in a very visible location but our family doctor recommend this natural guide.

Best Eczema Treatment?

2016-05-14 13:01:16 · answer #6 · answered by Charmaine 4 · 0 0

We used stuff called Cetaphil on our daughter's eczema. It can be used either as a soap or a lotion; we used it as the latter. It worked well and she seems to have outgrown the eczema now.

2006-10-08 15:24:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

use anything that is hypoallergenic or has "clear" label on it...
i'm prone to skin allergy myself and since i've started using
these kinds from detergent, fabric softener, soap, lotion and even shampoo... i've been better. Stay away from too much fish, peanuts and any food that may trigger the eczema.

2006-10-08 15:26:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Eczema patients can avoid scratchy fibers for softer ones like bamboo, cotton, or silk, which are gentler on the skin. Opting to buy organic fibers can also be a wise, healthy, and eco-friendly alternative. Learn here https://tr.im/AxWrX

2016-05-17 18:30:36 · answer #9 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Soap avoidance is a key here. Also avoid whatever is irritating the skin.

Seriously, I'd head to the doc for the steroid pills (the ones that you get for poison ivy) as well as any possible cures that they have. If money is a problem, let them know and they'll have some freebie samples.

2006-10-08 15:18:41 · answer #10 · answered by geek49203 6 · 0 1

I use gentle nature by oral gel its a lotion and body was sold at walgreen it help clear it up a little and stop the itch . and cetaphill lotion and wash or eucerin cream by aquaphora.

2006-10-12 03:37:50 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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