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I hate hearing/reading about the same old excuses when people(mostly, morons who have nothing better to do) whine about immigrants are stealing jobs, can't speak a damn word of english, they are racist, yada yada yada BS!!!
Have you ever thought about how hard it was in their country? NO!!! Because YOU, yes, YOU never had to farm, get tortured(physically/mentally) through the government, starve til death of hunger, go through lack of education, and other WORSE possibilities! Why do you always have to think about yourself? Selfish much? You are lucky to have a roof over your heads! So why the hell do you think you have the right to complain about immigrants and their hardships especially if the government is letting them stay? Where the hell do you think your vegetables, fruits, meat come from? Without immigrants you would starve your pathetic self to death! Do you think you have the capability to farm your own food, sew your own clothes, build your own shelter? NO, didn't think so!

2006-10-08 14:38:52 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Next time if you ever think about insulting another "illegal/legal" immigrant...just be thankful you weren't in their previous position, loser!

2006-10-08 14:39:59 · update #1

luckytobealive, you don't even deserve to be alive, selfish ***!

2006-10-08 14:44:43 · update #2

getmycountryback, you moron, my family went through all that **** so if you wanna laugh about it, go to hell!@ you think you are so capable then go do all those stuff you brought up! spoiled brat!

2006-10-08 14:56:13 · update #3

well, you people who just assumed when i wrote "immigrants"...i was referring to "illegals"...stop jumping to conclusions! what comes around goes around and that's that!

2006-10-08 15:26:18 · update #4

26 answers

Very well put.

I get so tired of it too. Americans are so over priveliged and have taken for granted all that they have.

Take electricity away for one day in this country and it would devistate the hell out of most. Yada Yada to all that have no idea that millions suffer needlessly while this country gets lazier, greedier, fatter and more and more selfish every day.

Ask one of these people bashing you to work for below minimum wage, no benefits, no union and no control. Ask them to leave their families behind in another country so that they could work somewhere to just send food money back to them. Take away their homes, their electronics, cars, rights, luxuries, and ability to think and do freely.

That will shut them the hell up.

And for all those who complain, if you did not have immigrants before you, you would not be here. Get some education and broaden your minds. Actually ask an illegal immigrant why they are here. And no there are some that speak english very well also. Get to know someone in those shoes before you judge. If you were from another country, you would want to be here to.

2006-10-08 14:50:47 · answer #1 · answered by Thetruthbetold 2 · 2 7

My Mothers and Fathers families immigrated from Russia and Germany to the USA about 100 years ago. No one has a problem with that because they went through Ellis Island in NY City and signed the papers just like millions of other people did at the time. Then they got jobs to support their families. One was a farmer in Kansas and the other worked in Philadelphia. They abided by the laws and paid their taxes. The problem with illegal immigration is that they get the benefits of living in a great country without paying the dues. I agree with you on the fact that they are coming from very difficult backgrounds and I have no idea what they are going through. But what I do know is that my ancestors worked hard barely making anything and still payed taxes. I pay taxes. Why can't they pay taxes?

2006-10-08 15:11:27 · answer #2 · answered by asylum31 6 · 3 0

I live in a border state, and it bothers me that you are so ignorant. You saying your tired of hearing this is idiotic. Mostly all you ever hear from the media is exactly what your saying now. I was absolutely disgusted when that british( yes british ) camposure coverted our wonderful national anthem from english to spanish.

Illegal immigration is wrong because its well... ILLEGAL, I have no such problem with anybody who wants to be a legalized American. If they want to get away from their country so bad, then why do they have to force their culture on us? Why can't they learn to speak English and live life the American way? I woudn't go live in Mexico and expect them to speak english just for me, I would learn spanish first.

The truth is that a lot of em actually think that the Americans stole Texas and California, and that the land is truly theirs. As for hard working, whatever. They aren't any more hard working than your average American. In fact, their stubbornness to get legalized, learn English, embrace a new culture only attests to their overall immaturity and incompetence. WE are Americans and we should not be expected to change ourselves to accommodate to illegal immigrants. They should be able to make their way in this world like everybody else, if they can't, then its not our fault.

By the way, when I say embrace, I only mean they should get used to everybody else who don't think the way they do.

>>>>>>Thetruthbetold, Ignorant is the only word to describe you. Of course they get benefits. An illegal immigrint gets social security, welfare, and the most anoyying of all is that they don't have to pay taxes. Immagine this, your driving down the road in the car with a loved one and you come to a green light. Of course you don't stop because its green, but an illegal immigrint runs the red light at that same intersection and hits your passenger side. next thing you know your car is totaled and your loved one is dead and the illegal immigrint is unhurt. The immigrint not being legal therefore has no insurance which means you get no money to pay for the car, you get no money to help with the funeral they caused, and on top of all that the only thing that happens to them is that they get departed to their homeland. If any american citizen is responsible for something like that then they rightly have to pay what is rightly do, they might even have an investigation start. All this while we have legal immigrints who do the right thing and become citizens first.

2006-10-08 15:23:21 · answer #3 · answered by J W Hockey 2 · 1 0

Well first off, the ones that deserve to be here dont need nurturing and help because the ones that dont commit a felony to come here are equiped by our government to lead a fully functional life here. Secondly, you cant say that its not their fault that their countries are in shambles and suck ***. Look what we did? As Americans, we broke away from England and kicked their asses after having only existed for maybe 20 years. Why? Because we were sick and tired of being someone elses ***** thats why, so we started a revolution and won what we wanted, we earned it. Thats all that these other countries have to do, revolt and earn a better life or die trying because Ill tell you, if where they live is truly that bad then they wont mind dieing to make it better. I like having Immigrants, I love ethnic foods and I enjoy dabbling my self in other cultures so that I can get a taste of what the rest of the world is like, but becoming a convict just to get here when you can do it legally with praise and help from our government is rediculous. In fact, thats the selfish thing to do is break the law and earn a reputation for your race. Getting the good ones called filthy names because the bad ones give ther race a reputation. Willing to break the law because their too impatient and self-centered to wait in line like everyone else. You really need to pull your head out of your *** and see the bigger picture than besides what some liberal ******** wants you to believe so that youll sound like a blithering idiot like them, spreading your disease across this country and robbing your victims of every ounce of common sense that was in their mind.

2006-10-08 15:13:15 · answer #4 · answered by fiftyfleetliner 1 · 1 0

If I were in that situation I would get by buddies together and rise up against my government about what is happening in the country. I would not have 3+ kids if I couldn't even support myself. I would look at my current situiation and be responsible about providing for myself and thinking about who would support the kids.

There country is a mess, but that doesn't give them the right to come into my country and cause the same problems. I have an obligation to do what I can to make this country a nice place for my kids and grandkids, and that includes keeping people out that don't belong.

2006-10-08 15:59:13 · answer #5 · answered by Tommy 2 · 0 0

I already understand their reasons, I have friends who are planning to emigrate from my country because its a fracking mess. But guess what... they dont intend to smuggle themselves in, they intend to do it the right way because they respect the law.

So what if the illegals have legitimate reasons, have a hard time, have a stupid government and any other reason you can think of that is humanitarian in nature? That DOES NOT excuse them from breaking the damn law. The rich have no right to break the law, so it is only fair that the poor have no right to break the law either. Get this through your skull.

Oh and another thing, I do have the capability to farm my own food (pineapple and mango actually), I can fix my own clothes (fix not make...you actually got me there), and I can build my own house (though I build houses for others instead of myself cause I already have one).

2006-10-08 16:51:10 · answer #6 · answered by betterdeadthansorry 5 · 2 0

Disagree. It doesn't matter their situation, there is no justification for breaking the law and sneaking into another country. If they are willing to break the law to sneak into the country, then whats going to stop them from commiting more crimes? And no, without ILLEGALS we wouldn't starve to death. We had no problems picking our own fruit and vegetables before, and getting our own meat before they invaded the country. The only thing illegal immigrants accomplished there is brining down the pay from something someone could live off of to peanuts.

And yes, Illegals are stealing jobs. Once employers learned that they could employ someone to do the same job as a legal for literally 1/16 of the price, then hard working legal citizens (or legal immigrants) lost their jobs. The illegals can't speak English and refuse to learn English. I live in a border state and there are illegals living around here that have lived in the US for nearly 20 years and they can't even speak a word of English.

2006-10-08 14:46:12 · answer #7 · answered by Kikyo 5 · 7 2

Um, that's a great sob-story, lady, but it still doesn't wash.
I don't know who told you that it's america's job to take care of every hopeless case country in the world, but you were sadly misinformed. People need to stand up for their own rights in their own countries, and make better conditions for themselves. Emigrating to the United States is not the universal panacea it's been portrayed to be. IF your country has problems, work on fixing them...

Furthermore, there's lots of AMERICAN farmers that would be MORE than happy to school you in the basics of agriculture. Needle and thread, weaving looms, tanning, dyeing, textile production, a lot of these are industries that emerged to their full potential in the United States. Frankly, you know not of that which you speak. Good sob story, but short on facts...

2006-10-08 15:12:50 · answer #8 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 0

Yeah right whatever,and when my grandparents came here they entered legally,as can all these people. If they sneak across the border,then either avoid taxes or work with forged documents destroy our schools,commit social security and welfare fraud etc then they can get the f*** out. They give us nothing and take everything they can get,they don't even compare to our grandparents when they came here. Personally I wish instead of building a fence they would hire thousands of snipers to patrol the border,you don't even have to clean up your mess after a hard day at work,the coyotes would take care of it.

2006-10-08 15:06:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The problem is not with LEGAL IMMIGRANTS it's with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS there is a difference. I know plenty of legals (myself included) who are capable of farming their own food and sewing their own clothes heck I made the skirt I'm wearing right now. And I know plenty of white construction workers. In a lot of ways my life sucks too but to you see my running for the border? No you don't and you wont. LEGAL=LEGAL and ILLEGAL=ILLEGAL.

2006-10-08 14:54:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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