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13 answers

The only way anything can "ruin" anyones life is if it is allowed to do so.

2006-10-08 13:13:09 · answer #1 · answered by BumbleBee 4 · 0 1

I think when people don't really think on what religion is for. When they are just blind followers to the letter, not the intent. I think that holly books were written as a guide, not as cookbooks recipies.

Some religious leaders (of all religions, at some point in time) has used certain wording to lead followers to do whatever they want, specially since they don't allow the followers to question what they do.

Maybe a big impact is on wars through history, where it's always 'Our god tells us the others are evil and we must kill them' rather than, 'We need that land, let's just go and take it'.

But it also might impact some people's personal life. Don't do this, don't do that.

2006-10-08 20:19:16 · answer #2 · answered by Roberto 7 · 0 0

Many ways, I'm sure. But I know there are many ways un organized religion can ruin your life too.

Then again what is life supposed to be like when its not ruined?

How would EITHER organized or unorganized religion affect a life thats not ruined?

What would either need to do to ruin it? Improve it?

What did Christ intend? He said He would not leave us, if all the "new Christians" of non denominations or denominations say the religion that came before them is wrong, then they are saying they themselves are wrong.

If the Episcopalians broke off from the Anglicans, and then say that the Anglicans NEVER had it right, then the Episcopalians are saying the same of themselves.

The same can apply to individuals that leave one denomination and forms one themself. This applies to "non" denominationals too.

2006-10-08 20:22:12 · answer #3 · answered by DominusVobiscum 3 · 0 1

Organized religion is dangerous because it is man made. It formulates conclusions of it's own liking based on scripture pulled apart and interpreted to suit it's needs. It relies on a pecking order of hierarchy who enforce the doctrine.
True relationship with Christ is not religion based - it is heart based. Christ desires relationship with us, not religion.
Unfortunately - people are living in sin, and sin creates confusion. In order to alleviate confusion, religion attempts to smooth over the questions that arise in people. People have a tendency to follow the crowd, or stay where it's comfortable.

Organized religion is on it's way out. It has been prophesied that God will very shortly ask of us - "whom do you follow? me or your religion?"

2006-10-08 20:19:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I answered a similar question today, and the asker specifically requested that I enlighten him. Here's the copy/paste from his thread. It's lengthy, but it shows you just how organized religion can turn someone's life upside down.

Ruin it? Not sure that applies. But it can definately alter it. His original question was along the lines of, "If Christianity were proven to be true, would I become a follower?"
At one time the answer to your question would have been yes. I would have apologized for being so skeptical, asked forgiveness and followed Christianity. At one time.

However, after 3 weeks in this forum, witnessing the hate war between atheists and Christians, I would have to say no, I would not join. Not that I have anything against Christianity.....I really don't.But I just cannot imagine trading one mind set for another when it's not going to do a bit of good to change things in the here and now.

EDIT: >>>>Knowing what you know, why would you let the mistakes of myself or others prevent from seeking or finding the truth?<<<<

That's a hard question, and I don't know if I can actually answer it. But I can give you some insight.

I was raised a Christian, have some knowledge of the church, and I have no problems with Christianity. I feel that everyone has the right to live their lives in whatever way they should choose, and to be happy. As long as the way they live their lives does no harm to others. This applies to everyone.

My problem with organized religion in general (and this does not apply exclusively to Christianity) are the fundamentalists who try to force their beliefs on others, or use their religion to cause harm. These people give everyone a bad name, and there are plenty of this sort to be found among the atheists also. It's embarrassing.

When my parents divorced, I lived with my father. He married a woman who sang in a gospel band. My stepbrother is a minister in Alabama.. My stepmother's stepfather worked with the televangelists, her father worked for Guideposts. There are other ministers scattered about the family also.

My family went from being lax Methodists, believing and attending church occasionally (which really seemed to be enough) to dedicating our lives to the church. Every waking moment was spent singing, praying, worshipping. I was 11 at the time, just entering that very difficult point in every preteen's life, and my life had been turned upside down.

This didn't sit well with me. So I began asking questions. Unbeknownst to me, in this family questions were forbidden. So my inquiries were met with violence. The more violent the confrontations, the more rebellious I became. I started to assert my opinions, and requested that I not be forced to attend so many church functions. Well, you can imagine where that got me. On more than one occasion, I attended church with my eyes bruised and swollen, the blood still wet on my lips. And NO ONE said anything. No one ever asked if I was ok. No one ever came to my defense.

I really had to sit back and ask myself if any God who would condone this type of violence deserved my praise. I came to the conclusion that, not only did he not deserve my praise, he didn't exist. That was a child's viewpoint, and as I grew older I studied evolution. I came to the same conclusion. No God.

Can I forgive the mistakes and seek the truth? I forgave those mistakes years ago. There's no hate in my heart, no animosity, no ill will. To this day I still love and respect my father and my stepfamily, although my father hasn't spoken to me for 28 years.

I have no interest in finding any truth, because I am quite content where I am in my life. I'm in this forum to learn the whys and hows of human nature. I could have done this just as easily in the Psych forum, but the emotion lies within this one. I am guaranteed very spirited, spiritual, and personal answers.

I have learned much. About others, and about myself.

I have become more cynical, and less patient than I used to be. I have become judgmental. I have become the very qualities that I don't like seeing in others. Occasionally, I will even go on the attack. That is how the constant battling in this forum has affected me in only 3 weeks. I don't know if I'll stay here much longer. I see no benefit, yet I find this forum intriguing.

Three weeks ago, had you posed your original question, I would have answered as I did, omitting the last paragraph. You saw how I answered today.

I would not join an organized religion, period.And with the behavior of many people in this forum, I am sometimes embarrassed to be an atheist. I am appalled at man's inhumanity to man, and I have yet to find a reason for the cruelty. People on all sides will dance around the issue and never really answer the questions asked. When the answers do come, they are sugar coated to hide the hate. Again, this goes across the board, I single no one out.

As I have said, I forgive the mistakes made by everyone in this forum. And the truth I have found is that each and every one of us needs to examine our own lives closely before we can even think of examining another's.

I know this didn't answer your question, but I hope it helped.


2006-10-08 20:19:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

When organized religion uses you to strategically wage a war for it's leader's own gain, it can ruin someone's life.

When organized religion spreads the truth of Jesus Christ it can SAVE someone's life.

2006-10-08 20:15:43 · answer #6 · answered by Josh 4 · 0 1

by making them feel guilty about having a job to raise their child that doesnt give them time off for church. by making them tithe which is taking away from the childs well being if the person has a low paying job.

2006-10-08 20:20:25 · answer #7 · answered by Lisa 3 · 0 0

Because it tells you that war is ok. That the Republicans are all religious and god loves them and what they are doing is wonderful. Then you join the military and come home in a body bag.

2006-10-08 20:13:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

by worshiping the wrong organized religion.

2006-10-08 20:15:13 · answer #9 · answered by Lfeata 5 · 0 1

If anything it makes it better. You get a sense of belonging and purpose even though it's not real.

2006-10-08 20:22:43 · answer #10 · answered by Xo 1 · 0 0

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