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Iran wants to make nuclear plants for self use, and the US of A believes they want to make nukes. Is that true? I think that is a question that Americans must answer.
Mexico has resources and possibilities to make nukes, but corruption makes it highly impossible
Venezuela has a president that has didactorial and is getting to be a problem. In some time they could be troublemaking
China is slated to become number one in 2018. They have nukes and they often don't agree with Americans. Are they a threat?

2006-10-08 13:06:55 · 29 answers · asked by allan_baker 2 in Politics & Government Military

29 answers

I think that history has proven that the biggest threat to the dominant superpower of it's age is it's self. If you look at the downfall of any of the major powers in history they imploded from political constipation caused by affluence, social apathy caused by inequity and paranoia caused by focus on the wrong threats, to deflect criticism of the ruling class.

Peking, Athens, Alexandria, Rome, Madrid, Paris, London, Berlin, very similar stories. The only difference is the rate of change appears to be increasing chronologically and exponentially.

None of the the countries mentioned in the question, presents a direct threat; the biggest threat, which would cause potentially serious but not profound damage to the US in major conflict, would be the many "sleepers" from threatening countries who are already ensconsed in the US.

Let me tell you, as a citizen of your greatest friend and neighbour in the north, the level of paranoic rhetoric coming up from the former undefended border is scary.

The US has little to worry about with the countries listed. You are too big and powerfull for them to take serious action against you. You also have the smartest and also the most skilled cousins in the world backing you. The former Brit. "commonwealth."

The noise you hear from these potential threats is just like bad neighbours revving their motorbikes because they know it bugs you.

The US must continue it's benevolent leadership role as demonstrated by Ms. Rice and potentially by Ms. Clinton and stop the social fragmentation of it's society caused by greedy medical, drug and insurance companies. There is the threat. Not from outside your border.

From a benevolent neighbour who is puzzled by the repetitive sound of war drums by the radical right wing, even to close benevolent cousins, who remain in awe of the great potential of the US for the advancement of the good of person kind; but who are puzzled by the trend to stay focused on relative triviality. That is the danger. Fix the economy and the social inequity and stop the major powers from arming those adverseries, who without military aid, would quickly become camel jockeys with speers.

You have the power, we (plural) have the natural resources, for gods sake "turn it down a notch." (Austin Powers - Mike Meyers).

2006-10-08 14:23:07 · answer #1 · answered by kellring 5 · 1 0

Iran is by far the biggest threat. Iran's president has stated that it wants to wipe the state of Israel from the world in a sea of fire. You can have nuclear power without weaponizing the uranium, but Iran clearly has plans to weaponize its uranium. I have a link below with Bolton's congressional testimony on the matter. Remember Pakistan and India used to say the same thing before they went nuclear. Iranian intelligence services have been linked time and time again to military activities against the US. The US and Iran are clandestinely at war with eachother already.

Mexico and China are allies to the US, despite disagreements. While China may be a rival strategic power, they don't seem to want to threaten the national security of the US.

Venezuela only has political capital in the NAS. Will the world ever take seriously a guy who praises the worlds worst dictators, the leaders of Korea and Sudan? Everyone recognizes Chavez for the funny little clown that he is.

2006-10-08 13:42:09 · answer #2 · answered by Big Blair 4 · 1 0

The biggest threat to America is God. This country has turned its back on it's historical Christian roots and is proudly rejecting all things Christian, to the point that Christmas is no longer called Christmas, but is called the "holiday season".
We have turned from being a immoral society to being a amoral society..
God will judge this country and he typically uses other nations to do so.
9/11 was a wake up call and people flocked back into churches after wards for a short time, but attendance is now at an all time low.
This country was founded on christian principles and was blessed for doing so, but we are far away from the founding father's faith.
Iran gets a nuke and they will use it on the "Great
Satan", America, and imagine the impact of 9/11 a thousand times greater the twin towers.
Psalm 127 says:
"Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain
There is always a price to pay for rejecting God, and I'm afraid we are just beginning to pay that price.

2006-10-08 14:02:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

While you are worried about who has the capability to make nukes, the real concern should be the uncontrolled illegal immigration across the border. This could present a 'Trojan Horse' situation. Draining health and social resources could just be the means to break this country and divide the people until we get to the point we can't even defend ourselves from any kind of attack nuclear or not. Nuclear destruction is sometihing we worry about because we know the devastating destruction, but so is the destruction of the middle class and the encroaching poverty that will result in poverty produced by the global economy.

2006-10-08 13:16:38 · answer #4 · answered by Bean55 1 · 0 0

Iran is the bigger threat. Venezuela is a problem, but they don't really have the power to do anything to America. China, is a smaller threat and Mexico is no threat at all. The Mexican government needs America to help pass the buck of their own corruption and incompetence onto us.

2006-10-08 13:39:06 · answer #5 · answered by bennyjoe81 3 · 1 0

being this is the modern age-i doubt china will ever be a threat to anyone but themselves-they r packed in so tight they will one day face a pandemic of some sort-and will apply themselves to that and when they reach out for help -it will be the usa that helps-ok now about iran

iran is written into the next war alread-
if u notice the slow frontage of this middle east delema-
the un is already in the region-
the usa will force the un to uphold the sanctions held against iran and if they dont comply -the un will be forced by its own mandate to take action
so in my opinion to answer your question
i dont see much of a threat from either
ut dont be fooled -iran and the usa will be at war after the next election-
its a real sore spot with the american people that iran is enriching uranium -and they have been known throughout history to be a country of their word
"""""if u don't persist in enriching uranium -we have no alternintive but to come kill ya"""""""""' roflmao-anyways thats just my veiws!remember
we r the makers of our own demise!

2006-10-08 13:22:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe Iran is the biggest threat. as for China in becoming number 1, this will never happened. China is still stuck in the 3rd world generation.

2006-10-08 13:18:53 · answer #7 · answered by juono123 1 · 1 0

any one who knows any thing know Iran wants nukes. Mexico is a problem because there is a movement that Mexicans believe the south west of the U.S. is still part of Mexico and they are trying to organize to take it back, LA ( CA ) is already over 60 percent latino ( and many more Illegal ) open your eyes America. Venezuela... that clown is an opportunist and he wont last long. China needs the U.S. trade it would be a mistake to make enemies of us and they know it.

2006-10-08 13:18:10 · answer #8 · answered by Work In Progress 3 · 1 1

Iran... Not only because of the Nukes, but because of their basic belief system.... They believe that Iran will bring on the hidden Imam, and they will stop at nothing to accomplish that... even if that means destroying most of the world...

2006-10-08 13:45:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It must be China. Nobody else can the field the size army that they can. Nukes aside - China wins straight up in a conventional fight.

2006-10-08 13:11:52 · answer #10 · answered by Gene Rocks! 5 · 1 0

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