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im doing a school report and i need some opinions from real people i've talked to not just the books. who is for abortion and why? who is against abortion and why?

2006-10-08 13:02:20 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

31 answers

I don't like the idea of someone killing something they made, even if it was be mistake. If you can't be responsible, maybe you shouldn't do it. If it happens, you should keep it or consider adoption.

2006-10-08 13:15:01 · answer #1 · answered by me 3 · 6 1

I am 100% totoally against abortion, I think its a very selfish act. I feel like if u can lay down with the person then u can take upon the responsibility of having a baby. There is a heartbeat at 18 days, thats a miracle thrown away by abortion. If u do research online and actually see the photos and hear the ways these clinics perform these procedures, its absolutely CRUEL. Women now and days think its an easy way out and use it as a form of birth control. Young girls are dying from illegal abortions,people getting sick from dirty utensils and so forth. Is sex that important to these girls? Its murder whether people believe that or not, u are killing a child. Even though the child is not born yet he is a living soul inside of you, nurtering from you with a viable heartbeat and movement. People are having abortions at 6 months even, a baby has a good chance of survival if he was born at that time, so what does that tell anybody. What is your opinion on abortion and why? just curious to the question asker. Good Luck with your report!

2006-10-08 20:15:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I am 100% against it!! I believe there is so many other options out there besides that. I believe that some women are using abortions as a form of birth control...and abortions are not a form of birth control!!! If you know that you don't want a baby then do something about it before you go have sex, ummmmm maybe some type of pill, shot or maybe no sex at all. I feel that a baby is a baby at any stage! From that first little heartbeat it's a person and has a right to live...I think abortion is just like murder. Unless you have to have it done due to complications...like it's in your tubes or if having the baby could kill the mother. This is only my opinion, and when I said "women use it as a form of b.c." it's because I personally know 2 women who have done this.

2006-10-08 23:47:57 · answer #3 · answered by ♥just me♥ 5 · 1 1

Against it.

Why? Well, I believe that it is not for us humans to decide which babies are born or die. I am a Christian and I think that it is Gods choice. A babies heart starts beating 10 days after conception, so I feel that if something has a heartbeat, it has rights. Who are we to take their rights away? If a woman doesn't want the responsibility of raising a child, there are many people who would take that child and raise it. I have seen photos of aborted babies and it is heart wrenching to see those tiny bodies. Some ripped apart, others burned by chemicals. If this was done to a 2 hour old baby it would be murder, but do it to a 2 month fetus and it is a mothers right. Doesn't make since to me. I love my children and no matter what my situation was when they were concieved, I would have never aborted them.

And for anyone who argues that a child who is a result of rape should be aborted or a child who is going to be born with medical problems, that is just a cop out. I know a woman who was raped at 16 and she kept that baby boy and loves him regardless of how he was concieved. Her other child was born with medical problems and she still kept it. My daughter was born with a medical condition. So what? I wouldn't change a thing. There are parents all over the country that have children with severe handicaps and illnesses, the still love and care for those kids. Just because a child has medical problems, doesn't mean that their parents can not give them a chance at as normal a life as possible.

2006-10-08 20:10:00 · answer #4 · answered by LittleMermaid 5 · 5 2

I feel like there is an awful lot of ignorance on these boards.
First off, yes the baby may be a child, or a child in forming. So from a Physical aspect, it could be murder.
Secondly, yes God knows us in the womb, so yes it could be wrong.
But it is not for us to sit down and say "Just because I think it's wrong means no one should be able to do it."
Just because radical Islams think that Jews and Christians are horrible people who should die doesn't mean they should act on it.
It is not YOUR choice to decide for EVERYONE who does and doesn't have the right to life. It is the mothers body. If someone got you pregnant at 13 then you should have the right to say "I am not mature enough to handle this child."
Adoption is a great aspect of life, but do you have any idea how many children are NOT adopted every year? Foster homes are full. Adoption cannot always be the cop-out either. People ought to be responsible, but if they are not and they cannot raise the child like it ought to be, don't throw it in the Governments hands and hope it lives well.
Everyone will be responsible for the decisions they have made when their life is over. If you bring a child into the world and are not able to raise it appropriately and it has no sense of right and wrong, then you have just condemned it too.

Pro Choice, not because i agree with it, but because i think everyone has a right to decide how to live their life, and whether or not the responsibility of child is right for them.

2006-10-09 07:05:29 · answer #5 · answered by Ignorance is bliss, huh? 2 · 1 1

I think abortion is a personal decision for every woman, and it should be available. However, random, mature people, running around having unprotected sex should be responsible for their actions. In my opinion, there must be reason, perhaps rape, already having 5 kids, an 18 year old afraid for her future, not just people who are bored. If there is not a good reason, a fine should have to be paid. Your actions can't just be ignored, your lives are being shaped. There should be a choice, but decision should have reason. I also think that the abortion should not be performed late on in the pregnancy. I read somewhere the heart starts beating on the 16 day, so after that it should not be permitted. I personally could never do it unless I were raped, but for the people who can emotionally cope, it should not be done when the baby is officially living, that is murder. Some people are unable to have kids, and would be fine adopting your baby, and taking your poor decisions away.

2006-10-08 20:18:16 · answer #6 · answered by ~S~ is for Stephanie! 6 · 1 3

I am against abortion all the way! I have read articles on these partial birth abortions and I was sickened! Imagine that you are that baby, you have been living in your mother for about 6 months, you are just chilling and living it up! Then one day mommy decides she does not want you and goes to the Dr. of Death, then you are grabbed by your legs or one leg and then turn you into breech position, you are thinking, what is going on what are they doing, then they stop. Leaving your head in the pelvic area. You think am I gonna just stay here, are they gonna help me out of this? Then they do it, they grab you by the legs, hold you in position and slice a hole behind your skull, you may be crying, but can they hear you? NO, because your stuck in the canal. You think Why? What did I do to deserve this? Then they put a vacuum in the incision and that is that, your brain is gone with your thoughts. Why would a woman want to do this, why would a Dr.? This is SICK and WRONG!! The Dr. will burn in HELL with the MOM for allowing this sort of crap! I would NEVER do that, no matter what. It is one thing though if the baby is already dead and a D-n-C needs to be proformed to ensure that the mother does not fall ill. But the baby was already dead, that makes it a miscarriage, our own body already aborted it, that was the will of God, CREATOR of all things. HE created each and every one of us, and for us to feel that we should go to a Dr. who thinks he/she's God makes no sense to me. There are WAY too many people that are willing to adopt, and I think that is the better way to go in life. I am not for pro-choice either. Since when can you CHOOSE to be God? There are too many boundries that are crossed with this type of thing. As I said, many are willing to adopt.
It is NOT our choice at all, no matter the circumstances. If we are gonna die from the birth, let us die from the birth, that is the will of God, but to change fate? I have to disagree sorely. I am sad for those babies that have been KILLED this way, there is NO EXCUSE for this behavior at all. Whoever thought of this whole procedure, can g to HELL too! So my opinion is that I feel that it should be outlawed, only that D-n-C's be available for those woman who miscarry. I have 3 beautiful children 2 girls, 1 boy and I have 1 angel in Heaven that I miscarried, there are no words that can express the sadness I felt the day they performed that D-n-C, but I can not change what God willed for me. Believe me none of my children were planned and I was young (17) when I conceived my 1st daughter, and though I was not financially ready, I kept her and all the others that follwed, and had my 2nd pregnancy that ended in miscarriage been full term and now 5 years old, I would have kept her too. I really wanted to have that baby and when I was told that it passed away I was devastated. It crushed me, and I didn't even want it to happen, but I could do nothing, it was already dead before month 4. I can not imagine getting an abortion and living with myself everyday knowing that I MURDERED an INNOCENT child! How can a Dr. of Death live with themselves doing all those procedures all the time, I could never do it. As for the lady that said she had 2 abortions and is not proud, why have 2 if 1 made you not proud, there could not have been an excuse in this world that was good enough! I will never agree with abortion or those who agree with abortion. Life is TOO precious and I think it should be kept that way! Thanks for letting me share and good luck with your report!

2006-10-08 21:06:33 · answer #7 · answered by fatiima 5 · 3 2

I'm for choice. I'm neither for or against abortion. I think it depends on the situation and the people in it. I beleive that women have the right to choose what they do with their bodies. Given that pregnancy has already occured, it's the womans choice to choose whether to continue it. Why? Because any persons right to bodily autonomy is greater than a potential childs right to life. Forcing pregnancy upon women is a greater evil than forcing sex on women. A very unwanted pregnancy feels like rape from the inside.

One thing I never understood about this debate is, why are potential children so important to those who oppose abortion? Why aren't they out there educating people about birth control instead of droning on about the so called evils of abortion or caring in the least bit for the millions of poor, unwanted, unloved and starving people on this planet including those of us that have had abortions? All I see from people who oppose abortion is hatred. The world is full of hatred. Sometimes abortion is an act of love.

2006-10-08 23:17:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I'm against it. I've heard many women who got/ are getting an abortion say "well it is my body". No it is not your body, it is the baby's body. A baby is a human being at the moment of conception. Here's an example.
If you are in a building, are you the building? No. So.....the baby is not your body. The baby has it's own hair, own leg, and so on. You have your own hair, leg, and so on.
And did you know that out of all the abortions that have happened, only 1 % of those were from someone who got raped. Only 1 %.

2006-10-08 20:07:46 · answer #9 · answered by Mambers 3 · 4 2

I am 100% against abortion. I understand why some people do it and I will not condem everyone who does. When you get into trouble you don't think right. But, I am totally against it. I believe that abortion is murder. My opinion is religious, and physical. Religiously, I believe abortion is killing a child of God. God says that he knows us in the womb, which tells us that unborn babies have a soal. Physically, I believe abortion is murder b/c of the procedure. Especially after the first month of two. If it has a beating heart you have no right to stop that heart. The procedure is gruesome and it is wrong.

2006-10-08 20:06:55 · answer #10 · answered by #3ontheway! 4 · 7 2

I myself could never have a abortion .I have two wonderful children with my third on the way.I could never imagine my life without them but , I'm not going to say it's not a woman's choice.It is.It's her body and that woman is the one who has to carry that baby for 9 months no one else.Who are we to judge what another person does with there body.Were not the person who has to live with the memory and guilt of what that person did, they do.I dont think anyone else or the government has a right to decide what a woman does with her body.If they dont have a abortion or give there child up for adoption do people realize how many baby's we would have in garbage cans.

2006-10-08 20:22:14 · answer #11 · answered by ang3lzfir3_99 2 · 2 2

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