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Note: I have tried many diets before. I am fairly healthy and I have more muscle then body fat, but I just don't know how to stop eating junk food. I work in a grocery store so temptation is all around me. Sometimes it feels like I have to eat ( I know that sounds pathetic) I just can't stop sometimes. I can be completely full or not hungrey at all and still want to eat. I am 5'4 175 lbs and 19 years old. I need help. I waqs also wondering if their is any kind of online diet buddy website available or someone who would want to buddy up with me.

2006-10-08 11:25:34 · 11 answers · asked by Nicholson87 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

11 answers

There is no way you can do that in a healthy way.

Besides even if you did manage to do it through some ridiculous diet unless you address the issues you have mentioned here you will probably put it all back on (and then some) as soon as you stop dieting.

Set your self realistic goals otherwise you are just setting yourself up to fail. And what is the first thing you are gonna do when you feel lousy about failing? Eat right?!

I realistic goal for the first couple of months of dieting is to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. You may well lose 3 one week and none the next but keep going.

Only weigh yourself once a week and monitor it. Keep a note book or something.

You have to retrain yourself in your eating habits. Don't bring money with you to work so you can't buy junk. Or bring in food you have prepared. Or, if you can manage the will power, try reaching for something healthy. I know its hard but as with anything it will become easier with practice.

I find coming up with a meal plan for the whole week really helps. It takes the thinking out of it and so removes those impulsive choices. Allow yourself treats but in moderation. Try not to buy things when grocery shopping that you know if you have in the house you will just eat. I know if I have a tub of icecream in my house I will eat the whole thing... I can't do just a few mouth fulls... So I don't buy it.

If you aren't big on excersise then just try to do some walking every day. I get off the bus a couple of stops early on my journey to and from work. If that isn't possible then go for a brisk walk after your evening meal.

Don't skip meals and try not to eat too late in the evening. Have a cut off point of about 8pm. Have a healthy breakfast. Cereal with fruit and yohurt is a good one as it should keep you from getting peckish. If you eat when you aren't hungry that isn't good but try to go for fruit. Have a fruit bowel at home that you can just reach for and bring some to work with you if you need to.

Make sure your evening meal is healthy and balanced. Again planning meals for the week will make this easier.

Drink lots of water as that fills you up too. You should try to drink about 2 litres a day. And as much as possible drink juices and avoid fizzy sugary drinks. Even diet sodas are not great as they speed up your metabolism and stop your body from doing the work itself.

I would stick with calorie counting to start with. It gives you a bit off freedom. I think for you to lose weight about 1500 to 1700 calories a day is right. Everything has the calorie content on it these days.

And I would be happy to buddy up with you!

I have just been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and put on loads of weight in the last year. I now want to get rid of it.

Let me know.


2006-10-08 11:52:42 · answer #1 · answered by â?¥MissMayâ?¥ 4 · 7 4

This Site Might Help You.

How can I lose 20 pounds in 2 months?
Note: I have tried many diets before. I am fairly healthy and I have more muscle then body fat, but I just don't know how to stop eating junk food. I work in a grocery store so temptation is all around me. Sometimes it feels like I have to eat ( I know that sounds pathetic) I just can't...

2015-08-12 17:24:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is anyone out there interested in losing weight while still be able to drink wine? In particular red wine. I have found a way to do it and am putting a book together to show the steps I took. I lost 30 pounds and never once gave up my red wine, it was awesome. Was there exercise involved? Of course and yes, counting calories but I never once gave up the foods I loved, I even had bacon at times for breakfast! One hint is to eat healthy, drink lots of water, add your calories count for wine or spirits. I really hate the word diet too and I tried them all and I think they quite frankly suck. I think the diet industry sets us all up for failure!

So, getting back to my book idea.....would there be interest? If so, let me know and I will drop some more hints. Good luck everyone and all the best for 2014! Cheers. Beth

2013-12-27 01:29:38 · answer #3 · answered by Beth 1 · 0 0

There are three main ways to lose weight quickly.

1) Use only water as liquid and eliminate all other liquid drinks from your diet. You must drink as much water as possible every day. You must drink about half of your weight. If you have weight of 200 pounds then you must drink about 100 oz of water.

2) The interval between the eating is very important. If you eat once, then you must eat next after 4 hours. You must take breakfast regularly. In the night eat your food three hours before going to bed.

3) Walking is very good. You must walk as much as you can. Walk everywhere you can. Use of elevators and escalators must be reduced and instead of these you must climb stairs more often.

These are some of the fastest ways to lose weight. By just following the simple steps, you can lose your weight very quickly. You must consult your doctor if want to change your diet or exercise routine.


2016-04-22 10:43:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well you will be alright as long as you understand the basis of Weight Gain and loss.

The basic facts are

What you eat determines the outcome.
How much you eat determines the outcome
When you eat determines the outcome
How frequent you eat determines the outcome

All these facts follows two principles

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed
For every Action there is an equal and opposite reaction

To put it into food , eat healthy, eat very little , eat frequently and sensibly

Start by getting your hormonal levels tasted as well as you blood glucose levels

Then follow my advise summarised above.no need to waste your money , simply think



2006-10-08 11:37:14 · answer #5 · answered by roy 1 · 2 0

i dont think your body can handle losing 20 pounds in 2 months i whould try weight watchers and go 2 the weekly meetings, and also talk 2 ur doctor and see what a healthy weight 4 ur body is. also try 2 avoid junk food like insted of a candybar try a cup of blueberrys.

2006-10-08 11:36:08 · answer #6 · answered by dot 4 · 2 1

I used to work in a grocery store as a teen so I can understand your pain. But on the flip side, being that you work in a grocery store is a good thing because you can become very strong willed by selecting the type of eater you want to be.

This is what I used to do.. start paying attention to your customers food selections. When you see a customer come in your line that has a great body or that is the size body that you want to have, look at their food selections. I can almost guarentee you that most of the people that are "in shape" have more veggies, fruits, salads, water, granola bars, yougert and healthy food items in their baskets. Take MENTAL notes of what they have and eat those items only. Then when you see a large or overweight customer come in your line, pay attention to what they are buying. 9 times out of 10 it be things like ice cream, chips, cookies, soda, pies, cakes, pizzas and unheathy foods. By seeing the shape that you want and seeing the type of eater you want can make you chose healthier food selections. Basically use you job to your advantage.

Next start working out or at least running/walking about 3-4 times per week for 30 minutes a day. Drink lots of plain water too. You should be able to loose weight fairly easily since you are only 19 IF you make the right food choices and work out consistantly along with it. Good luck!

2006-10-08 11:41:33 · answer #7 · answered by chocolatebabycakes 4 · 6 2

You can safely loose about 2 lbs per week, or 16 in all over 8 weeks. That's about how much I'd like to loose, esp. before the Holidays.
I'd buddy up with you - how can we do it?

In my mind - I have to eat less calories (and keep track) and exercise more - and keep in mind my goal. It's really that simple. Good
luck! ----Roy thank you - those were really good and helpful words!

2006-10-08 11:37:33 · answer #8 · answered by Kare♥Bear 4 · 1 1

Buy a plant for your office—watering it will make you more active.

2017-02-16 15:26:39 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

My friends mom went on a diet ( and she didn't need to) she lost 40 lbs. in 4 months... you exersice all week for at least 20-45 min utes a day and eat heahty, no JUNK food!!! BLEACH!!!!

2006-10-08 11:31:31 · answer #10 · answered by Hikaru S 1 · 3 2

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