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Think about it. According to the Bible, unrepentant sinners who don't follow Jesus will be tormented forever in hell. God is omnipotent, so he knows most human beings will not meet the standards for avoiding hell - he even knows which ones will to go hell, before they are even born. Yet he lets them be born and live, apparently just so he can torture them for all eternity. What am I missing? How could someone "love" this God? Fear, I understand. Love, I don't get at all.

2006-10-08 11:07:04 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

It is written that our righteousness is like filthy rags.

It is God's will that none will perish, that all will come to repentance & inherit everlasting life.

It is written that our names are already in the books of life. But some names get blotted out. Those that turn out to be Satans messengers. Hell was made for the devil & his messengers.

Those whose names are in the Lamb's Book of Life (redeemed by the blood of the Lamb) go to heaven.

2006-10-08 11:13:27 · answer #1 · answered by t_a_m_i_l 6 · 2 0

God's desire is that noone is subjected to eternal torment. He states very clearly that everyone has the chance to turn. Unfortunately we are all destine to hell because of the fall in the Garden of Eden. I know this doesn't sound fear but the wager of sin is death. It is through God's mercy that He sent His Son into this world that He we can be saved through Him. When Jesus died on the cross all of our sins were placed on Him. So now we need to ask for the blood of Christ so our sins can be forgiven. We humans may even think that doesn't seem right that Jesus was put to death but He died in order that we can live.
Just like our children do not understand why we put restrictions on them and they truly believe that we may not be fair so is it with our questioning God, our minds are incapable to understand the reasoning why God works the way He does but we have to realize it's all for a purpose that some day we will understand just like our children understand when they grow up.

2006-10-08 11:21:25 · answer #2 · answered by ckrug 4 · 1 0

The one you are describing is not the God of the Bible.

GOD’S purpose for the earth is really wonderful. Jehovah wants the earth to be filled with happy, healthy people. The Bible says that “God planted a garden in Eden” and that he “made to grow . . . every tree desirable to one’s sight and good for food.” After God created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, He put them in that lovely home and told them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it.” (Genesis 1:28; 2:8, 9, 15) So it was God’s purpose that humans have children, extend the boundaries of that garden home earth wide, and take care of the animals.

Do you think that Jehovah God’s purpose for people to live in an earthly paradise will ever be realized? “I have even spoken it,” God declares, “I shall also do it.” (Isaiah 46:9-11; 55:11) Yes, what God purposes he will surely do! He says that he “did not create [the earth] simply for nothing” but “formed it even to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18) What kind of people did God want to live on the earth? And for how long did he want them to live here? The Bible answers: “The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it.”—Psalm 37:29; Revelation 21:3, 4.

2006-10-08 11:13:44 · answer #3 · answered by papavero 6 · 2 0

My goodness. Where did you even get such an idea? "For God so loved the world..." - John 3:16

I agree with you when you say that God knows who will go to hell and who won't. Even with Christians, he knows who truly belong to him and who don't. But he also knows those people who will rebel against him, even with their last breath. There are some very hard hearted people who are just so full of self-righteous pride and arrogance, that they will *never* turn to Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, because they believe they are too good for him.

It is not God's will for *anyone* to perish (die spiritually forever in hell), but for *all* to come to him, and the Bible makes it clear that he does not take pleasure in the torment of the wicked in hell. But God will never force his love on anyone. He will give people in eternity exactly what they wanted when they were on earth...a life apart from him. Heaven for an unrepentent sinner who *willingly* died without Christ would be hell to them because they were taken there against their will. The question is not, "How can a loving God send anyone to hell", but, "How can a loving God send anyone to heaven who didn't want to go their in the first place?" Do you understand? Does that make sense?

All people who end up in hell (past, present, and future) will have no one to blame but themself. They knew exactly what they were doing when they rejected Christ. And they know that.

Tell me something. What do you mean when you say, "...so he knows most human beings will not meet the standards for avoiding hell - ..."

What do you mean by "the standards for avoiding hell"? Please drop me an email. I'm curious to know what you mean when you say that. Thanks.

And what about you? Where do you think you will go when you die? Heaven or hell? Would you consider yourself to be a good person? Good enough by God's standards (the 10 Commandments) to go to heaven? Do you think you've kept the 10 Commandments?

The best way to find out is to go to www.needgod.com for a brief, eight question quiz. And as you answer each question, listen to the voice of your conscience and *be honest*. You just might be surprised by what you find.

I hope what I've said helps.

2006-10-08 12:16:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

no no no. u get it all wrong. first of all, it is posible for someone to get out of hell if his family and whatever pray for him on earth and do good deeds in his name (that's in my religion, orthodox, which is a christian religion just like catholic). Yes, God is omnipotent or so we know. but the thing is he doesn't know what u will do when u face some problems. u could either go the good way or the wrong way. God gives us all the freedom to choose who we want to be. Now, all this is just theory, so if u still have questions and doubts that's normal. i don't understand it too good either. but the main part is that we are free to choose our own path. oh, and by the way, this all depends on what religion u are. as u see, u have different answers from ppl with different religions.

2006-10-08 11:14:31 · answer #5 · answered by tormented_666_soul 3 · 1 0

I myself have trouble reconciling this... tho I I think you have it a bit off, which is why I know that I am sort of obligated to reach out to you, whether you want me to or not...

God has stepped forward very powerfully in my own life, even tho I have screwed up tremendously. Not a recent thing, but he has been involved for a long time now. Myself, I can love this God realizing that I have offered nothing back... and still he accepts me. What is missing is that there is no place on this earth that accepts you like that, be it mate or family. Fear can never compare to love.

2006-10-08 11:28:12 · answer #6 · answered by just a thought 2 · 1 0

in fact, there are extra animals in the international that harm human beings than animals that are supposedly gay. Does this recommend that God thinks this is large? No. in the Torah, God says that if an animal kills a human, the animal must be placed to dying. Animals have been tormented by making use of Adam's sin, too.

2016-10-19 01:12:49 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Don't worry about it bro ! Our God is a God of mercy and grace and love and forgiveness and acceptance.

He gave Humans the gift of Free-Will,

As Humans, WE have the power to choose what to believe, what to do, and so on...

The Christian religion is in line with that truth, although some people may try to tell you otherwise.

We (all people) are direct participants in our destiny. God would like us to choose his stuff, but he doesn't force us or threaten us to join (although some deranged people's efforts try those mistaken tactics)... its best if its our choice.. and don't be decieved, NO ONE is pre-ordained to damnation !!! --
even regardless if religious or not...

God is graceful, People are accepted by the Grace of God, so regardless of anything, God loves you and accepts you... its not for anything you do or haven't done. We can be saved from hell just because God feels like it, not for trying to live up to "standards".... Martin Luther really pointed that out... "we are saved by GRACE..." not for fulfilling certain "standards"

Look, if you are open-minded enough to ask your interesting question, check it out. Read some of the new testament, Look at who the deciples were, look at who Jesus socialized with. The deciples were formerly selfish businessman, formerly an uncaring thieving tax collector (Matthew), and the greatest of all diciples (Paul) -- a former persecutor of the church (then named Saul).... They were accepted ! and they didn't even need to try ! Look at who was accepted at the wedding, not the elite VIP's of town or so on, it was the passers-by, good people and bad people and regular shmucks -- whatever, it didn't matter, people who were bored and could use a pleasant party...They didn't do anything to deserve the invitation, but they were welcome...Jesus ate and associated with "sinners", forgivingly accepting their company, although he and the strict and unkind official church authorities of the time (Pharisees) didn't harmonize...
Keep in mind, the church isn't God, the people in it are only human, they are not God either...Sometimes the church organizations and sometimes people in it are off the mark...Don't let that put you off. God is accepting, forgiving, gracious, kind...

And as for "fear", God doesn't want us to be afraid or terrified,... every time God sent a messenger Angel who could speak to Humans, the first words in the message were always
" Fear Not ! "
When there was a storm on the sea, Jesus was so cool told us not to worry, be cool, he got them through it, the storm will subside and there was peace.
I can go on and on... but I'll leave that up to you to discover
Life more abundantly, peace, joy... StJohn Chapter 14 V 27
Peace I leave with you....let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid... rejoice! Find the comfort and joy

Thanks for asking your question !

2006-10-08 12:31:43 · answer #8 · answered by million$gon 7 · 1 0

Then ask God, with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Jesus Christ, and you will find you answers. God loves all, and if you truly accept Jesus as your Savior and ask God to enter your life and ask him for forgiveness, then you will know the truth of all things. The only ones that go to purgatory are the ones that knew Jesus and God and denied them.

2006-10-08 11:17:32 · answer #9 · answered by nevada nomad 6 · 1 0

Hi again =)
Heres the thing........
The fact that again you are on here is good. This also displays that humanity(you/they/we) have ample opportunities to simly get right with GOD/CREATOR.
*People can spend their times increases their faith AND LOVE, or can defeat.......themselves in reality. That is despise TRUTH and attempt to disprove reality.
God/Jesus/Holy Spirit loves us sooooo much that this forum alone is JUST A SINGLE WAY OF REACHING OUT AND SHARING WITH OTHERS.

2006-10-08 11:13:39 · answer #10 · answered by LIVE4TRUTH 3 · 2 0

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