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Do you think the overcrowding in prisons could be reduced by reinstating the death penalty for murder, this would also save money as the tax payer would not have to keep so many lifers

2006-10-08 10:33:25 · 30 answers · asked by Ron W 2 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

30 answers

Overcrowding prisons can solved by reigning in the corrupt legal system and keeping them honest. Mark Karr was being pushed to accept a deal that would have branded him as a sex offender for life for a crime he didnt commit. The guy may be a nut case but the facts are he hasnt actually done anything to anyones child. But the truly creepy part is the district attorneys office knew they didnt have any evidence to implicate him in child porn, they are the powers that be. When they start behaving as badly as the people they claim to police then who can we trust? The prisons are overcrowded because of budget wars not illegal aliens, not murderers or rapists. Dont be so friggin easy and so manipulate-able, so open to lies and suggestion by a puppet media. Search for facts, not someones version of truth. There are twice as many police as soldiers, what does that tell you? That we are more interested in subduing our own citizens than we are in defending our borders against an enemy. Because we are not genuinely worried about a foreign enemy. Its propaganda, what would you say that there are over 2 million people in this country who are locked up in prisons across america? What would you say if you knew that nearly 1/3rd of those people are factually innocent? What would you say to that? Numbnuts.

2006-10-08 14:53:50 · answer #1 · answered by metalsoft@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0


2016-06-13 05:01:31 · answer #2 · answered by Ramon 3 · 0 0

Capital punishment should not only be reinstated but it should also be made public. possibly not as in the 18th century where the streets around the gallows of tyburn were reminiscent of a fair day but the family of the victim should they choose to witness it should be allowed to see justice done.

To expand a little on the question. the concept of corporal punishment should also be considered. the idea of ASBO's was to stop the yob culture that has pervaded our society but these have had no effect and are worn as a badge of honour amongst the hard core criminals. The idea that punishment should hurt is a common theme so bring back the birch and make punishment a deterrent once again.

Also Prisons should not be the soft option that they seem to be. Prisons are supposed to be places of punishment so why are prisoners allowed play stations and access to computers and Television. if the prisons are seen as easy time then there is no fear for these people to re offend.

I say build more prisons and impose harsh and fitting sentences for all crimes, petty and serious. the building of prisons would also help the economy by creating jobs both in the constuction industry and the prison service.

2006-10-08 10:51:03 · answer #3 · answered by moose 2 · 0 0

Using the death sentence as a way to get rid of prison overcrowding would eventually cost more in the long run. Someone suggested that building another prison to hold them to reduce prison overcrowding, but at the same time one has to consider the fact of who are they going to get to work in the prisons?

Its hard enough to find enough correctional officers to work a full shift at the prisons, most having to work double shifts twice to three times a week to cover the lack of manpower, with little or no overtime pay.

A major factor with prisons being overcrowded is the fact that a good number of them in prison are illegal immigrants. Round them up and send them all home. That won't solve the problem, but it will open the prisons up a little more than they are already.

Secondly is the fact that the majority of people who come through prisons are repeat offenders (meaning they have been in prison before). Classes, and other various 'rehabilitation' techniques used in prison are obviously not working.

2006-10-08 14:28:43 · answer #4 · answered by Kikyo 5 · 0 0

The overcrowding in prisons is far more than just the lifers....although I do think that if a person is found guilty and given the death sentence it should be carried out ASAP. I think that the prison system needs a complete overhaul and that prisoners do not deserve all the luxury items they currently enjoy. That Sheriff in Arizona has the right idea with his "tent prison". Prison is supposed to be punishment...not a place to hang out in and kill time. The prisoner's should be paying for their time in prison/jail like in the old days...and all the states should have the same penalties for major crimes....

And if your a public official and you commit a crime you should get the maximum penalty....You play...you PAY

2006-10-08 10:50:53 · answer #5 · answered by Barbiq 6 · 0 0

The death penalty is up and running, and so is the clock.......in the favor of the convict. One of the problems is handing down a death sentence and having the criminal sit on "death row" for 20-30 years.

Speed up the process, but not to relieve overcrowding, because that won't solve it.

Another thing that won't solve it is legalizing marijuana as in a previous answer. You must be crazy if you think our prisons are overcrowded due to marijuana. It would be worse if you did legalize it. Then you would have everyone smoking the stuff and not only will you have drunk driving accidents & fatalities, but you can double them due to the legal marijuana. That means more driving under the influence arrests as well as vehicular manslaughter arrests. I don't think that is going to help clear the cells.

Maybe if we take out all the luxury items from the inmates (weight equip, cable tv, internet time, and more), house them someplace without air conditioning/heat (such as our military personnel in Iraq), make their meals consist of nothing more than a brown bag luch, and make them actually work 40 hours a week, then maybe prison wouldn't be such a nice place to stay.

2006-10-08 10:51:50 · answer #6 · answered by suk_on_my_glock 3 · 0 1

Nope. You can only 'free up space' from killing people using the death penalty by...killing people who've been sentenced to the death penalty. What about all the thousands of others? Overcrowded prisons? Simple - build some more prisons! Alternative talk about releasing prisoners early is ridiculous and defeats the whole point of a prison system...

2006-10-08 10:37:37 · answer #7 · answered by ScoobySnacks 2 · 1 1

Oh, you pathetic lot! Advocating killing people to solve a political problem. There is a serious debate to be had, but not with those of you who have a bloodlust to be satisfied.

Most people in prison are not murderers - it would delay our prisons being full by a week or two. Big deal.

And let's not forget our resident racists. Let's send the foreign ones home. Fine. Any chance you get to express your send 'em home sentiments, out comes the same old crap. That will just mean the places get filled up by British in prison overseas also sent back home. But they'll be good honest white British criminals, so that's OK.

Like I said, there are serious issues here, which we need to debate and address. But can we get a little more sensible than 'take them into a field and shoot them'. Please?

2006-10-08 11:23:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

what happend to the prison ships idea, i know theres at least one fully fitted & mored somwhere (i forgot where) last i heard it was empty..just sitting there doing nothing. the death penalty is not the answer, look how many people have been freed after years in prison for crimes they never commited, its a risk not worth taking. Barry Scott was convicted of killing jill dando, he could have been executed if we had that law..he's an innocent man if ever there was one and one day will be freed im sure.
plus with all the appeal processes any death sentance would take years to be enforced, thats hardly going to reduce prison populations.

2006-10-08 10:43:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is there really only one or two people among this sorry lot who has a decent answer (Mr Sceptic)? Listen you fools, I went to prison twelve years ago for a serious crime and I have never been back. It isn't luxurious and it isn't nice. I was able to use the time to re-educate and rebuild my life. I have been able to make useful contributions since.
In prison there are dozens of inmates who are normal, articulate, unlucky and victims of crooked laws. They unnecessarily take up prison places. There are also dozens of psychopathic scum. The death penalty can never be certain. Stop watching CSI and believeing DNA 'proves' everything. It shows matches it doesn't show circumstances.

2006-10-08 12:00:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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