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I've read so much on Answers recently from people who are anti Muslim. I'm stunned. I never thought British people were SO racist. Is it true?

2006-10-08 10:28:55 · 56 answers · asked by gillybean 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

I'm Irish.

2006-10-08 10:37:16 · update #1

56 answers

YES! Me for one.

Like you I'm apalled at the attitude that seems to predominate on this site.

I'm British, white and Christian but I live in a predominantly Muslim country where I have never been treated in a rascist way. I'm free to work, buy property and to wear the same clothes that I would in the UK, I have never had any hassle due to my appearance or my faith. I wish that Muslims in Britain could be treated with the same level of respect that I receive from the Muslims here.

I'm sometimes ashamed of my fellow Brits.

2006-10-08 10:45:01 · answer #1 · answered by fidget 6 · 5 0

Is there anyone at all out there who isn't racist? It all depends on how you define racism.

I'm British, and I don't consider myself to be racist, and certainly not anti-Muslim. I do think though, that people have a tendency to be biased towards people from their own groups (membership of which can be based on skin colour or anything else), although that doesn't have to translate into prejudice and hatred.

I, too, am shocked by the level of ill feeling, fear, and the lack of compassion and understanding that has been displayed by the British people in recent weeks.

2006-10-09 08:49:33 · answer #2 · answered by lauriekins 5 · 0 0

Islam, isn't a race. It is politics, religion, culture, rolled into an indivisible whole. In Britain, we separate these elements and are free to criticise any one of them, if we so choose, without starting world war three. If you are not British, you must be southern Irish. I don't believe anyone can be as naive as your question would suggest, so it must be a wind up. Also, it is time the word 'racist' was consigned to the dustbin from whence it came. It is overused, wrongly used as a conversation stopper, and belongs in the playground along with all the other childish names.

2006-10-09 06:02:43 · answer #3 · answered by Veritas 7 · 0 0

If I hated Christians would that make me racist? No. I do hate Christians by the way because I hate all religions. So Just because the majority of people that subscribe to Islam have dark skin has absolutely no relevance to me disliking Islam.

Basically, you've just added to the proof that the word "racist" is used far too frivolously. These days, any sort of discussion on immigration, religion, asylum is branded as "racist" and very, very important discussion is ceased as a consequence.

In a country like the UK that faces increasing segregation of community's, it is naive, immature lefties like you that are making the problem worse. Of course there are many racists out there, but they are easily distinguishable from people who want to contest problems faced in this country by religious segregation.

2006-10-08 23:52:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i am a christian,English but i'm not racist against muslims, jews, bhudist ,aithiest or sikh's,after all these are religions not races. You could be any race or colour to be any of these faiths.and the people that realy practice any of the religions above are not a problem to anyone in this world. people on Answers are probably not bothered all that much what religion you are, its how the peoples of the above religions behave.just as its not where a persons country of origin thats a problem,more how individuales behave from those places,including britain.If they really didn't want other nationalities here in britain the people would insist that muslims where'nt allowed to practice,the same as other countries that don't allow christianity.

2006-10-08 10:44:57 · answer #5 · answered by tallulaberry 4 · 1 0

Of course it isn't that racist! Amongst my circle of friends I have several Asians and Muslims, and I like them enormously. We get on fine without an inkling of the sort of animosity the Britsh media is currently reporting.
You have to remember that there are some nasty people in all societies who will do everything in their power to cause trouble (and that includes hate-filled Islamists who want to turn the UK in to a caliphate), but the majority of British citizens get on with their lives without every clashing with one another.
The people who write anti Muslim remarks on YA are often those who have never experienced living with Muslims, or associating with them in any way. These 'antis' are simply voicing prejudice based on sweeping generalisations. They do not understand that under the umbrella titles of 'Muslim' and 'Asian' there are nationalities whose general level of education far exceeds that of the average prejudiced westerner (Iranians and Indians spring to mind), and that within these groups there are varying degrees of commitment to religion and culture.
Several of my Muslim friends speak 4 very different languages (Farsi, English, Arabic and Swedish), and are professional, highly educated persons. It embarrasses me to think that some semi literate, British oik, who can scarcely speak his own language, would dare to act in a racist manner to one of these delightful people.
Eons ago, when I was doing a postgrad degree, in my group there were students from 18 different countries (including a white and a black Rhodesian), yet we all got on exceedingly well. It made me realise that maybe the answer to the evils of racism is more education for all, and more integration.... a pipe dream I know, but a worthwhile aim. (BTW I am white, English born and with close Irish ancestry.)

2006-10-09 00:49:48 · answer #6 · answered by avian 5 · 1 0

I'm NOT racist, but I was proud to be British! (Not anymore) All I want to see is EQUALITY FOR ALL not just Immigrants. The laws have been changed to give free speech to immigrants whilst at the same time WE have been banned from voicing OUR opinion. If they can Have Free speech then WHY CAN'T I IN MY OWN COUNTRY!
They can jump to the head of the queue for Housing, People who were born here and have paid tax all their life are left either homeless or having to pay way over the odds for private housing!
Companies are to employ a certain percentage of workers from each ethnic background! SURELY THAT IS RACIST! Why can't they employ people that are good enough to do the job regardless of ethnicicity?
I'll think you'll find that most people on here are NOT RACIST but fed up to the back teeth of being treated like 3rd class citizens in their OWN country when all we want is the same rights as the uninvited guest we are paying for!!!

2006-10-09 00:53:56 · answer #7 · answered by kbw 4 · 0 2

Again we find a statement generalising a nation of people on "solid" evidence from "yahoo answers"

I am British and most certainly NOT a racist!
But YES there are racist people living in Britain as much as I'm sure there are in your country!

I wouldn't allow the comments from a group of uneducated delinquents, who find the anonymity of the Internet a way to get a rise out of people determine your thoughts on a country as a whole.


2006-10-08 10:48:06 · answer #8 · answered by Purple 3 · 2 1

I'm not!! I really appreciate living in a country with so many different cultures and races, and I think the fact that so many people from Asia and elsewhere want to come here, is a testament to the open and tolerant society that we have. But unfortunately my feelings are being sorely tested by the attitude of some (not all) in the Muslim community who seem to hate the indigineous population so much. I find it very difficult to socialist or have any meaningful interaction with any muslim who is not westernised, we really do seem to live in separate worlds. It makes me sad, because I feel that the gulf is only going to get wider.

2006-10-08 10:39:12 · answer #9 · answered by Jude 7 · 5 1

I'm British. I'm not racist, nor am I anti-Muslim.

Lot's of British people are racist though, and any one who isn't white indigenous is in the firing line.

I do have one comment which may land me in trouble. There is a very small minority of British Muslims in this country who aren't in any way happy with the way in which Brits purport themselves - and call for, amongst other things, a Muslim state. This minority, who can't tolerate others, seem to have all of the media attention so this is the basis on which most British people form their opinions, which is why you see such an outpouring of anti-Muslin rhetoric.

2006-10-08 10:36:35 · answer #10 · answered by mark 7 · 4 2

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