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If Jesus is lying about being God in the flesh, how does that make Him a prophet? If the apostles lied about Jesus saying that, how can we know what Jesus ever said?
If the Bible is all lies, how can you use it to say Jesus spoke of Muhammad? What if that's a lie too? Aside from the Bible, which Muslims claim to be false, what other "proof" is there Jesus spoke of Mohammad?

2006-10-08 10:19:30 · 25 answers · asked by cirque de lune 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

Even the little I know (and the less I care) about religion, I think you have got this back to front. Jesus was around some 600 years before mohammed, so very doubtful Jesus ever mentioned him.

2006-10-08 10:22:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

O cummon .Ure asking the Muslims to prove if Jesus was a prophet or not? when the fact remains that there are many christians who are themselves confused about the concept of trinity.Go and prove it to them first, that Jesus was a God.

If a Christian can have a God ,a "son" of God, and even a "mother" of God.It is more than possible for the Muhammad to be a TRUE prophet.

And besides,at least the Muslims have a book that has never changed,not even a single letter even after hundereds of years.And there is ample proof of that in history.There are texts of Quran that have been found dating back to centuries and they are the same.So atleast we are following the original scripture.Which has scientific facts that no one knew of fourteen hundered years back.Prophet Muhammad was not a literate man and yet the book revealed on him contains facts that cannot be refuted by science.And so we can believe that Quran is the word of God and since it was revealed on him,Muhammad is the true Prophet of God.

You cant say that about the Bible.We muslims believe that Bible was a holy scripture.But the Bible today is not the original bible.Bible contains hundereds of scientific and mathimatical errors.Imagine God not knowing these facts.The chances that Bible may have been changed during the course of time can be proved by the fact that you have a new version of the bible coming out every other day.Who sends you those versions---God?Ofcorse these are man made versions.There could b alot changed during the course of time(Hundered of years).Can u see the implications of this relaxation of change in the Bible?It can b devastating.Human is a fallible being after all.How would you know if someone had changed or added smthing on his own?Which is highly possible and very tempting for certain people with political or ulterior motives.

In the light of all this I can would say that Muhammad pbuh is the true Prophet.And that Jesus Christ pbuh is not God but a prophet.

I would have added a lot more but it would be too much to discuss and too little time.Discussions like this require a thorough treatment.Which requires a lot of time.For a further comparison between Islam and Christianity ,you can refer to the debate between Dr Willium Campbell , considered one of the best critics against Islam that there is today by the West(i hope you know who he is) and Dr Zakir Naik(Renowned Muslim sholar and expert on comparative religions).Im sure ull find a link to the video recordings somewhere.Srry I dont have the link .If smeone else knows the link please do mention.Go to irf.net .I think they have it in their video gallery.

please forgive me for hurting anyones feelings but due to the nature of the question had to express what I blieve.

2006-10-08 19:12:20 · answer #2 · answered by sara_gillani2003 1 · 0 0

Every record and references tell us that Jesus is the Son of God. We are to Love , Honor and Cherish the word of God. You are using the word IF so much. Try to say the Bible IS the truth, the light and the way. You asked What are we to do ? The Muslims downgrade the Holy Bible. If you are a Christian , then you need to read the Holy Bible. The Bible is not lies. Biblical Scholars have found proof after proof, that the Bible is right on. So we can not listen to the ones who bash the Christians. They want to take over and do away with the Christians. satan is on a rampage, all over the world. Go to God and He will guide you. Take care and may God bless you, Always!!

2006-10-08 17:39:47 · answer #3 · answered by Norskeyenta 6 · 0 0

In The Name of God, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Dear sister,

You have highlighted a very interesting point.

If we are told that the Earth was flat and everybody believed in it then what are we to do?Do we just believe the Earth is just flat or is there another way of explaining it.

This is where logic comes in.

The question is not a matter of records, everything has to be fully explained by logic.

That is the Motto in Islam and it encourages the quest for knowedge and being able to explain things with wisdom.

In this case, i put forward to you a question you most probably have come across before. Who was the father of Adam?How was he brought to this Earth?
If he did not have a father or Mother then does it not make him a Son of God also?

Muslims do not believe the Bible to be false,There is no doubt that the general conviction of most Muslims is that the Bible contains original revelation from God but is supposedly corrupted to one degree or another. The Qur'an states this too.

They believe in some parts of the Bible while rejecting other parts--based on the fact that the New Testament (approxiamately 15% of the Christian bible) today was not written immediately after Christ's death. Furthermore, a major part of New Testament Biblical text is written by Paul of Tarsus, who some insist never actually met Jesus.

I also ask you, is the Bible today in the original language it was compiled in? Whereas the Qur'an is in it's Arabic language and preserved in its orginal form, not claimed to be the word of Man and not made up by Muhammad.

Examples of Poor or deceptive translation
This can include:

Translating to "Son of God" instead of "Servant of God".
Translating the Hebrew word "Arab" to "wilderness" instead of "Arabia".
Deceptive translation of the 3 last lines of Deuteronomy 33:2.
Translating the Greek word "Parakletos" to "comforter" in reference to what Christians claim is the Holy Ghost, while the word does not have such a connotation. It means "advocate," as used in reference to Jesus.

Final point,

In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prostrated Himself, fell to the ground, put his forehead on the ground and he prayed to God. That is how Muslims pray to God. Why then, when he needed God at the most vital point in his life then he prostrate like a muslim and pray to God?

Ask me if you need any references

2006-10-08 18:45:45 · answer #4 · answered by Sajed A 1 · 0 0

From an Islamic perspective the Quraan speaks of Jesus his followers are called the 'people of the Book'. A section of the Quraan is also dedicated and in detail describes the birth of Jesus or as we call him Essa (AS), this is in Surah Maryam 19th Surah of the Quraan.

So in no way would any muslim call Jesus (Essa) a liar, he is revered as a Prophet of God. It is just that in our opinion, the current Bible(s) are not the 'Book' spoken of in the Quraan.

The Gospel of Baranabas is a scripture which alot of Islamic scholars agree contain remnants of the original Book sent down to Jesus. The above book speaks of Jesus as a messenger or Prophet and not as God. The Gospel was first mentioned in 492-496

2006-10-08 17:46:08 · answer #5 · answered by j20sa 2 · 1 0

I know of at least two pieces of impartial(as much as could be expected) literature, written at the appropriate times in history, that portray the man called Jesus as nothing more than that, a man. One even states that he died from being hit by a boulder from a trebuchet type device whilst continuing to preach about God in the streets during the Romans siege of Jerusalem!


2006-10-08 17:30:04 · answer #6 · answered by googlywotsit 5 · 1 0

Of course we have no documents supposedly written by Jesus, just those written about him after his death, most by people who never met him, the first being Paul who never met or saw the living Jesus. Jesus refers to himself as the Son of Man, and when asked to say straight out if he is the Christ, the son of God, he says, "it is as you say." Where does he, as opposed to others in the story, directly say "I am God in the flesh?" He said "You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of God." If he's God he can't sit at his own right hand, can he? I am of course aware that saying "if you've seen me you've seen the Father" or "the Father and I are one" is claimed to be equivalent, but it's not really.

And I assume you are aware that men claiming to be sons of the gods were common as rocks? Genesis 6:1-4 refers to sons of God, Nephilim, taking human women as did the Greek Olympian gods. You have Heracles the son of Zeus and a human woman, as was Theseus and Perseus. Aesculapius was deified after his death. Alexander the Great's biographers spread the word that he was the son of a god. All of the Roman Emperors claimed descent from the mating of gods and human women, including Julius Caesar's mother, ravaged by Jupiter in the temple. Hindu religion is full of Gods and demigods and of course Lord Krishna.

But your point is well taken that Muslims say the Christian scriptures lie, then try to use them as credentials for Mohamed. Sure seems that they are saying their prophet's credentials are a pack of lies. Not a really good marketing approach to ride Jesus' coat tails and then discredit the only documents asserting Jesus' divine imprimatur.

2006-10-08 17:55:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was under the impression that it was Muslims who acknowledged the existence of Jesus (but not his place as son of god.) I think that Muhammad didn't come along until half a century later.

2006-10-08 17:25:08 · answer #8 · answered by Christopher 1 · 1 0

The only proof you can get is a sure knowledge after asking God. Pray about what you believe and He will tell you whether or not it's true. You have no idea where or when or in what form the answer will come, but when it does, you will know without a doubt.

2006-10-08 17:23:38 · answer #9 · answered by Summer V 2 · 1 0

Why can't Muslims face up to the fact that Jesus is Son of God?
Jesus is Son of God, that so all His teaching are about love, forgiveness and peace.

How come Muslims cannot face up to the fact that mohamad are not prophet of Allah ??,

Because Allah, will not allow man to have 2/3/4 wife by any excuse. So all the pervert, sex maniac, child molester cannot be good man.

Because Allah, will not allow their beleiver to kill, torture, harash, hate other beleiver. Allah never teach full of hate with each other human being that He created. Also Christians, Chatolics, Jews have the same God, Allah of Abraham, I dont know about Islam because if your prophet from the same God your prophet will not teach you to hate the same beleiver.

Infront of Allah, all human are the same right. But Mohammad that claim him self as prophet teach many discrimination against women ????

Allah never teach with violent, full of hate, full of pleasure, so do you think Mohamad is the real prophet from Allah ???

Wake Uppp !!!

2006-10-08 17:42:00 · answer #10 · answered by OpenMinded 3 · 0 1

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