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Almost on a daily basis someone makes some mention to the black being enslaved in this country. Not only are we reminded, it is almost as if we have to be held accountable; however, in the 1650's, 80,000 to 130,000 Irish men, women, and children were sent into slavery. There were some sent to the US to work on plantantions and there were some sent to the Carribean. As a result, many died from starvation and sickness. So, why is it that we just remember the blacks that were forced into slavery?

2006-10-08 10:11:36 · 23 answers · asked by mcgrawm7 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

If you want to check my facts you can go to the following link:


2006-10-08 10:12:15 · update #1

Yes, I am Irish, but I am not saying that I am bitter about it. What I am simply trying to figure out, is why was it okay for others to be enslaved, but not the African Americans.

2006-10-08 10:38:13 · update #2

Peter, yes, I read the entire article.

2006-10-08 11:05:43 · update #3

Here is another link to look at:

2006-10-08 11:10:54 · update #4

Here is another question for you. Why is this part of history not taught in school? I do not remember being taught about it.

2006-10-08 11:21:59 · update #5

23 answers

You also forgot to mention that:
a. Africans were enslaving each other for hundreds of years before "the White man" came to Africa. (This was done after they captured other tribes in tribal warfare.)
b. Africans sold THEIR slaves TO Europeans.
c. Africans in many parts of Africa STILL sell their children.
d. Today, human trafficking in America is usually done to people with lighter skin. White women, lighter-skinned Hispanic women, and Asian women are usually the ones that are offered basic jobs (ie. waitressing, nanny jobs, etc.), are told that they'd get citizenship easily because they'd be working, etc., and then get sent to places like strip bars and prostitute's cribs.

In short:
Whenever people start talking about "the evils of the White man" and how Whites should be punished for "their past actions", they are spouting hypocrisy. Slavery was legal, Africans were legally sold by other Africans, slavery still goes on today in Africa, and we must also remember today's modern day slaves. I'm not justifying slavery- I'm just saying that we can not blame people for what happened hundreds of years ago even if it was done by their ancestors. (Especially since most people don't even own slaves.) Doing this would also justify punishing the children of (let's just say) that guy who killed those Amish girls for their father's actions. Those that demand reparations usually are just money- hungry fat asses. (Honestly..... every single person I've seen that was demanding reparations was at least 230 pounds.)

Why is it that we only remember this form of slavery? Political correctness. However, try bringing this up in a 7th grade history class that is being taught by an extremely liberal teacher..... The results can be priceless. ;)

2006-10-08 17:13:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because some have nothing better to do with there time than to be hate mongers, And some people love to hate. I think it is ridiculous for anyone to hold to days people responsible for what their ancestors did centuries ago!Through out history there have been slaves whether it is right or wrong that's the way it is.Some white people helped the oppressed and risked their lives doing it.But they were far and few between!

The reason we weren't taught about the atrocities committed to the Irish is the same reason we weren't taught the truth about the slaughter of the Indians in order to lay claim on their land. Or that the Indians were lied to and tricked into surrendering under the pretense they would not be harmed.And then they were shot. For the same reason we weren't taught about the "Trail of Tears" and how many men,women and children died from starvation and decease while they were forced to walk hundreds of miles to a reservation. They weren't even allowed to stop and bury their dead, they were just left there on the trail! I can relate to you, my Grandmother was Irish/German. My Grandfather was Cherokee.

2006-10-08 12:14:45 · answer #2 · answered by Jo 6 · 1 0

Maybe you or somebody out there can tell me why only the enslavement of blacks is remembered, not the many whites who died fighting for their freedom, or the fact that whites ran the underground railroad that sent so many of them to freedom. Nobody wants to remember that, and I feel that that is a very racist way of looking at things. How does anybody know just by looking at me which side my ancestors were on?

To more accurately answer your question, people all over the world seem to need to think that whites are the oppressors of everyone else, and couldn't have possibly ever been a victim. Then they would have to see us as regular people instead of an evil entity to blame for all their problems.

2006-10-08 10:39:34 · answer #3 · answered by DJ 6 · 2 0

The belief that whites were never sold into slavery in America must be a Northern ignorance.

In Rome who do you think built the Roman Empire and Metropolis? It was white people - like you and me.

There was strong anecdotal evidence of whites being kidnapped or sold into slavery from the early 1700s to the Civil War. Some were orphans, others poor immigrants or unwanted illegitimate babies. Some were snatched off country lanes, their skin dyed to look black; some were sold ostensibly as light mulattoes. A white woman was even sold down the river by her new husband, followed by her children, to a Georgia preacher. There were court cases, including the notorious 1844 New Orleans case of Sally Miller, a German child sold as a mulatto. There were newspaper accounts, sightings of white slaves in Southern travel memoirs, including Frederick Law Olmsted's influential "The Cotton Kingdom" (1862), and African-American slave narratives attesting to white slavery.

It didn't even happen to the current black community personally, so I don't understand why they think we owe them. We've been making up for that for years. I think we've "paid" for what we did.

Blacks have had over two hundred years to get their act together. When the Irish first came over here, everyone despised them! They were called names and were a minority but over time they picked themselves back up and made a good life for themselves.

I think for the most part everyone just hears about blacks being slaves because they're non-whites. It's not politically correct to care about whether or not whites have been slaved before.

But it's time they stop blaming us for their failures - We're not the ones forcing them to sell drugs, gang bang, rape, commit crimes, pimp ho's, or only sell rap music for a living. There are very well-rounded, educated black people who say that they're even tired of hearing about how so many of their kind rely of welfare and always play the race card.

** Everyone in America (white or not) has a fair chance to have a successful life - - all they have to do is work for it.

2006-10-08 10:30:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I dont know why. probably because they intend to make money out of these accusations.
Puzzles me also why is slavery supposed to be exclusively a african-american heritage
Slavery was part of humanity since time immemorial. In fact the US and UK did the most to eliminate the slave trade, including by waging war on "sovereign and independent" countries in Africa and Asia.
BTW. most slaves from Africa went to Arab states and into China. Arabs used them as slave soldiers (eg. Sudanese slave soldiers were crucial at the time of the Crusades). The ones sent to China were all castrated (by Imperial edict)
If you look at where most slaves came from, then the answer is Europe. Usually by raids either by the Barbary pirates on the Mediteranean sea (their raids went as far as the British isles) or by tartar raids overland
Why only the black slaves matter nowadays? I guess it's called "political corrrectness". Coupled with selective learning of re-written history and the fashionable tendency by some historians to blame "the white man" for all the evils of mankind

2006-10-08 10:24:25 · answer #5 · answered by cp_scipiom 7 · 1 0

I don't hear the same things being said as you do, but then again we probably live in different areas of the US.

I certainly do not like being held accountable for what my ancestors did; who blames the Africans that sold the black people to the white men back then?

2006-10-08 10:20:17 · answer #6 · answered by sugarpacketchad 5 · 1 0

It beats me!!! I am tired of hearing that I " OWE" somebody!!!!! People need to get a life!!!!! The past is well over.

Why are you still blaming us over what our ancestors did sooooo many years ago. WE DON'T OWE YOU JACK Sh$%^!!!! GET A LIFE GET A JOB STOP WHINING!!!!! Most of by best friends are of other races.

Edit #2 " What I am simply trying to figure out, is why was it okay for others to be enslaved, but not the African Americans."

Your correct. It is not right for anyone to be enslaved. Period!!!

2006-10-08 10:15:45 · answer #7 · answered by wayne7in 2 · 4 1

Slavery has been going on from the beginning of time.That doesn't make it right or wrong it is just the way it is. Race has nothing to do with it. Have you ever heard of the expression " the squeaky wheel gets the grease"?

2006-10-08 10:47:35 · answer #8 · answered by autumnbrookblue 4 · 0 0

cuz there were more blacks that were enslaved than the irish. like in the 50's n watever, a lot of people think only blacks went through discrimination, but there were other races too that couldnt drink from the water fountain or had to sit in the back of the bus. i guess black people are just louder or sumthin.

2006-10-08 10:20:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

We are reminded daily because the new agenda is to get reparations for said slavery. There is money to be made for black leaders here. My thoughts are Affirmative Action is enough and even that needs to go away. That is the most racist program going today. To think that all races cannot compete in today's world equally is ludicrous and I would think more minorities would be fighting for its removal. Unless of course I am wrong in thinking that we all equal in our abilities.

2006-10-08 10:18:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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