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On the TV News today there have been many reports from the Pakistani earthquake area. There were dozens of women to be seen; NOT ONE was wearing a full veil.

Is this because Pakistani Islam is different to British Isalm? Do they take their Islam from a different Koran?

Or is it that the real reason IS to firmly identify themselves as NOT being a member of British Society?

2006-10-08 10:05:26 · 25 answers · asked by Essex Ron 5 in Politics & Government Immigration

25 answers

Maybe. In a lot of Western countries for various reasons immigrants tend to go back to their roots. They tend to shut themselves off from the mainstream culture. Generally they are more conservative in their ways than the ones who are left behind. It's a way to distinguish themselves from the dominating culture. Although (legal) immigrants acquire the same rights as everybody else, and in that sense can dress how they like, some of these die hard habits in my opinion only hurt the integration process.

2006-10-08 12:32:55 · answer #1 · answered by Yuri 3 · 1 0

I have no objection to some Muslim women wearing a veil, it"s entirely up to them, however, I feel strongly that Jack Straw is right to ask Muslim women who visit his surgery if they would mind removing the veil during discussion. I assume they are there in the first place seeking help on some matter or the other. It is surely a matter of courtesy when talking to somebody in confidence to reveal your face, as facial gestures and eye contact are an important part of any face to face discussion. It now seems that the press has "got hold" of this story and it has now become a major topic of conversation. It does appear that some of these women are wearing this veil to publicly display their Muslim faith, and as a statement that they will not integrate, but are they doing it on their own free will or some family dictate. I feel people who come here in search of a better way of life should, before being allowed to enter, show at least a minimum understanding of "our" Culture and Language.

2006-10-08 10:35:27 · answer #2 · answered by researcher 3 · 0 0

I guess the real reason is if it is important to Muslim women and they want to wear the veil then it is, end of.
There are differing branches of the religion just as there are with others and we are not asking other religions to make changes to supposedly "break down" barriers.
I am not Muslim myself but I think if it is an importnat feature of the religion then a barrier breaking excersise would be to find out and understnd the significance rather than assume the veil is worn with a nasty ulterior motive.
To that end this is not a question for general discussion so much as one as one that needs to be asked sensitively of Muslims, if we feel a need to. Afterall if you wanted to know why Jews have their Sabbath on Saturday or why Mormons don't Drink Tea or Coffee, you'd ask them wouldn't you?

2006-10-08 10:22:46 · answer #3 · answered by bumbleboi 6 · 0 0

The Koran calls for women to dress modestly. Different people have different opinions on what they consider modest.

Those who consider the veil necessary to maintain their modesty certainly will think it's important. Those who are happy with a headscarf may not think it's important to themselves but probably understand why some women do wear the full veil.

2006-10-08 10:11:51 · answer #4 · answered by mark 7 · 4 0

It is up to them if they wear the veil or not. But in the UK if they are asked to remove it for identification purposes they should do so. I remember some Muslim girls refusing to use communal showers at school - I supported them. religions usually have a reason for rules - even if that reason may be outdated. That communal shower rule may not be outdated considering how many lesbians we seem to have now? Some other Muslim customs that are opposed by our customs need to be changed such as treating women as inferior. I had to sit with my back to a young Muslim woman - for no practical reason. She was not allowed to sit at the table I was. It is impolite for an Englishman to sit with his back towards a woman. It's bloody dangerous with some women!

2006-10-08 10:45:15 · answer #5 · answered by Mike10613 6 · 1 0

The veil seems to be very important to many of the Muslim women i have come to know.
I must admit that i don't quite understand why they allow themselves to be made to cover in such a way but then i am English and Christian so i guess i will never fully understand.

2006-10-08 10:52:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is more important to ignorant, moronic, racist , know all, better than all westerns - that's for sure, considering the amount of press footage it generates. If I had to worry so much about other peoples style of clothing as most people in the press, I would check myself into the nearest mental hospital.It does not seem to matter to some morons here that when asked, Muslim women say they prefer to wear it.

2006-10-08 10:15:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Whats the difference between muslim women wearing a veil, and western women plastering their faces with make-up?
Besides the religious factor. A mask is a mask.

2006-10-08 11:59:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

it is sickening .......... the sight of veiled woman walking around in western nation. they escape from their birth country due to persecution or for economic reasons. instead of starting afresh, they brought along their religious fundamentalism with them. if these people wants to be ultra religious ........ why bother emigrating to another land. but sadly, the west is partly to blame too. these developed countries took in any Mohammad or Osama who could not or would not adapt to their adopted country .... when case where the immigrant could readily integrate into the local community were rejected. the west must be firm on these religious issues on their own land before it create segregation and distrust among the community internally. a person ability to adapt to the local community must be given top priority. maybe a trial period ......... if they wouldn't adapt, why not deport them back to where they came from ......... where they can covered themselves all they like and live in persecution.

2006-10-08 10:40:03 · answer #9 · answered by AlfRed E nEuMaN 4 preSIDent 4 · 0 0

ok pay interest if u are modest without hijab then good for u .. u are a good properly raised female if u wearing hijab and not in any respect modest then definite its incorrect, bcz we could continually be modest too with habit no longer in elementary words the seem yet .....u ought to understand the job is responsibility the hijab is a responsibility...wether u are modest or no longer....definite u should be modest yet hijabi is a ought to. clone of praying,,,, u ought to wish no matter if u are concentrating or no longer....definite u must have concentration yet could i say, properly the religion is in the middle so enable me leave Salat? like properly im modest so why wearing the hijab? the job is a responsibility... u cant leave it nor replace it.even with if u are modest. i wish u get what i'm saying right here, Salam

2016-12-04 10:13:57 · answer #10 · answered by hamiton 4 · 0 0

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