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14 answers

You must not follow the news. If you did then you wouldn't think twice about taking something for depression. We are human and it is normal to feel depressed. It's a subconscious way our brain tells us to get up, get out and do something.
If you really need an antidepressant then get Jesus in your life.

2006-10-08 10:11:58 · answer #1 · answered by joe 3 · 0 1

It really depends on what the problem is. I can tell you which ones not to go on. Stay off Effexor and Paxil. They have horrible discontinuation syndromes which feel more like withdrawal to the person they are on. The drug company name it discontinuation syndrome, but it can be very uncomfortable for the patient. Ones that are good are Zoloft, Lexipro and Wellbutrin. They have cleaner side effect profiles. Lexipro and Wellbutrin also have a lower incidence of sexual side effects which is important in women. Paxil and Effexor have a huge incidence of side effects. Prozac the oldest of that drug class and is the most stimulating medication in the class. It is used in some cases where a person is really tired as a part of their depression. The doctor will put a bunch of factors together in deciding what medication is correct for you. Depending if you have trouble sleeping, are tired or have anxiety along with the depression. You can just look at the product websties yourself or go onto a website I am going to provide for you to get more information on medications. It is best to get this prescribed by a psychiatrist even for simple depression because they know what they are doing and can put you on the correct medication from the start. They are the specialist. Just as a dermatologist knows skin a psychiatrist knows psych meds. A primary care doctor may be well intentioned, but miss diagnose a person or choose a medication incorrectly. If you think you might need help with depression it is definately worth checking out. You may also want to have your thyroid checked and regular blood work done as well. I hope this helps.

this site you can get info that is not from the manufacturer. You can also pull up information from every product manufacturer. I think the medication information is under the get informed tab.

Here is another site about depresstion to look at if you like

These are both free and reputable sites. They take donations but do not require them.

2006-10-08 18:44:11 · answer #2 · answered by adobeprincess 6 · 0 0

Choosing the best antidepressant for you will depend on a number of factors. Almost certainly your doctor will prescribe one of the newer, "2nd generation" Anti-depressants known as 'Selective Seretonin Reuptake Inhibitors.' These drugs are much safer and vastly more effective than older antidepressants. There are several available: Effexor, Cymbalta, Prozac, Wellbutrin to name a few. All of them work on the same principle, but they are each unique in which type of neurotransmitter that they act upon. Most people respond well to the first of these that they try, but occasionally people may have to try 2 or 3 different meds before finding the one that is best for them. There are two important things to remember:

1 ) Take the medication as recommended, everyday and be patient.

2 ) It takes at least 2 weeks for these drugs to begin to show signs of effectiveness. Therefore, you must not quit early. A proper trial would give one of these meds at least 6 weeks to prove itself.

Good luck! You will find the one that works for you and be feeling much better soon.

2006-10-08 10:20:43 · answer #3 · answered by Christopher 1 · 0 0

This would depend on what your mental health issues are, and what your provider might think would work best for you. There are so many medications out there. And remember, some medications take time to work, like you need to take them for 2 or 3 weeks before feeling the effects. Be sure to discuss this with your physician. Write down any side effects that you feel when you are on the medication. There are millions of americans on antidepressants, so you are not alone. Good luck. Don't hesitate to call your physicians office if you have concerns or questions regarding yourself or your medications.

2006-10-08 10:09:38 · answer #4 · answered by lulubella106 1 · 0 0

Try every other possible avenue for treatment before going on antidepressants. Reports are coming linking many popular antidepressants to the increase in suicidal behavior, violent crime, homicides. And what the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know?....You WILL become dependent on these drugs, they ARE addictive. Do some research...and not from only the pharmeceutical website.

2006-10-08 11:05:22 · answer #5 · answered by msuzyq 4 · 0 1

Its gonna depend on you. Some things work for ppl, but dont work as well for others. Everyone is different, so youll just have to find the one that works best for YOU. It took me a few different ones before I found the one that worked best for ME.

Dont give up, if you dont get the right one immediately. Youll find the one for you. Just take each med at least for two weeks before trying something else....if one doesnt feel like its working.

There isnt one specific drug that works great for everyone.

2006-10-08 10:07:36 · answer #6 · answered by ~~ 7 · 0 0

only you and your doctor can make this decision. I went through so many anti-depressants with no luck and the last one we tried, the doctor didn't think it would help me and my needs, but we tried it anyway. It has saved my life (literally). What works for some, will not work for others. No one can tell you which one will work for you, you just need to be patient and you'll find the right one. Good luck and hang in there!

2006-10-08 10:07:53 · answer #7 · answered by ginger 2 · 0 0

This is a complex question, and one for a trained physician. The newer SSRI's are getting much better than in years past......particularly at having reduced side effects.......ask your doctor about Lexapro.............the company isolated a molecule from Celexa..........discuss with your physician to determine if this is right for you. Also, if truly depressed, anti-depressants work best when coupled with psychotherapy.

2006-10-08 11:45:56 · answer #8 · answered by chipper35_1999 3 · 0 0

Depends on your mental state, what effects your depression is having on you and things of that degree. I'm on lexparo but it doesn't help my anxiety much so I'm going to have to switch here soon. But good luck, I know how it is trying to find a anti-depressant that works really well with little side-effects.

2006-10-08 10:05:17 · answer #9 · answered by agape♥ 3 · 0 0

Wellbutrin works really well for me and I have tried about five other ones. It has non-sedating side effects which is one reason I like it.

2006-10-08 10:12:35 · answer #10 · answered by kismetgirl47 2 · 0 0

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