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I think it's wrong of them. Good parents should expose thier children to different beliefs and allow them to make their own choice. Many parents try to force their children to believe the same things as they do.
When they do this, they're not giving their children a chance to see what they really believe in. If the child won't believe in it when they find other beliefs, the parent's beliefs most likely aren't right for them.

2006-10-08 09:45:50 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am talking about religious beliefs.

2006-10-08 09:54:00 · update #1

23 answers

I disagree, you need to realize the importance of religion to people.
Do you teach your children not to steal, not to kill?
Yes, you don't give them choices and show them the positives of stealing , lol.
Religion is what many believe saves the soul. If parents don't teach their faith to their kids they believe the soul will be lost.

Also the word "forced" is just stupid. Parents force kids to eat, sleep, drink, go to the bathroom. Is that wrong?

I DO agree that a child (around teenage years) needs to analyze his/her beliefs without bias. You need to believe in your religion because you believe in it, not because your parents do.
But this can't be done when your child is like 9....

2006-10-08 09:47:28 · answer #1 · answered by aliasasim 5 · 3 1

You are speaking of parents who have taught their children from toddler age and up. In the Holy Bible it tells all parents to bring the children up in the way they should go. Many small children do not have parents to teach them. When the children grow up, the don't know which way to turn and then you wonder why so many grownups nowdays don't go to church. It would be almost imposible to give the children many choices, when they are to young to know what is good for them or how to make choices about different beliefs. You speak from the point of not having children. I don't think you do, or you would know why parents are suppose to help and decide for their children. We do not force beliefs upon our children. It is our God given duty as parents to guide our children. Then when they get old enough they can make their own decisions. If you don't guide the children, they won't even know about God. Why do you suppose there is so much hate, violence and confusion in the world now. Take a look at how many grownups that have never been into a church. This is sad You are suggesting something impossible. How can any good parent do what your trying to say ??? You are just a disobiediant child. Your rebelling against your parents and you should remember this: Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother, so the days may be long upon the land that the Lord Thy God Hath Given Thee. If you don't obey and learn from your parents, your days will be short and un-happy and confused. If you would have followed your Parents instructions, you wouldn't be blaming them now.

2006-10-08 10:22:36 · answer #2 · answered by Norskeyenta 6 · 0 0

Ok people, let's be honest. As a parent, it's inevitable that you'll force your beliefs on your child. Think about it. Believing that you should be open to all faiths is still a belief. You would force your child to grow up open-minded. I'm not saying this is a bad thing and actually support what you're doing. I'm just saying that even though you're not forcing the tenets of a certain faith on them, you're still forcing what you believe on them .Up until a certain age, kids are basically incapable of independent thought. They merely regurgitate what they've interpreted as right from their parents. And also, you're not born with any innate beliefs. It may seem that way, but that's only because you already have lots of information imprinted on you by the time you're able to express yourself.

The independence comes with age. This is what it means to be an adult, being able to recognize some of the assumptions you've made since you were a child and question them.

2006-10-08 09:54:54 · answer #3 · answered by Phil 5 · 1 0

I believe that any parent that forces their religous beliefs on their children is asking for trouble in the sense that it may cause that person to either embrace it or to run as far away from it as is humanly possible to do so . I am of the opion that a parent should talk to them about their beliefs and teach them about their views on religon and let the child when they reach the point to where they can make a decision as to weither they want to follow and adopt their parents religon or go off if you will and do what they believe is right , cause I do not believe that anything shouldbe forced upon anyone cause people tend to have a view of hatred or discussed about that topic incompassing everything that it entails . That is my opinion as a minister of the Gospel OF Jesus Christ . I hope that this answer helps you out in the way that I intended it too .

2006-10-08 10:51:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Good parents give their children guidance and if that includes practicing their faith that's what the children should do.

Some parents allow their children to sample other religions.

But that's the parents choice.....children are children and parents have the last word.

When the child grows up and moves out they can make the decision if they what to continue practicing their parents beliefs or find one of the own or even drop the whole thing.

2006-10-08 09:51:38 · answer #5 · answered by daljack -a girl 7 · 2 0

I am atheist and my wife is Christian. We both share our beliefs with our children and we dont shove it down their throats. We actually dont discuss it unless one of them asks us a question about it. Then we both sit down and answer the question. My wife usually goes first and I come in next with the rebuttal. My kidfs learn both side of the debate and THEY choose which one they believe.
Parents who tell their kids that they have to believe in God(religion) are doing their children a great disservice. they are telling their children "you cant think for yourself, therfore I am going to tell you what to think" and by the time the child is old enough to actually think for themselves the beliefs of the parents have been so ingrained into them it is near impossible to get it all out so the child can truly make their own decisions. It is a sad world when freedom of thought is OK as long as it agrees with everyone else.

To all of those who answered this question about teaching yourchild about stealing, etc, being wrong. It is wrong, that is why we teach them it is. But religion is a matter of opinion and opinions are not right or wrong. They are a persons thought on a subject. Not an actual fact, such as stealing is wrong.

2006-10-08 10:29:17 · answer #6 · answered by wilchy 4 · 2 0

The Bible says to bring up a child in the way he should go.

I have a niece that doesn't call me uncle, because her parents believe in nothing.

If you were a mother would you not teach your child how to cross the street or should she learn on her own?

Where were your parents when you got into pagan worship? So you did learn from your parents to make your own decisions.

My Children learned how to pray. They learned religion as well as what other religions are taught.

We read the Bible and reason together.

There was always a chair at my table for Jesus so my Children would be ever aware of his presence.

They are on their own. I have 4 2 boys 2 girls.

It's not perfect but I am proud of all of my kids. My oldest son Married an ex mormon and they have 2 kids. He is a male nurse and accomplished martial artist with his own school.

My oldest daughter is a distant believer

My other Son is in US security

and my youngest , though a rebel has never caused me shame.

They are 26,25,22 and 20 None of them smoke , drink or take drugs.

I would like to think it is because I loved them enough to show them the way.

My two sons did as I did and surfed among the denominations and read their Bibles to find their way.

My two girls will ask me questions but I'm sure only read their Bibles on ocaution. My oldest son has Bible devotions with his family.

I only asked that the Bible be their souce of direction, not me.

If I fit into your description. What background or belief systen qualifies you to say what good parents should do?

If you wish to bring your Children up as Pagans , that is your perogitive . There is only one right way. A loving Parent would try to stair their child to it.

It may or may not be right, the only agreement I have with you is this. Whe a child reaches an age of understanding, They need their own God quest. No one can give God to you . He must be found.

2006-10-08 10:22:09 · answer #7 · answered by ? 6 · 3 1

I dont think any parent can FORCE a belief on a child. What other beliefs are there other than GOD ALMIGHTY?? Why wouldnt I teach my child about GOD? How is that forcing the child to believe?
You either believe in GOD or you dont. Simple as that. It doesnt matter what the religion. There is only one GOD.
If my child finds he dosnt believe in God that is his choice, but I will teach him and guide him to know God and pray he chooses life everlasting and finds Jesus to be his savior as that is my job as a good parent. How can GOD not be right for a child?

2006-10-08 09:53:53 · answer #8 · answered by yeppers 5 · 3 0

I never felt that my parents forced their beliefs on us. children are not adults or mature enough to make important decisions. if children made their own choices all the time then it would not be called parenting or raising a family. kids develop their own beliefs when they go to school & interact with other people.
you really don't make a lot of sense.
maybe parenting is not for you.

2006-10-08 10:05:24 · answer #9 · answered by chit-chaat7 3 · 1 0

There is no difference in teaching a child the parents religious beliefs than it is to teach them manners, grammar, spelling, addition, subtraction. If when they are older, they can choose whether or not to believe that 3 X 3 = 9, or that Jesus is the Son of God..................... or in fact that stealing is wrong.

2006-10-08 09:49:11 · answer #10 · answered by thomasrobinsonantonio 7 · 3 0

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