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I am 26, i am currently seeing an engaged 18yr old, should i feel bad?

i must mention, i've been screwed about, hurt in the past left me with no feelings, no emotion and no conscience, an dits taken up till now for a girl to notice the real me, so i wanna do this, for me.
i asked her, what am i to her, she said we are FCk Buddies, which i am kool with.

2006-10-08 09:35:01 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

43 answers

Well, if you don't have a conscience, then why are you asking the question? You know that cheating is wrong.

2006-10-08 09:38:05 · answer #1 · answered by LibraT 4 · 1 0

You shouldn't feel bad about seeing this engaged girl, you should feel like a scum bag. Picture this: a girl you are madly in love with is cheating on you, and even the man she is cheating on you with is aware that she is engaged. How would you feel? You say you have no emotion / conscious, but trust me, if your fiance was cheating on you, you would be feeling plenty of emotion.

Just don't do it, yeah, you don't have any emotions and obviously don't care about some poor guys heart, but that guy your FCK buddy is engaged to still has a heart, so don't let what happened to you happen to him. Is that what you want? In the end, wouldn't you want to somehow change things so that you still have a heart? Trust me, it's much better than turning your back on everything and everyone- putting up a wall gets old very fast, I know from experience.

You want to know something funny? There's this guy I've known since I was 16 and he was 22. He's been screwed over, dicked with, cheated on, etc. because he's a nice (and GORGEOUS) guy that fell for the wrong girls. All he has ever wanted was to get married and start a family. he's turned into a negative, lonely person, but has never given up on finding someone. The funny part is... I've been in love since I've known him but just haven't had the nerve to say anything. I know I'm exactly what he looks for (he wanted something more, but I was too young back then and we decided to take a step back), it's only a matter of time before I tell him how I feel. He's always open to a relationship with me, but doesn't know how I've always felt about him.

Someone could feel that way about you.

2006-10-08 09:48:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let's see now this 18 year old is engaged and you and she are fornication buddies, how nice. You're obviously not a very mature 26 year old otherwise you would have caught on by now that this 28 year old doesn't care about the "real you" that the only thing she is interested in is what is inside your pants. That's what fornication buddies are, nothing more than a penis meeting a vagina for sex. You are nothing more than a piece of meat to this girl. If you weren't there she would be using a vibrator, get the picture. If you don't like being used as a doormat stop lying down and allowing people to wipe their filthy shoes on you.

2006-10-08 09:40:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think you've answered your own question there! Yes cheating is wrong!!!! And you should know this by the way it's made you feel having it done to you and leaving you feeling hurt!! Why would you want to make someone else feel as bad as you did? I think you do have a conscience, otherwise you wouldn't have asked this question.

Finish it now, it's never going to go anywhere - and she's made that clear! It will all end in tears, nothing good can come out of this situation.

Have you asked her why she is engaged or even with her fiance if she wants to be with other lads? Your playing with fire mate..............she sounds like bad news!

Hope all goes well x

2006-10-08 10:10:17 · answer #4 · answered by tink 1 · 0 0

Cheating is wrong, and I think you know that - maybe you do have a conscience after all. It's not necessarily wrong for moral reasons, but because in the end people get hurt, and sometimes they do stupid things - and ultimately because trust is lost. She might well lose her fiance - so maybe you should feel bad, but then it's up to her to tell him. You obviously don't have any qualms, but are you really happy being the way you are? I think you are both using each other, and ultimately you will despise each other. Get a real relationship - don't hurt yourself and others for the sake of the past!

2006-10-08 09:41:39 · answer #5 · answered by lianhua 4 · 0 0

She is engaged and if she's your f**k buddy then obviously something is lacking with her fiance and one day she will finish seeing you as with f**k buddies there aren't emotions to get in the way. If someone loves someone enough to commit to them, get engaged to them and then F***s someone else...is that right??? Why bother in the first place?? You say you don't have any feelings, emotion or conscience but you want to do this for you, is that really the case as you have obviously been thinking about this or why ask. I think you know the answer to your own question.

2006-10-08 10:59:21 · answer #6 · answered by Saskia M 4 · 0 0

So I'm guessing we'll be seeing you guys on the "I have a devastating secret to expose to my lover" topic of Maury? I think you feel guilty because you are now going to be the cause of making someone else feel emotionless with no conscience if the 18yr old's fiance' finds out. Yeah it's wrong and you both suck for misleading yourselves and the duped idiot marrying the 18yr old.

2006-10-08 09:47:27 · answer #7 · answered by mother_flower 3 · 0 0

I dislike the word 'cheating'. It implies you are getting something you don't deserve. Sex can be just sex and you have no way of knowing what is going on in another perosn's relationship. I believe that people start other relationships outside of an existing one becuase something is missing in the first relationship. Their partner may be aware that something is missing and be cool with the other person seeking that missing something elsewhere or thety may not. Either way it is their problem and not yours.

What this girl is saying to you is that she likes having sex with you, bt she is not giving up her emotions, she is not in love with you.

You say that you have been hurt in the past and now have no emotions. But you sound very angry to me. Woh are you taking it out on? Yourself? This girl? Her boyfriend? I also don't belvie that you have no emotions otherwise you wouldn't care what you are to her. Start being honest with yourself and be a better man. Know what you have to offer another person before you throw it away on a girl who has little to offer you. You are also obvisouly not cool with it otherwise you wouldn't have posted this question so again I repeat be honest with yourself.

2006-10-08 11:57:37 · answer #8 · answered by Leapling 4 · 0 0

cheating is wrong and if you know what it feels like then why are you going to put her fella through it too. that's a very selfish thing to do . get your own girlfriend and be honest with her instead of just sleeping with this girl just to make you feel slightly better about your self. I'm sorry you have been hurt in the past and i have to, my ex hubby cheated on me 3 times and no im not a minger !! but i would never cheat on anyone its so hurtful to everyone involved

2006-10-08 10:57:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

YES IT'S WRONG!!! So you've been through live boo hoo! Everybody gets hurt in love. And the 18 year old is engaged she shouldn't be screwing around if she supposedly loves this other person. She should break off the engagment and you both can be together and cry. PIG!

2006-10-08 09:42:20 · answer #10 · answered by kooimanlora 2 · 1 0

It's mostly wrong on her part. She's too young and obviously not ready to be married if she's cheating on her husband-to-be. I'm sure HE'D think it was pretty wrong. You're not quite as bad as she is, though. You're a good guy for asking the question, but t's still not cool to screw another guy's girl.

2006-10-08 09:51:09 · answer #11 · answered by Laura T 1 · 0 0

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