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okay i have found out that some of my closest people cut themselves!! its like why? i dont get it and i wanna know how i kan help them cuz im totally lost and hurt!please help ASAP!

2006-10-08 09:16:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

17 answers

You can help your friends by telling a adult that you can trust. This is a very big issue. The reasons behind this type of behavior can be numerous. And counseling can be a very useful tool. Good luck and God Bless.

2006-10-08 09:20:34 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Just like the first person told you, tell an adult you trust. I wouldn´t advise going to the school counselor, they can be real bastards sometimes (I majored in Psychology, I have a little inside info on this....). I would say your parents, or anybody actually OUTSIDE the school system, unless thre is a teacher you actually feel trustworthy of your very legitimate and serious concern. Do not take this matter lightly, and do not let anyone take YOU lightly, you seem to be genuinely worried here, that deserves and calls for respect; thus, go to an adult you feel will genuinely respect you and the loved ones that are going through this. It is very easy to categorize people, (that is why I insist on keeping this away from school counselors, unless your counselor genuinely is a stand up guy/gal) you need to go to someone who won't react by saying "Dear Lord, these people are sick and violent unto themselves, where is the psychyatrist!!". It is usually a little more complex than that.

Unfortunately, you are in a bind, one of those that has no easy solution. That is why I insist yet again on perhaps you parents, or some other person who you feel will respect the situation you are in. Kudos to you for your courage over there, it takes guts to be hands-on in a situation like yours.

Best of luck to you and your friends,


2006-10-08 09:37:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For many people, emotional pain is harder than the physical one. When they have some emotional problem, they distract themselves with physical pain. The theory is simple: you cannot think beyond the pain. Now, what kind of emotional pain is that bad? Well, "normal people" cannot conceive of it, but for many individuals, cutting themselves means bringing back control to their lives, which they feel they have lost. They could feel depressed, empty, unreal( as in "my life is unreal, like a dream").
Mostly they are either physically or emotionally abused. To cut themselves means they don't have to deal with the memory of abuse, and through the pain allows them to truly experience their existence, an option generally unavailable. In general, the subject is too deep for one yahoo answer, but that is the gist. To stop them from hurting themselves, they usually require emotional help or some form of therapy. Occasionally, they will reject help, because they are afraid to trust another person again, or to even trust themselves. I don't recommend approaching the topic on your own. It will probably demand time and skills only trained professional have. It might even get hard to make them talk. Fear and shame often go hand in hand in those cases. Which is again why the main job should be left to the expert. Your role, I suspect, might be in letting them vent, if they are bold enough to overcome their reticence, and not show any signs of distress at their revelation. People close to you will probably crave for understanding and unconditional acceptance, at least in the beginning. Hope that helps any. Good Luck.

2006-10-08 10:35:51 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

don't treat them ANY different no matter how hard that might be. Treat them EXACTLY the same. The reason a lot of people don't tell is because they are afraid of not being accepted and being treated differently. There is more to them than cutting and they are still the same people. It's great that you want to help them. Don't force them to talk about it. It can be hard to explain. Simply be there for them no matter what. And make sure they know that. Tell them you will do what ever you can. Make sure they aren't afraid to ask your for help when they need it. Talk to them and ask if they want help. Give them maybe a month or less (depending how serious it is) to tell someone. If they don't tell by the end of the time you agreed on, then tell someone yourself. Me and my friend are also cutters. She made a site that I think would help you understand. Here is the link http://www.freewebs.com/razorbladeXromance3/
shes great at giving advice and I can almost promise you she'll do whatever she can to help you and your friends. here are some ways you can contact her. She's 14 by the way.

2006-10-08 09:45:53 · answer #4 · answered by Sarah 4 · 0 0

People who cut themselves have an illness, a mental illness. It is something that can be treated, but they need to see a psychiatric physician to seek answers as to "why" they are exhibiting this behavior, and then they can effectively treat the problem. It may require medications, and serious counselling. Your friends are not "psycho's" or "weird" or "nuts"...they just have things either going wrong in their emotions or in their body that need to be addressed. They need professional help. That is the advice you should give them if you want to help them.

2006-10-08 09:24:01 · answer #5 · answered by PaPaFreak 3 · 0 0

i have no idea why its so common now a'days. It's because they're extremely retarded. See, all of the people who do this just want attention. They just don't feel like there's any reason for living. Any person who comes to answer this question saying that I'm just a stupid guy who wants to feel smart or some sh*t is just like those people who cut themselves thinking, "ooh look at me, I'm cutting myself because no one loves me and I'm a pa*sy bi**h whiner!" I'm getting so sick of those little punks who listen to punk rock and just blast it all day just to look like the depressed guy because they think its cool. Personally, I've tried to 'intervene' with one of my friends who did this, and they got all emotional because i proved them wrong. They only do this because they want their thoughts to be heard. Basically it comes from a lack of attention. All you can do is basically agree with everything and anything they say. If you try to prove them wrong, they go all crazy. Through emotional neglect, they form something similar to what I can best describe as a dominants complex. So in closing, all you can do is treat them as you would a newborn, give 'em lots of attention.

2006-10-08 09:31:14 · answer #6 · answered by animewarlord5000 2 · 0 0

One of my good friends cuts herself, I just recently found out. It is confusing and hard to accept but the first thing you need to do is tell their parents, followed by a school councler or teacher. Don't confront them because they will become overwelmed and most likely go and cut. After you tell you can ask to be kept annoynomous, but telling someone is the best thing that you can do.

2006-10-08 16:00:55 · answer #7 · answered by Gabi 2 · 0 0

If your friends cut is means there is something that causes alot of stress going on at the moment, it maybe problems at home, like I have a friend who started cutting because their parents were invading their personal life. So ask your friends if there is something troubling them and ask if you can help, if they reject you, or say nothings wrong, do what the first person who answered said.

2006-10-08 09:24:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

U really need to tell someone else. While there r healthcare providers on this site, there isn't much we can do. Ur friends need help, and it is not likely that u will be the one who is able to give it to them. Offer ur support to them, but tell an adult who cwn get them some real help.

2006-10-08 09:21:40 · answer #9 · answered by dragonkisses 5 · 0 0

Cutting is called 'borderline personality disorder', and it needs professional help to get under control. Some things are worth telling adults about.

2006-10-08 10:00:53 · answer #10 · answered by nursesr4evr 7 · 0 0

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