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I fear I am becoming a misanthrope, a hater of men! There is so much evidence all over the world and in my own personally life that tries to convince me to write MEN all off as sadists. Does any one else feel this way? I know it is unhealthy, and I am under the influence of gross generalization, but the preponderance of evidence against men is too much to ignore...
Any sound advice you can give me to square this away in my mind would be HIGHLY appreciated.

2006-10-08 08:33:31 · 14 answers · asked by Sereny 3 in Health Mental Health

14 answers

I went through something like that growing up but mine was more fear of men. My father was a very angry, abusive person who drank and treated my mother very badly.
When I got older I realized that not all men were that way and there are some very kind, caring men out there..and I also learned that it is wrong to catagorize all men..yes there are some horrible people in the world who do horrible things but if we let their actions dictate how we feel about a sex as a whole then we loose our power as people.
What we are also hearing is only the bad and the media has a huge influence over that...hey it sells papers as they say and heart warming human interest stories are usually relagated to the back pages. I think that the mass media and reporting of only the bad has had an influence over a lot of us in many ways and you are showing signs of one manifestation too.
Maybe we need to find the good things...one way is to volunteer in your comunity...I am a hospice volunteer and the first patient I had was the sweetest little ol man...who told me a joke about a week before he died that still makes me laugh..

Three bulls a large bull, a medium sized bull and a small bull, were bored and grazing on the side of a hill when they decided to go into town. They jumped over the fence and started walking down the road..
The large bull looked up and said "I see a lady cow I want to chat with, I will catch up to you fellas later" and he bounded up the hill.
The medium sized bull and the small bull continued down the road when the medium sized bull saw a friend he had not seen in a long time and said "hey I wanna talk to my friend, you go on ahead to town and I will meet you later"
The small bull went on not being distracted by anything...on and on he trudged until he got to town.
The moral of this story? A little bull goes a long way!

LOL Very cute...After he passed I told his family the joke he told and they got a huge laugh out of it even in a very stressful time.

It will get better hon, I promise.

2006-10-08 08:57:17 · answer #1 · answered by tigerlily_catmom 7 · 1 0

You know, the main problem when any, and I mean anyone who starts hating any group, is because they are ONLY RECOGNZING THE BAD PART OF THE SELECTED POPULATION. Of course there are men out there who are good; they outnumber the one or two men you see on the news everyday who are bad. Remember these people are individuals.

Think about it. Think of a person who hates someone, yet can only list where they get their hateful information from as the media/television or people they see on the street. These are not representatives of their group.

The media is designed to show you the bad because that is what keeps people watching. I mean how many of us watch the news when they are reporting on a hot air balloon fair??

And maybe you only choose to see the negative? Our minds do filter out information that does fit into our individual schemas of the world. Maybe you do not see the good men because you don't want to. There are PLENTY out there.

2006-10-08 10:31:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Never never generalize! ! Yes there are bad men out there, but there are also some truly wonderful men. I grew up in a family of 4 brothers and a loving father whom I adored. Wonderful nurturing men all of them. I have two wonderful loving nurturing sons and a husband who I have been married to for 34 years and hope to be married to for another 34. You only hear about the bad ones, that is why I get sick of the news. It's the negative things that are news worthy according to them. They should broadcast the positive things too. Some of us would like a breather once in a while.

PS I have seen and heard of some really bad women too.

2006-10-08 08:57:59 · answer #3 · answered by Country Hick 5 · 3 0

Maybe you are looking at this issue out of proportion. The media has to show the very good and the very bad side of life--nobody want's to see normal people living normally. There may in fact be less woman/child abuse than there has ever been but now you see every bit on the tube and in the papers.

2006-10-08 08:38:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Women are often the civilizing influence in the world, due to their function as mothers. They support peace and maintaining the status quo. Violence is as foreign to them as creative thinking. The two go together as dynamic forces. Violence is the ultimate dynamic expression of the animal biology of the human body. While creative thought is the ultimate expression of the human mind. In each of us there is a conflict between the two over who will win out, almost like the Force, the Dark Side is sadistic violence, the Light Side is careful reasoned thought and action building toward a better life for oneself, and in turn all benefit. The Dark Side is much easier, and destroys life. But in order for progress to continue, for the world to improve itself, people have to be allowed to make their choice. Without choice we are nothing but slaves.

2006-10-08 08:47:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well here's one... "I know it is unhealthy, and I am under the influence of gross generalization". To contradict onesself is irrational. You wouldn't want people thinking you're irrational would you? Good grief woman, get a grip. Maybe one in a thousand men is like that. Worst case, one in a hundred. Gross generalization?... I don't think so. It's much worse than that, it's genuine hysteria.

2006-10-08 08:38:39 · answer #6 · answered by Mr. Peachy® 7 · 1 1

You shouldn't hate men because the only ones that get publicity are sick in the head. There are plenty of sane normal men in this world, but nobody makes a big deal out of them because they are sane and normal.

2006-10-08 08:37:00 · answer #7 · answered by Lori R 2 · 3 0

If you ring a bell everytime you feed a dog, he salivates when he hears a bell ring.

You are doing the same. You are assuming all men are abusers. You are obviously having some misfortunate events in your life with men.

As for the articles you are reading.... has it occured to you that perhaps you are LOOKING for those types of stories because it matches your current problem.

If we all went out LOOKING for AIDS articles, all we'd think about is AIDS. Try looking for some positive articles on men.

All men are NOT bad. In fact, I am finding more often that out of the younger generation of men and women that men are proving to mature faster than women.

Think about that.

2006-10-08 08:40:55 · answer #8 · answered by Mona N 1 · 1 2

NORMAL men don't get on tv only the bad ones if I where to think tv was true Id think women did not exist

2006-10-08 10:02:17 · answer #9 · answered by kairi fanboy 1 · 3 1

The reason why the media always presents shows and stories of men hurting women and children is because sexism against men sells. It's all about making money, it's NOT about telling the truth, and so when programs market sexism against men, it brings in consumers like yourself who buy into the lies of onesided ideals. You then buy their magazines with man hating articles, tune into TV programs about bad men, helping them earn more cash. The reason why your starting to hate men is because your allowing this country to buy you into that way of thinking.

Clearly if you think logically, and not with just your feelings, you'll realize that both , men AND WOMEN do terrible things to hurt humanity equally, but they go about it in different ways. Men are more physical with there stupidity, and women are more mental with lies in their stupidity. It's not one sex thats more evil than another, it's MOST PEOPLE IN GENERAL WHO ARE STUPID.

Stupidity and bad behavior isn't segragated to one sex. So, if you allow yourself to hate all men by allowing people and/or the media to brainwash you into believing women are saints and men are evil, then that means you welcome and allow yourself to sexist. DO you want to be sexist? If you do, you are then the same as the men out there who are sexist. And if your the same as them, then when you complain about them, your complaining about yourself as well.

2006-10-08 08:37:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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