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For the last 2 months I cannot control my emotions. The least little thing will make me cry, and I hate it. I am crying now as I am typing this question. I know that I am depressed and I know what I should do to help myself, but right now in this moment I can't seem to make myself. I would stay in bed and not get up if I could, I avoid ANY social activity and most of the time I don't even answer the phone, I haven't checked my mail in over a week.... I need some serious help and don't know where to turn.

2006-10-08 07:21:26 · 19 answers · asked by julianna76301 5 in Health Mental Health

I am currently seeing a therapist, but it isn't helping...the meds make me sick, as a matter of fact I think they make it worse at times...

2006-10-08 07:25:25 · update #1

19 answers

Yep baby you are depressed for sure...and I know you are well aware of the fact and do not need me to tell you that you are however it seems to me that you are on the wrong meds. The right meds would have worked by now and would not have made you sick. I know because it took me a long time with the help of my primary physician to find the right combination of meds for my depression. One of the meds I took I just could not tolerate and made me ill. If you get the right meds it could make all the difference in the world.
You need to call up your doctor and make an appointment to see them asap and then you both decide what is the better course of your treatment. Do not be afraid to tell them if something is not working...and it seems your meds obviously are not...you will be a whole lot happier person in the long run! Good luck hon!

2006-10-08 10:38:19 · answer #1 · answered by tigerlily_catmom 7 · 0 0

I was exactly like you for 4 months and even dropped out of my last semester of my masters program because i was unable to function. For me only a psychiatrist could help. Talking about it did not. It took tons of trys untill the combination of lexapro and wellbutrin max doses fixed me. I am 100% normal today and finished my masters. You can do it too. You just need to be patient and try maybe another medicaition. There is a right one out there for everyone and I believe it is a true chemical imbalance. Do you feel alone? Like no one loves you? Like you will never be or do anything. Life you can't think of one thing to look forward to? This negative thinking I had and it made me worse. You can think yourself into a chemical depression and once you are at that point only meds can help. It took over 3 months on meds before i got better but after they added the second one. I would type up all my symptoms and give them to the psychiatrist. You have to convince them you have a real problem and you are not a spoiled girl crying for help. I do not think that but doctors see it all the time. Ask about getting on another antidepressant to combine to the one now or switching. Doctors want to be safe not sorry so they advance you so slowley and you have to be proactive in your health care and telll them what you want. It took tons of visits until they finally added the welbutrin on top of the lexapro and i felt like my "normal self" 10 days later that was all it took. I had no idea and didn't even know it was because of the med till I looked up welbutrin and it said it takes 10 days to work. There is nothing you can do except get the medication now is what i think and let the illness run its course. Like the flu and stuff the body can even get inself back into shape after time. You will get better, Don't give up, and find out what is the reason of your depression and research it. The true cause may be something that is not even true. You are not alone I think 30% of the general population experiences something like this. I am better now and you can be too.

2006-10-08 07:54:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

don't worry hun. You're probably just going through pms. It happens to most girls. You just need to think of happy thoughts and get yourself out of the house. Maybe you could take runs or (walks) with your friends or dog if you have one. When you wake up don't just lay there. Get up and take a quick shower and then get ready for the day. The longer you dwell on something sad or depressing the worse you're going to feel!!! Just know that your family loves you and all your friends love you. If someone says something offensive, just forget about it. They're not worth being sad over. Becuase the only reason people say rude things to you is to just make themselves feel better about themselves!! and the last thing you want to do is make them feel like they have succeeded. Just be happy!!!! You are pretty and wonderful and Heavenly Father loves you so much!! And know that each day is just gonna get better. NEVER tell yourself that you're going to have a horrible day!! Because you know that's never true!! THere's always a highlight in every day. Hope you get better sweetie!

2006-10-08 07:36:54 · answer #3 · answered by ♥lovinlife♥ 2 · 0 0

When depression becomes this sever you may need medical treatment. Depression is caused by many thing but usually an imbalance in hormones. I know that when I went on birth control I became so emotional I couldn't stop crying. This goes to show that even the smallest changes cause you emotional distress. You really need to go to the doctor though when it affects everyday living. I am wishing you the best! Try to stay upbeat!

2006-10-08 07:27:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Gotta wait for the meds to act hun! Most antidepressants take 3-4 weeks to have any effect (taking more than ur prescibed dose ain't gonna make any difference).Depression is a disease like any other, and,it CAN be cured.At this point all you can do is brace up for the ride. Try to surround yerself with people who can make you feel better and honestly care for you.I know how bad it can get, I wish you luck and strength!

2006-10-08 07:38:04 · answer #5 · answered by Red Huntress 2 · 0 0

as quickly as you have given your emotions some room to respire, look at some thing to make you snicker. It in all possibility won't artwork in the initiating, yet once you shop observing issues--Monty Python, a sitcom, a trashy fact tutor--your recommendations will artwork off her. do not attempt to repress something, only comprehend which you have given the even its fifteen minutes, come to words with the reality she's long previous, she's not coming decrease back, yet you had some stable cases whether, then launch the grief decrease back into the international. you do not ought to shop the discomfort. you are able to shop the happiness you had, no remember how short, and enable the negativity circulate.

2016-10-19 00:57:16 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

well hun. what happened to you to make you so upset. it really seems like maybe you need a friend who will listen to you. if its depression i suggest welbutrin (probably spelt wrong) but that was the only antidepressants that really helped me. you really need to get up. take care of yourself. life is not worth sitting and crying around. i know some days may call for that. but not everyday. you need to get out enjoy life. and in order for that maybe you need to think about why this all started. it was a bad breakup well then it just wasnt ment to be. youll find someone better. if it was a death. well it was just time for them to go. things happen for a reason. it may be hard but you really need to force youself to get up and take of yourself and not let yourself sit/lay there and be sad. go otu have fun!!! trust me it will help the longer you lay in bed doing nothing the harder it is.. gosh i could go on forever. but really dont want to bore you! you will get over this ok! just gotta push yourself a little and really look into welbutrin start off at a low dosage!! and good luck hun!!!! keep ur head up you dont deserve to be sad!!

2006-10-08 07:34:41 · answer #7 · answered by anioheveteric 2 · 0 0

have you recently had a baby post pardom deppression might be your problem my mom had that after i was born she would cry over a snuggle bear commercial or like the kool aid commercials you know just little things like that also post pardom deppression can just hit you sometimes and you dont know why but also it could be if someone died recently that you didnt think you would cry about so its affecting your sub concious a recent break up could do it too what ever it is its more than likley sub concious i hope everything works out and good luck

2006-10-08 07:32:36 · answer #8 · answered by 420-nirvana 2 · 0 0

As you have rightly stated,you are suffering from depression.There are broadly 2 ways to deal with it.
1.You can meet a Psychiatrist who will give you professional advice and medicines to deal with your problem.
2.You need to do some serious introspection to find out the cause of your depression.what went wrong in last few months which could have lead to this situation?Take help of your friends.
You can do some YOGA exercises to come out of it

2006-10-08 07:33:20 · answer #9 · answered by ALOK18 1 · 0 0

shame hun! i know what is feels like..unmotivated, you don't care feel slik ethe world is against you. You should go see a g.p, or is that is too much just text a friend and say you need some help, ask them to come over. You need to see a physcologist or physciatrist. I am so sorry! I hope you do stop crying! all my love

2006-10-08 07:24:15 · answer #10 · answered by lucy_goose 3 · 0 0

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