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I had never looked into the Amish religion until the atrocity against their community recently.
As an atheist I have no time for any religion, I certainly have no respect for the 'so called' Christians. (Two faced springs to mind)!
But it seems to me that the Amish group actually practise their Christianity, they will actually turn the other cheek, they dont treat this just as 'something that Jesus said' which can be translated into whatever the reader wants it to mean!
It appears to me that they are the only 'true' Christians that I have ever come across! Why arent all Christians the same in this very basic teaching?
How can a 'true' Christian justify killing a fellow man, woman or child, for whatever reason?
By all means do it, (if you consider the act justified) but dont call yourself 'Christian'!

2006-10-08 06:19:45 · 17 answers · asked by budding author 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

'Abdulazii' Muslims have their own prophet and are certainly not 'Christians'!

2006-10-08 06:41:06 · update #1

'Tofu Jesus' I'll do a bit of research into your claim!

2006-10-08 06:44:23 · update #2

'Searcher' are you implying that it was only Christians that donated cash?
Also I wasnt questioning the nutters religion that killed these children!
You may be correct there may be a few other silent dedicated Christians out there some where!

2006-10-08 06:49:00 · update #3

'Born again Christian'
Atheists follow a religion?? Where did you get that from??

2006-10-08 06:51:54 · update #4

'Nise' Good polite response, I did not wish to imply that the Amish had in any way 'influenced' me! Impressed me with their sincerity yes, influenced no!

2006-10-08 06:56:57 · update #5

'INTIKAB' I enjoyed your reply, but dont agree that "A true Christian is recognised by his action, rather than relgion"
A true Christian is one who follows the teachings of Jesus, and actually belives all that is required to be believed within the Christian faith! Apart from that I mostly agree with you!

2006-10-08 07:04:51 · update #6

'North' you are correct I havent done much reasearch into the Amish, (so far) but I will get around to reading your suggest www bits!

2006-10-08 07:08:44 · update #7

17 answers

The Amish, Mennonites and Brethren are a GROUP of fine Christians but there are other sincere peaceful Christians around. It's finding them that is the problem.

2006-10-08 06:27:10 · answer #1 · answered by a_delphic_oracle 6 · 1 4

So there is a definition for what a true Christinite is now, because I don't believe it. The Amish profess a Christian faith and from what I have seen they are as much Christian (if not more so) as any others who have claimed the title. And I do not intend that as any form of insult to the Amish.

2016-03-28 01:45:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Apparently you have not bothered to do much research into the Amish culture. Amish youngsters are very likely to abuse drugs, drink alcohol and impregnate non-Amish young girls.

Every Amish youth is given the opportunity to fly solo when they reach the age of 16. During this time, they abuse drugs, use profanity that would scare a drunken sailer, own and drive cars, and sleep with any sweet young thing that is willing. This period of time can last a couple weeks or a couple years. It is a time when the Amish youth is searching for him/herself and tasting the fruits of the outside world before deciding to continue in mainstream America or to return to the Amish fold and take the vow to remain Amish.

In the mean time, Amish youth wreak havoc in their towns, drag race their cars, spend sleepless nights watching porn, violence, using the services of prostitutes and even dealing in illegal drugs and/or weapons - while wearing blue jeans, T-shirts or baggy pants.

The teen Amish girls are given the same oppotunity and will experiment with makeup, short skirts, padded bras and promiscuous behavior. All this time, they have the choice to live with their families or get an apartment of their own.

Their parents went through this period of self-discovery, as well. And the parents turn a deaf ear and blind eye to what their children do during this time. Nothing is expected of them until they make the decision to stay with their heritage or fly free permanently.

You are only taking a little bit of information and running with it. Does this sound like a Chritian family to you?

No one faith is any better than another. We are not the judges here. We are not the jury. Do a bit more research on a subject before you start pointing fingers and making declarations that are not yours (nor ours) to make.

Only true Christians? By what standards?

Atrocities are still atrocities no matter what faith or culture they occur to.

2006-10-08 06:55:38 · answer #3 · answered by north79004487 5 · 2 0

It's great that you've seen some true Christians - the one's who've influenced you happen to be Amish. You'll find them in all denominations; people who read and believe the bible (as written) and do their best to live by the Great Command. Just as all Amish do not follow the law, neither do all Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans or any other denomination. That's why the Christ had to be a sacrifice for all sinners - NONE are capable of keeping the law perfectly. Christians do not claim to be perfect - only forgiven. You'll find people in every church who are no more Christian than the man in the moon. As for interpreting scripture - you are absolutely right - many denominations interpret scripture say what they want it to - especially in regards to homosexuality, abortion and ordaining women. Read 2 Timothy and you'll see St. Paul told us the time would come when this would happen (see below). Read 2 Timothy - a very short but infomative book. God bless you. ~Nise~

2006-10-08 06:32:27 · answer #4 · answered by newfsdrool 3 · 4 1

A true Christian is recognised by what they do, not what label they have. I have met many people who do not follow religion as such but seem to follow the basics of being a christian such as being good to others, doing what is right and are humble etc.
I have also met many church goers who attend service and read the bible who are among some of the worst people I have ever met. They are bigoted, foul mouthed, self-righteous, intolerant and blinkered.

Surely we should aim to live together in peace and harmony, regardless of the name of our faith or the way we practise it.

The problems arise when faith becomes over zealous. Originally it was the Catholics, now its the Muslims. There have always been religious zealots and that is what causes problems.
The average person of whatever faith is good and tolerant of others and I admire that. I myself do not claim to be of a particular faith but due to my upbringing have had experience of several. I choose not to join a particular faith as I follow the spirit of things and not always the letter.

I have spoken to a number of people who are more well versed in the Bible than I and they all agree that for every instruction in the Bible, an equal and opposing view can also be found in the Bible.

2006-10-08 06:37:02 · answer #5 · answered by INTIKAB 2 · 1 1

A couple of issues you should know about.

You are right in the fact that the Amish have the integrity to stand up for their beliefs, and they harm no one. They choose to believe in their lifestyle as an expression of their faith.

But also know that almost $500,000 has been raised to help with the medical and burial expenses of these children.

This was not a "true Christian" who murdered these children. It was a man who forgot his Christian values and got caught up in his own "needs". A true Christian is to put others before themselves. He forgot that issue.

Please remember that the ones you hear about are the negative ones, the ones doing good works that are Chrisitans don't publicize what they do, so as a result, you don't see the good things that so many Christians do, day in and day out.

2006-10-08 06:25:08 · answer #6 · answered by Searcher 7 · 4 1

Are they 'true' Christians? No.

Christians are to be witnesses, while the Amish prefer to withdraw from worldly contact with the outside world.

Atheists are the real two-faced people. They claim their is no God, but they have no proof, therefore they belief by faith, and a faith-based belief is a religion. And thus, they practice a religion they can't prove, and yet they criticize Christians for that very same thing.

Only God can create life, and therefore only God is justified in taking a life.

2006-10-08 06:30:30 · answer #7 · answered by Born Again Christian 5 · 3 3

They are not the only true Christians, but they are to be respected for their whole hearted way of living according to Christian principles.

2006-10-08 09:37:03 · answer #8 · answered by waycyber 6 · 1 1

Any person who lives by the teachings of Christ are true Christians. Muslims are not the true followers of Jesus as they believe he was a prophet,and Jesus himself said that he was the Son of God.

2006-10-08 06:28:15 · answer #9 · answered by Dooosh 2 · 4 3

A christian is a follower of Christ, He knows our hearts, all our comings and goings, He knows who we are and that is good enough for me. My greatest fear is to bring dishonour unto him by my words or actions.

2006-10-08 06:33:44 · answer #10 · answered by cheyenne 4 · 3 1

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