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why so much .. ..hate and voilent

2006-10-08 05:42:25 · 3 answers · asked by western 1 in Society & Culture Community Service

3 answers

Which world are you comparing this world to? We're humans and we're by nature hatefull and violent.

2006-10-08 05:51:26 · answer #1 · answered by lanisoderberg69 4 · 0 0

The biggest question in the world, good luck and god bless, you wouldn't ask this unless it was one that bothered you so much. I wish I had the answer. Only thing I would say. Is people are bored and want to find conflict which in turn causes hatred and violence. Different denominations of Christians, Buddhism, even different wiccan's and Indian believers, non-religious people and over active religious people find hate toward them and even if they wont admit it also from them as well. All people hate something. From coast to coast, house-to-house race to race we have hate. I too wish it would stop; the only way to stop is if the world ended. That’s a scary point, for if we focused on just a certain topic that people feel is the reason a new reason will just take its place. Hurts the most there.

Here am me for instance. I was hated for being a military brat; I was hated for not being pretty, bad at sports and being short for my age as a kid. I was hated for not being bright (smart) I was hated for being in special educations. What do I hate well being forced to learn a language I didn't want to speak unless I lived in their own country? (I lived in Germany I learned German to live there, I live in the states, but I am American not Spanish see my point) I hate being treated bad for being poor. Laughed at for not having a credit card (I don’t owe a card for my purchases or pay 1.24 for a 1.00 burger perchance by a credit card) I honestly hate gay people because it is against the bible to be gay. I hate certain types of dogs because of the violence. But have seen some that are just as gentle as a kitten. I hate certain foods because of the taste. I am not a violent person unless physically attacked. Verbally violent only when the words of the bible is twisted or my family hurt because someone wants to verbally attack our characters.

So you see there are so many types and so many issues, some may agree with me, some may hate me and some may look at me as dumb. But that me. It’s not a human thing. Its what is in the heart and what is inside and outside the box of perception.

Good luck

2006-10-08 13:41:41 · answer #2 · answered by angelchele 3 · 0 0

That proves how the homo eructus is differnt from the wondeful animals tamed opr wild .
Because man who lernt most of the things from the animals has started inventing many things , existent and non-existent , on his own..
as loing as he was close to the animals , he was good and not greedy.
Animals are very contented and thir requirements are limited to their requirements and do not try to deprive others of thier dues and requirements .
Butmanis different . he is not contented and he is greedy . his requirements are not limited to his requirements .
Let an animals grze insome medow . it will to its requirements and then go away to the sahed of a ree and lie down to ruminate the cud.
Let a man into a shop allowing him to take whatever he wants , he will try to take everything whether he needs it or not and also would try to take more things for later use . He won't mind depriving others of anything they might need and he might not really need too.Greed is the one thing that gies rise to more greed and never reaches satisfaction . Man alone has it .
The problems of the present world seem to be based on a number of things , all based firmly on greed for power and influence .
Most of the people iterefere withothers though they are concerned withthem .People are doing this in the name of religion. This sort of behaviour has asecret plan that the adherents of the religions themselves do not know . The religons are the ancient politcal parties . it was used by some intelligent crooks to weild influence over even the Monarchs and the rulers . The crooks who had no physicl might , found it easy to influence the kings and all thesubjects throguh the religon as the sole agent capable of interceding with the God on behalf of the believers . These crooks were able to exercise influence over the kings to the extent of making th ekings spend their present life in contructiing their graves insted of attending to the dutiesof the present life . They were made to spend their life in constructing elaborate and massive graves fo themand bury gold for the xpenses in the after -life and all grains and cerels and chattels , arms , furniture and serveants for their future life . They did not even know that in the after life these things would mnot be useful and what they burried were useful for the robers in the present life. such vicious influence they heads of religons could have over even the most powerful kings . no wonder ordinary peoiple fell an easy porey to the heads of religons . Now the religons provides and esy way to the heads of the religions to wind over the countries without having to wage a war and become the lord of any country even over the king without having to e answerable tothe people and collect his thithes which the people would pay willingly and voluntarily whre as the king has to employ lot of officers to collect the taxes . the king who collects taxes has toprovide for so many fecilities for the people . Whereas the king of the church has nothing to provide .No body would questioin him for anything and he can exercise a powerful influence over the people and the king also . If all thepeople of the world ar converted to a particular religion , the head of that religion becomes the Emperor of the world without having to wage a war and he can have the position of the emperor without having to do anything for th people inreturn for the enormous mount of ththies they voluntarily pay and he does not have to em0ploy and tax collectors or any army even . This is an easy and sure way of becomoing the unquestioned and uncrowned king of th eworld and twomajor religons have started to fight for this position- Christianity and Islam. It is because of this thea these two religions are competing with one anothere for recruitment of people to their respective religion by competition . therye are primarily responsible for all th eills of thepresent world .sensible governments should ake serious note of this fact and ban all religions immediately . or at least their efforts rto cinvert people to the respectie religons should be banned as they interfere with one another in this effort and create violence and massacre in the greed for power . the religons of th day seem to havge an unquencable thire and unsated hunger for power . This is contrary to religious teachings of the Bible . But in the case of Islam , the religons itself seems to teach violent and forcible conversion as claimed by the terrorists who are killing people all oer th eworld and the other muslims who claim ha tislam is peaceful do not condemn the violence but criticize those who take action aginst the terrorists - a firm approval that the religons teaches violence .
so in the interest of peace of the world , it should be necessary to an religios all oer the world though God is true , for the simple reason god himself would not like the way the religions are perpetuating hatered and disturbance of peace and killings all over the world . it looks that the religons by htir own deeds would bring insuch a situation soon in the inerest of the peace of the world .

2006-10-08 14:07:41 · answer #3 · answered by diamond r 2 · 0 0

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