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has anyone ever really lived in a real life haunted house? I think i did when i was little, but never thought about it until now. Our t.v. turned and off all of the time or it would scan through channels. Once we even had a candle light itself. My mother never talked about it, and now i was wondering if this was a haunting or just a coincedence

2006-10-08 05:36:03 · 7 answers · asked by Adriana27 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

7 answers

i have lived in three haunted houses. in one case i lived in a old slave house and i was in bed and i saw a shadow move across the room into the bathroom. my wife saw is also and it moved to the end of the bed and touched my foot never have i had chills like that. i have never been harmed by one.some people carry demons with them but thats a whole different subject!!!!!!

2006-10-08 05:57:41 · answer #1 · answered by tugboat21601 2 · 1 0

There's no such thing as a haunted house. Every one that has been investigated found mundane, natural explanaitons for everything that happened. Sometimes it was even a member of the family trying to scare everyone else.

Check out Joe Nickell's work with the Committee for Scientific Investigations of Claims of the Paranormal for more details.

2006-10-08 05:40:26 · answer #2 · answered by eri 7 · 0 0

Yes, I'm living in one right now. Nothing has happened in a while but this house has more ghost activity than any other I've ever seen elsewhere. I live with my grandmother currently. Long story.

Things that have moved (for example, the sound of hangers moving in the closet when there's no possible way to have a breeze in there and no animals whatsoever. Only heard it once) appearances, and the like.

When I was younger, maybe 8 or so, my sister, two cousins and I were in the living room playing "house". The adults and the boy cousins were all outside. The adults were having a yard sale and the boys were playing hockey or something. I had pushed the chairs in the dining room against the dining room table so we had more room to play. We all suddenly heard a scraping noise and turned to look. One of the chairs moved itself out from the table and turned toward us. Then you could see the chair "deflate" slightly as though someone sat down on the cushion. We all ran out screaming. My mom said that she was sitting by the door to the house for almost three hours and no one had gone in. Yet, to this day, everyone still thinks we were lying.

When my grandmother was in the bathroom, babysitting my sister and I one night, we were in there with her watching her do her hair. Suddenly, my sister and I started hearing Disney music. The music from Snow White (Hi Ho, Hi Ho). We told my grandmother and she said to go look in the living room because there was probably a commercial on. Only it was a Chrysler commercial. That happened every time we went into the bathroom for the next 10 minutes or so. My sister and I think maybe it was my grandfather since he and my grandmother both went to Disneyland probably 20 times before he died.

When I was 10 years old, I was in the living room at night playing. My parents, grandmother and an aunt and uncle were in the dining room chatting. I was just dancing around the living room to music. I looked at the living room (6 feet tall and about 8 feet wide), and there was a green face in the window. It was roughly 5 feet tall. It had long pointed ears, cat shaped slanted eyes, and thin lips. While I was watching, it smiled at me and it had fangs. I screamed and ran into the dining room and the adults came running. It was gone of course.

When I was 11 or 12, my grandmother was babysitting 4 of my cousins and my sister and I. We were all sitting on the floor in the hallway, talking. Don't remember why we were. Then all of a sudden, all the doors and windows in the house rattled at once. To this day, my grandmother thinks someone was playing tricks on us but I'd like to know how living beings could do that considering that it would take people inside and outside the house and roughly 30 of them at that.

When I was a teenager, I saw a man's boots poking out from under the curtains, only no one was there when I went to check and the boots were gone.

I saw my grandfather once standing on the landing near the back door. He died before I was born.

Recently, the computer used to be in the basement. I was sitting on it at the time. There's a box on top of the fridge down there that one of the cats commonly sleeps in (we have three). She was in it at the time and it was the wierdest thing I've ever seen. Or heard. All of a sudden, it was like something smacked the side of the box really hard. Almost hard enough to send the box off the top of the fridge. The cat jumped down and behind me then turned and hissed at the box. I walked over to it to check what was going on but everything looked normal. Except that the box was moved about a foot and teetering on the edge. My grandmother thinks it was one of the other cats but I've never seen a cat make that noise. It's the noise that only a human hand could make when hitting carboard.

I also walked into my room one day and something was sitting on my bed. It was totally grey, like a shadow. And when I walked into the room, it turned to look at me. I just turned around and walked out again. It was gone when I came back. Odd thing is, this is after my mom died and that shadow was distinctly woman shaped.

Haven't seen or experienced anything recently though.

2006-10-08 06:14:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i have stayed in houses that have had a haunted feel about them .. with various things happening
but i have also studied such cases and generally it is our own energy that creates such phenomena
the typical polterguist cases are usually in a home where there are girls aged between 13- 18 and their hormonal changes create an energy which appears to be that of a ghost or spirit
it is often not

2006-10-08 05:39:58 · answer #4 · answered by Peace 7 · 2 0

Yep. We lived in a renovated funeral home. People would come to our parties, but they stopped taking pictures after they saw all the extra people in them...besides that, mostly your typical haunting stuff, the doorbell ringing even after disconnected it, things flying around, etc., aside from the bloody little girl that my roomie saw in the shower.

2006-10-08 05:46:27 · answer #5 · answered by angk 6 · 0 0

My house had a ghost in it for a while...like the guy who used to live here was checking in on us. Some weird stuff happened during that time, but ever since we got my kittens it's like he decided we're good people and he could pass on.

2006-10-08 05:40:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe there are places like that. Especially if the place has a special story behind . Some people may think that is a stupid thinking but I guest if it is happened to them they will believe it also. It 's not fair if someone said that it is nonsense without experiencing / proofing it.

2006-10-08 06:08:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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