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I read the history and find that when the church took full control , chrsitianity didn't offer the world but destruction, hatred, poverty, retardation, and ignorance. scintists were killed onlt for saying the earth goes aroun sun .. crusases killed 70.000 human in jeursalem from all religions .. 40% of Europians were killed in wars among eastern and wesern churchs.

Christian started to be human being only after they through christianity behind their backs

Islam on the other hand offred the word one of the greatest cevelization in history .. "islamic cevilization" islam established a state of justice,scince and prosperity

2006-10-08 05:23:36 · 15 answers · asked by Kimo 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

many fruits make an orchard

2006-10-08 05:25:29 · answer #1 · answered by Peace 7 · 2 1

Fruits Of Islam

2016-09-29 09:08:30 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

There is a different between Christianity and acting Christian. Christians believe that Jesus was a prophet and he will come again. His life, death, and resurrection are documented in the Gospels. The way to God was through him. Moreover, Jesus was apolitical.

Muslims belief Muhammad was a prophet and his writings, the Qur'an. Muhammad is definitely anti-Semite as documented in the Qur’an and contradicts Christian writing most notably the Gospels. Muhammad was a political leader.

I see you like to focus on the Crusades, the third one in particular. It is not uncommon for an invader to kill everyone in one city to demonstrate what will happen to other cities if they resist. It is a technique use throughout history and not limited to one religion.

I can only assume that you are not versant with English to understand that "destruction, hatred, poverty, retardation (being retarded is a genetic trail) and ignorance" are common to all countries independent of religion.

Killing individual that defy dogma is common to both religions. Islamic Law clearly states what happens to individuals who break with Islamic traditions.

"40% of Europeans" were killed is not accurate. I would like to see your sources. Most wars are determined by political not religious motives.

You statements regarding "justice, science and prosperity" may applied to the 7th century, but is in not true today. I will not bore you with details, but compare the US to any Islamic country and tell me about freedom, individual rights, etc. As for science, how many Muslims have won the Nobel Prize?

There are no fruits of a religion, there is God, his prophets, and how men follow them. Mine is Jesus and yours is Muhammad. Islam has contradicted Gospels in the Qur'an. According to the bible, false prophets are determined when what they say is wrong. For this very reason, Christians believe Muhammad is a false prophet.

Now you know my position and you have your answer.

2006-10-08 06:17:00 · answer #3 · answered by J. 7 · 0 0

I don't care about judging one religious ideology in light of another. What I do care about, and this supercedes your statements, is how systems of religious thought conflict with Love. Love sets people free, affirms them and teaches them how to live life to the full. Religion brain-washes and tries to control: whether it's Christianity or Islam. Both are man-made, yet claim divine inspiration. I say wherever Love is rightly taught; there is your divine inspiration. The rest should be cast aside.

2006-10-08 05:39:36 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


Your really right.

Islam is the base of alot of modern science,its the credile.

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is a prophet and messenger of ALLAH.May people condemn just without know anything at all about Islam.

2006-10-08 06:09:51 · answer #5 · answered by Muslima 1 · 0 0

Its humorous translation. i will answer this question. Mr, there are various verses in Quran observed disbeliever. there are various forms of believer, human beings combination between those varieties and view the disbeliever charactersitics is he doesnt have self belief in god. Killing he disblievers replace into pronounced in many verses, those forms of disbelievers has particular features, to nicely known those charactersistics, you could desire to bypass decrease back to the Sunnah. of direction you're unlikely to bypass by all sunnah to nicely known. There are some pupils who accrued those verses with their appropriate hadeeth interior the Sunnah. The disbeliever right it extremely is the human beings who combat believers, criminals "killers and street stopper", rapist, exploiters and so on. Its no longer harmless human beings. quite Quran in 5:32 seen killing harmless individual as though killing the entire humanity, and saving harmless being as though saving the entire humanity. So dont sense chuffed on account which you come across something against Islam.

2016-12-13 04:20:49 · answer #6 · answered by marianna 4 · 0 0

What a profoundly biased question/ statement.

Christianity brought about civilization.
It brought hospitals, universities, the discoveries of new lands and most important-- REASON. For without reason, you have chaos. With reason, you have freedom to do the will of God. Without freedom, you have slavery and no future.
Look at the map linked below to see which countries are free.

2006-10-08 05:45:54 · answer #7 · answered by mr_mister1983 3 · 0 0

Whatever followers of Christianity may or may not have done in the past, it is civilised and peaceloving now. If only we could say the same for Islam!

2006-10-08 05:29:56 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 0 1

Excellent information

2006-10-08 05:32:31 · answer #9 · answered by Muslimah 2 · 1 0

yes i agree, and they say islam is a religion of violence... and btw there was 7 crusades and dont forget the inquisition... and how they burned thosuands at the stake

2006-10-08 05:37:04 · answer #10 · answered by Bryan S 3 · 0 0

How come Muslims cannot face up to the fact that mohamad are not prophet of Allah ??,

Because Allah, will not allow man to have 2/3/4 wife by any excuse. So all the pervert, sex maniac, child molester cannot be good man.

Because Allah, will not allow their beleiver to kill, torture, harash, hate other beleiver. Allah never teach full of hate with each other human being that He created. Also Christians, Chatolics, Jews have the same God, Allah of Abraham, I dont know about Islam because if your prophet from the same God your prophet will not teach you to hate the same beleiver.

Infront of Allah, all human are the same right. But Mohammad that claim him self as prophet teach many discrimination against women ????

Allah never teach with violent, full of hate, full of pleasure, so do you think Mohamad is the real prophet from Allah ???

Wake Uppp !!!

2006-10-08 05:26:48 · answer #11 · answered by OpenMinded 3 · 3 4

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