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some people r ignorants and they have no data base but they were brought up to hate islam and they have bad idias about islam. everybody should respect other's religon spicially in developped communities

2006-10-08 05:18:22 · 44 answers · asked by moony 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

44 answers

i personally thinks that to stop all this hatred is to punish the Israelites, G'bush stupid daddy & son and the rest who supporting them...it was becoz of them terrorizing other people homeland, create & spreading huge lies about Iraq have mass destructive weapons ( which they never found at all!!) which openly worldwide knows that they are chasing the oil...and all and all..its just becoz of them everything are in total mess!!!

and becoz of them, some of Muslim extremist fustrated of their homeland being terrorized and bombed by the Israelites and the US!! when Israelites killing innocent old people, women, babies..there was nothing been done by the Americans..they just being dumb & quiet!!

and when, the muslim extremist gets total fed up and planned to screw up the US by bombing them..whoa! suddenly they say Muslim are terrorist and they been spoon fed all the time by the media saying muslim and islam are bad people..


you cry and get angry when 1000s people died from the WTC 9/11...


we cry and get angry that 200,000s people ( babies, young kids,women, older people) died, day by day from 20+ years ago until now..and YOU DONT GIVE A DAMN AT ALL...


2006-10-08 05:53:54 · answer #1 · answered by MissChievous 6 · 0 1

The US has declared war on an adjective, Terrorism. Bad Idea, terrorism is not a place or race but an intangible strategy. This means the propaganda machine needs to create an identifiable target. The propaganda creators as a result target all Muslims. No matter where they live and even allies like Arabia and Turkey are painted with the same brush. You will have about as much luck in changing this as the Japanese Americans would have had avoiding being made fun of and then put in concentration camps in the USA and Canada in WWII. Maybe after the USA, Europe, Asia and Russia have finished sucking the last drops of oil out of the desert sands they will shut off the propaganda machine and peace can return. But as long as they want oil and it sits under islamic countries you are in danger.

2006-10-08 05:33:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Quit getting your feelings hurt just because people don't see things the same way you do. Grow up, people insult all kinds of things, maturity determines whether you punch someone in the mouth for insulting you or just respect the fact that they also have a right to their own opinion. I could care less how you believe, as long as it does not interfere with my way of life that I have chosen. This is the basis of democracy and freedom that the Arab world refuses to accept, especially the radical terrorist factions. If you want my respect, have Islam come together and eliminate those who give you a bad name.

2006-10-08 05:33:21 · answer #3 · answered by Jimbo 3 · 0 0

I know how you feel. Look at the answers in yahoo and it makes you feel like sh*t.

Firstly, Islam was the only religion to talk about equal rights.

You say Islam is terrorism, but which wars have killed the most people in history? and because of who? who was involved? simply answering this question will tell you who are the real terrorists!!!!!!

In answering your question. This is going to happen anyway. In the Quran , god said that it will be so hard to be a muslim, it will be as "trying to hold a burning coal in your hand". Thats how it describes it. And thats what Jihad means, not killing others!! like many idiots in america think!!!

And to people who think dieing in war takes you straight in heaven, that is not what Islam believes. Only god is the judge, humans cannot make up stories of who is going where! So suicide bombing is not even allowed in Islam anyway!

Why should good muslims feel guilty just because we have some nutters in our communities? WHY?
In america i hear everyday about some school shooting and rape!! Does that mean you americans arent doing anything to denounce yourself from these acts? Does that make all you americans perverts? Note, school shootings only ever happens in america!! Why? I wonder! Its a question you ask yourself, not something im gonna say something on.
I know many good american people, and have best friends from there. So i KNOW what goes on.

You just have to keep your faith. Islam is going to be more attacked everyday. But it will never be possible to destroy Islam. People have negative views on Islam because they think we got the right to kill non muslims, which is extreame bull***.

There is a sharia law you all must be aware of. This law many people say is Islamic law, but it is not. It is not part of the quran, and was made in the 14th Century by curruopt muslim kings who abused their power and made up laws to protect their own wrong doing. So this law is not even Islamic, its anti women, and its not how we muslims think!

Best thing you can do is reply in a polite manner to the person insulting your religion, as to what his ignorancy is. If he dsnt shut up, then just smile and walk away. That is what every good muslim should do. unfortunatly we have idiots who start saying the person should be hanged or whatever, that is wrong.

2006-10-08 06:19:45 · answer #4 · answered by DudeWantsAnswers 3 · 0 0

It says in the Holy Koran " Do not insult an others religion, so that they do not insult yours. Other than that there is no way to stop people's ignorance.
Chazirai: the reason man has been allowed more than one wife through the ages, is because of the fact that in times of war there are always more women than men. So it is one way to bring the population back to the right proportions.

2006-10-08 05:37:07 · answer #5 · answered by californianlimey 5 · 0 0

When the questions are serious you should answer them and explain to them that it's not like they think. I mean when they think bad about Islam because they are bad informed you should give them a better information. If people just write in blind hatred then ignore them.

2006-10-08 05:46:18 · answer #6 · answered by Elly 5 · 0 0

People make fun of Christianity all the time too. It would be nice if the people in this world would be more accepting, but I doubt that an all accepting world will ever exist. If you believe in your religion whole heartily, then don't worry about the opinions of the rest of the world.

2006-10-08 05:22:39 · answer #7 · answered by TJMiler 6 · 1 0

Sorry to say,,we will not be able to stop them..They find much pleasure in showing there ignorance.. probably because they cannot think of an intelligent question..so i just let them do it and i try not to let them see how much they anger me..One day maybe we can hope they will go away....until then we will have to put up with stupidity and ignorance from immature people..

2006-10-08 07:53:27 · answer #8 · answered by Katfish 5 · 0 0

Who insults the Buddhists? No one. They just don't rise to the bait. If Islam really wishes to stop insults it ought to develop tolerance and a thick skin.

2006-10-08 05:26:13 · answer #9 · answered by anthonypaullloyd 5 · 0 0

I deal with the same thing in Atheism. Know a few basic concepts that show the good of your religion. Don't get angry or hostile, though I know it can be hard not to. Give people facts and relate it to the religion they know..."Islam and Christianity aren't so much different. We both believe...." And always know that some people are always going to remain stupid about the topics. Ignorance can be changed, stupidity can't.

2006-10-08 05:21:12 · answer #10 · answered by Amanda R 4 · 3 2

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