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We all know people like this, in person and in this forum. What do you think it is that makes a person commit an offense and then avoid taking any responsibility for their actions?

What are these people lacking in their upbringing or personalities?

Elaborate if you will please. Thank you.

2006-10-08 04:26:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

It's our culture of always blaming things on other people. When some teenager with mental problems kills himself or others his parents sue the record companies of whatever music he listened to. It wasn't their son's fault, it was Marilyn Manson's fault. When that kid burned down a house or whatever they blamed Beavis and Butthead. We blame the tobacco companies for our children making the choice to smoke,. and we blame tv for the fact that they want to have sex all the time.

Since nothing is anybody's fault anymore, what's the point of taking blame?

2006-10-08 04:32:50 · answer #1 · answered by Reject187 4 · 1 1

just read your theoretical answer to my funny question, and I must advise that you should re=evaluate. I wear acrylic socks cuz they last longer and do not use a dryer for the same reason (thus the dryer did it answers are also wrong) and since I have used a ceptic tank most of my life I have had to empty them, so if that is where my acrylic socks go I would know, and I am sure they do not go there at least not the large majority do not,(i did find one in there, one time so some go there and I found one on the sidewalk once so some disappear the pant leg route). So through process of elimination we can say for sure my many socks niether go down the drain or into the dryer or anyplace in the mechanical system since I have often repaired those and no excess celulose there either. Sounds to melike you have a mystery on your hands. If you ever truly figure it out please I want to know. Very perceptive of you to understand I try hard to be liked, as a large athletically built articulate person I am often perceived as threatening so I try hard to overcome that. Probably not necessary in this medium.

What I think is that when we percieve a fault within ourselves, then we want to hide that fault. If a person is weak they do not want anyone to know which is actually very understandable (perhaps not to you cuz weakness is not a fault you appear to have thus the question you ask), so since looking as if one is wrong about something people percieve as a weakness, stupidity, slopyness, poor judgement etc. It is pretty universally understood that one who does not defend oneself is weak and if you are weak you do not want anybody to know or they will use you. here is the secret paradox, since even small children know and understand this then when someone admits they are wrong or that they do not know and the listener knows that the first person has done this act of exposing themselves it is almost always percieved as strength, except by the retarded (truly retarded)because the viewer, knows that had it been them they would have been afraid to fess up.

When I was caretaker for a buch of deligquints I just watched closely for an opportunity to fess up or say I do not know, and I had to watch very closely to find one Ha ha

2006-10-08 13:41:39 · answer #2 · answered by icheeknows 5 · 1 0

Some people don't take responsibility for their own actions because they cannot admit to themselves or anyone else that they are wrong. Most people want to see themselves as always being right or as being perfect. It's difficult to admit we make mistakes even though by making mistakes, we learn and grow. I also believe that some people refuse to take responsibility because they don't want to accept the fact that sin exists and that they have sinned.

2006-10-08 15:06:29 · answer #3 · answered by Faith 4 · 1 0

The members of our society who have the highest sense of self esteem are:

Criminals. Honestly. People in jail.

People want to feel good about themselves. The biggest catch-phrase in parenting in the last 30 years or so has been "self-esteem."

Parenting mags tell you to say "good job" not, "good boy" when your son does something right, because he might make the connection that he is no longer a "good boy" if he makes mistakes. Follow?

We are to praise our kids, question their teachers if our kids are doing poorly (surely it is the teachers fault!) and basically do whatever it takes to make our kids "feel good about themselves", forgetting that self-esteem should naturally flow from being a good, moral citizen. As a result, we are raising children who think they can do no wrong. They justify their actions because if they admit they made a mistake or acted selfishly, they might feel (gasp!) guilt -- which they have never had to deal with and therefor have no coping mechanism for.

2006-10-08 04:36:37 · answer #4 · answered by Chickyn in a Handbasket 6 · 1 1

It could be a number of things. One of them, of course, is sin in their lives. Another is that human nature seems to tell us that it isn't our fault, when it is. Then people really don't want to admit being in the wrong because of the conquences of their actions. For example, If a person steals, then they don't want to get caught because they will be put in jail. If a person commits murder, then in some states they would face some form of execution.

People just don't want to accept that. Even Adam in the beginning wanted to pass the buck and not take responsibility for his part in disobeying Gods command to him and Eve.

2006-10-08 04:34:01 · answer #5 · answered by bro_ken128 3 · 1 1

For me, it's when I'm not being honest with myself.

I was taught integrity but it was not always practiced in my family. Addictions were the cause of our problems (lol at this statement).

It was when we practiced honesty and integrity, we got better.
For me, I HAVE to take responsibility for my actions. Otherwise I can easily fall back into my addictions.

2006-10-10 07:00:35 · answer #6 · answered by BETTY ROCKER 2 · 0 0

i think it's fear and conceit.
they are also the first to praise themselves and look for the praise of others by letting everyone know it was them that had done something good or right. they will even take credit for something they didn't do if it benefits them.
now when something goes wrong or they did something that was not right they will immediately pass the buck and blame whatever is most convenient and they fear others looking at them in any kind of negative way.
very low self esteem issues are most likely the cause.

2006-10-08 17:45:16 · answer #7 · answered by bgdadyp 5 · 1 0

well its always easier to Blame someone else than to take responsibility for your own actions.....People do this because they are decietful.Thats why its always best to not act out your hostiliy,if you are honest and do things that you are proud of then you don,t mind taking responsibility for your actions.People that do this is lacking morels in their upbringing.Yes I know people that do this too,we all probably do,but they fail to do the right and decent thing and they are ashamed of their actions so they try to lay the blame elsewhere.For instance if say you have a friend and they do something to afend you,then you go around running them down and saying ugly things about them,then you make up and someone tells your friend what you said the first thing out of your mouth is"I didn,t say that"but you did,well you are guilty so you deny it,if you would have kelp your mouth shut to start with you would have nothing to defend....So I would think that not taking responsibility starts with things we do that we are ashamed of,gossiping when we should have kelp our mouth shut,doing and acting out things we shoud not do and lacking the integrety to amit our shortcomings....People are very unforgiving and if you admit your faults they won,t forgive but throw it in your face and we don,t want to hear our faults over and over.I personally done something that I did not want to admit ,but it wasn,t to someone it was a personal thing,and I have denied it because really it was none of their business.Feeling bad about it caused me a lot of tears and I repented to God,since it wasn,t done to someone then that was sufficent.........It entails a lot of reasons....Sometimes wifes and husbands lie to each other simply because if they tell the truth it would be Hell to pay,so they lie......but don,t be decieved because everything you do comes back to you rather you admit it or not,you always reap the bad seeds you so...if you understand the human nature,as God does you will know that people fail to admit their wrong because they are guilty and ashamed of themselfs.....Hope thid helps

2006-10-08 04:56:54 · answer #8 · answered by slickcut 5 · 1 1

Most of them look for attention because they don't get it real life.They say really stupid things because that's the way to get attention on here.I know of many people on here who pretend to be atheist to see what other atheists think,and people pretend to not like something because people on here will insult them.
I thought America had freedom of speech but on this forum you say what your aloud to say.If you don't idiots report you.
Good question.

2006-10-08 09:00:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What a person lacks in their character when they will not take responsibility for their own actions is MATURITY. Also true honesty.

2006-10-08 04:28:40 · answer #10 · answered by a_delphic_oracle 6 · 2 1

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