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Talk and cry to a corpse getting eaten by worms all you want, it can't hear you. The bible calls us Nephesh or Psuche which doesn't mean "soul" and souls don't exist. We are mortal. The spirit of life is not us, it's God. We are not gods.

Ecclesiastes 9:5
For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

Isaiah 38:18 For the grave cannot praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth.

Psalm 6:4-5
4. Return, O LORD, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies' sake.

5. For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?


2006-10-08 04:10:17 · 14 answers · asked by Cyber 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

It's not silly; it's sad. Many people feel that somehow their dead loved ones hear them, which is not true. Not only do the churches spread this lie, but so does Hollywood through its movies. Why do you think people are afraid to walk through a graveyard at night? It's nonsense. However, the Bible does speak of a resurrection from the dead. But until that happens, the dead will remain "conscious of nothing."

2006-10-08 04:18:10 · answer #1 · answered by LineDancer 7 · 2 3

When People go to a Grave, in the Ground and Talk to the Passed-On, I don't think they Really think that the Passed-On will Hear them, they are just Really Settling some things between Themselves and themselves. It helps Them, not the Passed-On.
Is this Biblically O.K.? Don't know, but it dosen't seem to hurt anybody.
And it does seem to help themselves.
I'd be easy about it and not carry it Too Far or Too Deep.

2006-10-08 04:28:34 · answer #2 · answered by maguyver727 7 · 1 0

Mark 12:26 And as concerning the dead that they rise again have you not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spoke to him, saying: I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob?
Mar 12:27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

You therefore do greatly err.

2006-10-08 08:36:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There is an emotional content which the Bible does not seem to address. Not only is it not silly, I see it as a way to connect with those who have gone before

2006-10-08 04:12:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I hate to burst your bubble but we are all immortal gods. Mystics have known it for eons. As someone wisely said "we are not humans having spiritual experiences but spirits having human ones". You'll probably have to wait for physical death to figure that out with the brainwashing you've been subjected to this lifetime.

2006-10-08 04:21:35 · answer #5 · answered by American Spirit 7 · 2 1

Some of us believes that we'll feel better if we talk to the dead, some believe in the bible. Same difference.

2006-10-08 04:16:30 · answer #6 · answered by *duh* 5 · 2 0

judge not and ye shall not be judged. and the free lottery web page you posted i wouldn't think would be a good resource for that type of info

2006-10-08 04:31:37 · answer #7 · answered by rae 2 · 0 1

it seems to me you have lifes biggest mystery all figured out. you know that could lead you into the promising career of designer of clever church billboards.

2006-10-08 04:19:09 · answer #8 · answered by nodumgys 7 · 1 0

i find it sillier to think they cannot hear us and speak with us
each to our own xx

i must tell my dad how silly it is the next time i hear from him in spirit and he tells me exactly what is going on around me

2006-10-08 04:16:53 · answer #9 · answered by Peace 7 · 5 0

If you refer to mediums talking to spirits, no I don't find that silly at all.

2006-10-08 04:12:47 · answer #10 · answered by a_delphic_oracle 6 · 3 0

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