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can anyone give me some tips on getting to sleep... i have tried counting sheep, drinking warm milk... but nothing works!!! any ideas????

2006-10-08 03:21:32 · 10 answers · asked by astro_burger 1 in Health Other - Health

i go to the gym every morning an burn 500 cals... i also work from 11 till 9 every night as a waitress... so i am tired yet can sleep

2006-10-08 03:32:45 · update #1

10 answers

The reasons for a sleeping disorder are many, but mostly they are due to stress. In my case it is Fybermaliga, a chronic disease with no real treatment. One of its major hallmarks is difficulty sleeping. I have seen hundreds and hundreds of doctors about this. I saw the VA Sleep Clinic twice. The head of the clinic told me that normal sleep assistance and sleep hygiene would not work for me. My case is way too advanced for that.

However, I do have some tips: possible Medications, and good sleep hygiene.
When you go to sleep make sure you do it in a dark room, a room that should only be used for sleeping, pull the TV out. Make sure it is a relaxing place to sleep as well. Hold off on any caffeine at least 6 hours before bed, and the exercise as well. One-half hour before you go to bed dim the lights a little, this will increase the body’s natural production of a sleep hormone called Melatoin. A glass of warm milk will do the same. When you go to bed compose yourself for sleep, relax and push out all thoughts of the day. If you cannot do this then think of something else, something that you like, even a sexual fantasy. If you don’t fall asleep in 20 minutes then get out of bed. Then do something quiet, like watch the TV on low volume or read, but don’t do this in the bedroom. After 20 minutes try to go back to sleep again. If it still doesn’t work then get up and do something quiet, and try it again in 20 minutes.

I run a fan all night in my bedroom. The mind gets used to the white noise, and it covers up the noise around you. Don’t put the fan on oscillate, where it blows over you and then elsewhere, that will distract you. If it gets too cold then point the fan into a corner. I have blocked my shade with a few posters, and made sure that as little light as possible enters my room. Put your alarm clock where you cannot see it, or just turn it away. If you track time then you will only get mad at yourself for not falling asleep. You might try playing some music, use a CD, not a radio. You want a constant level of music. Try something soothing like easy listening or classical. If classical music bores you then that would be the best to use.

If all this doesn’t work then you need more help. The sleep medications that you can buy over the counter are really a sham, and won’t do you any good. You can pick up Melatoin in the drug store or any major supermarket. It is fairly cheap and comes in 1 mg to 3 mg doses. Start at 1 mg a night and work your way up to a maximum of 4 mg, after that any more is a waste.

If you are still having trouble then a doctor visit is in order. Drugs like Ambien and Lunesta may not be what you want. They are good for a week or two, but they are habit forming. I don’t mean that you will get a craving; I mean that after taking these medications for a long time you will acquire a need to take the drug just to get to sleep. A good drug to take is called Trazodone. As prescription medications go this is a fairly cheap one. It is an antidepressant normally used for treating Cocaine treatment. It has a major side effect of causing sleepiness. It is a safe drug to take over the long term, it is not habit forming, and it has few other effects. It is a pretty poor antidepressant, but a good sleep aid. It is also available in a range of doses so your doctor can keep increasing it several times until you find a dose that works well for you. I took it for over 6 years. After that the ringing in my ears got to be a minor problem, so I switched to another drug. I am back on it, and have been for almost 2 years, and I have had no problems. There are stronger medications you can take, but if you need them, then you have a real problem: much more than just stress.
I recommend going to the Melatoin right away. It won’t give you any hangover and its effects will wear off after 4-6 hours, but by that time you should be sound asleep. Find a way to reduce your stress. Some things you just have to accept. Oddly enough it is the everyday worries that cause more stress. When you worry about doing something and just don’t get it done then that can create stress. You know that when you go to work you are going to face traffic. So get a book on CD or something that will let you use the time better; that way you will stress less about the traffic. Expect the idiots on the road to try and cut you off. They are out there and they are just hunting for guys like you to make angry. So don’t play their game. Remember that a traffic light is only 3 minutes long. I heard of a race once, it was held between an aggressive driver, and a law-abiding driver, over a 30-minute commute. The aggressive driver stacked up a dozen traffic violations and he only beat the law-abiding driver by only 8 minutes.

Sleep is very important to your body and mind. It is the time for the body to heal and for the mind to go over the things of the day. If you do not get enough sleep after a while (well over a week) it can cause hallucinations and later even result in death.

Tips for a Good Night's Sleep
Provided by: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Last Updated: July 1, 2001
Adapted from "When You Can't Sleep: The ABCs of ZZZs," by the National Sleep Foundation.
Set a schedule
Go to bed at a set time each night and get up at the same time each morning. Disrupting this schedule may lead to insomnia. "Sleeping in" on weekends also makes it harder to wake up early on Monday morning because it re-sets your sleep cycles for a later awakening.
Try to exercise 20 to 30 minutes a day. Daily exercise often helps people sleep, although a workout soon before bedtime may interfere with sleep. For maximum benefit, try to get your exercise about 5 to 6 hours before going to bed.
Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol
Avoid drinks that contain caffeine, which acts as a stimulant and keeps people awake. Sources of caffeine include coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, non-herbal teas, diet drugs, and some pain relievers. Smokers tend to sleep very lightly and often wake up in the early morning due to nicotine withdrawal. Alcohol robs people of deep sleep and REM sleep and keeps them in the lighter stages of sleep.
Relax before bed
A warm bath, reading, or another relaxing routine can make it easier to fall sleep. You can train yourself to associate certain restful activities with sleep and make them part of your bedtime ritual.
Sleep until sunlight
If possible, wake up with the sun, or use very bright lights in the morning. Sunlight helps the body's internal biological clock reset itself each day. Sleep experts recommend exposure to an hour of morning sunlight for people having problems falling asleep.
Don't lie in bed awake
If you can't get to sleep, don't just lie in bed. Do something else, like reading, watching television, or listening to music, until you feel tired. The anxiety of being unable to fall asleep can actually contribute to insomnia.
Control your room temperature
Maintain a comfortable temperature in the bedroom. Extreme temperatures may disrupt sleep or prevent you from falling asleep.
See a doctor if your sleeping problem continues
If you have trouble falling asleep night after night, or if you always feel tired the next day, then you may have a sleep disorder and should see a physician. Your primary care physician may be able to help you; if not, you can probably find a sleep specialist at a major hospital near you. Most sleep disorders can be treated effectively, so you can finally get that good night's sleep you need.

2006-10-10 17:16:22 · answer #1 · answered by Dan S 7 · 0 0


2016-12-26 00:10:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"Nothing is more frustrating than not being able to sleep. Tossing and turning. Your mind is racing, going over everything that happened today. Night noises keep you awake. What can you do? There ARE things you can do! Read on and learn some new tricks to sleep well. These tips are also known as "Sleep Hygiene."

* Sleep only when sleepy

This reduces the time you are awake in bed.

* If you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and do something boring until you feel sleepy

Sit quietly in the dark or read the warranty on your refrigerator. Don't expose yourself to bright light while you are up. The light gives cues to your brain that it is time to wake up.

* Don't take naps

This will ensure you are tired at bedtime. If you just can't make it through the day without a nap, sleep less than one hour, before 3 pm.

* Get up and go to bed the same time every day

Even on weekends! When your sleep cycle has a regular rhythm, you will feel better.

* Refrain from exercise at least 4 hours before bedtime

Regular exercise is recommended to help you sleep well, but the timing of the workout is important. Exercising in the morning or early afternoon will not interfere with sleep.

* Develop sleep rituals

It is important to give your body cues that it is time to slow down and sleep. Listen to relaxing music, read something soothing for 15 minutes, have a cup of caffeine free tea, do relaxation exercises.

* Only use your bed for sleeping

Refrain from using your bed to watch TV, pay bills, do work or reading. So when you go to bed your body knows it is time to sleep. Sex is the only exception.

* Stay away from caffeine, nicotine and alcohol at least 4-6 hours before bed

Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that interfere with your ability to fall asleep. Coffee, tea, cola, cocoa, chocolate and some prescription and non-prescription drugs contain caffeine. Cigarettes and some drugs contain nicotine. Alcohol may seem to help you sleep in the beginning as it slows brain activity, but you will end end up having fragmented sleep.

* Have a light snack before bed

If your stomach is too empty, that can interfere with sleep. However, if you eat a heavy meal before bedtime, that can interfere as well. Dairy products and turkey contain tryptophan, which acts as a natural sleep inducer. Tryptophan is probably why a warm glass of milk is sometimes recommended.

* Take a hot bath 90 minutes before bedtime

A hot bath will raise your body temperature, but it is the drop in body temperature that may leave you feeling sleepy. Read about the study done on body temperature below.

Trouble Sleeping? Chill Out! - A press release from the journal Sleep about the significance in body temperature before sleep

* Make sure your bed and bedroom are quiet and comfortable

A hot room can be uncomfortable. A cooler room along with enough blankets to stay warm is recommended. If light in the early morning bothers you, get a blackout shade or wear a slumber mask. If noise bothers you, wear earplugs or get a "white noise" machine.

* Use sunlight to set your biological clock

As soon as you get up in the morning, go outside and turn your face to the sun for 15 minutes. "

2006-10-08 03:32:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to lighten up. Consider the best sleepers: kids. They joke around all day long and are not so serious and have deep peaces reserves that enable them to sleep.. Rent Shrek 2 and similar funny kids movies. Read Jethro Byrd Fairy Child by Bob Grahm and similar kids books. Take kids out for ice cream--often. You are too serious and have not enough peace reserves that come from laughing and joking around a lot. Read jokes on ahajokes.com and go to card shops and read funny cards. Spend time with dogs--kids love them or with people who like to have fun and are lighthearted. Do what kids do and you will sleep better gradually over a period of months. Read "Hard Drive", biography of amazing sleeper Bill Gates who is described again and again as "childlike". You are way too serious. This solution solves insomonia and does not just treat it like drugs, herbs and exercise, etc.

2006-10-08 10:58:40 · answer #4 · answered by Lighthearted 3 · 0 0

Get on a schedule and stick to it - it's very difficult and not an instant fix, but it will work - go to bed at the same time every night and get up every a.m. at the same time. If it continues, see your doctor and get some of the new sleeping pills.

2006-10-08 03:29:40 · answer #5 · answered by Caroline H 5 · 0 0

The artificial light from the computer screen (and even your phone) can reduce melatonin (the sleep hormone) production in your body. Try taking a melatonin suppliment. I take 1mg melatonin on nights that I can't sleep and it works like a charm! The only downfall to taking melatonin is that if you take it every night your body will get used to it and you will have to increase how much you take. I try to only take it occasionally. I also love hot tea containing camomile to help me relax. Sleepy Time Tea with honey is wonderful. :)

2016-03-28 01:38:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Insomnia (sleeplessness) is due to stress, dietary and medical
problems. By making small lifestyle changes like having a fixed
daily routine, relaxing and eating properly, insomnia can be
cured. I found the information at http://tinyurl.com/jfzpz useful
for getting sleep.

2006-10-08 06:26:35 · answer #7 · answered by PAPU 3 · 0 0

Here is what works for everyone: you need to be more tired at night.

You need to tire yourself physically during the day (not right before you go to sleep). Exercise more, walk more, do more walking during the day. Your body is not tired enough.

2006-10-08 03:29:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My doctor told us to take melatonin you can get it from the pharmacy or wal-mart. It's in the vitamin section.

2006-10-08 03:24:48 · answer #9 · answered by baby shih tzu 5 · 0 0

uhm...don't go to sleep if you're not tired, read or tv until you're tired..and don't drink coffee/tea before u go to sleep...

2006-10-08 03:25:13 · answer #10 · answered by woojy 2 · 0 0

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