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when the japanese bombed pearl harbor on 12/7/41 did people protest America declaring war? whats wrong with some of you liberal people? our loved ones had their lives stolen from them on 9/11 and you people talk about gov't cover ups! its not bring our boys home! scream turn off the cameras and let us fight!

2006-10-08 03:17:00 · 17 answers · asked by SUMMER 2 in Politics & Government Military

17 answers

As a military man this is very disturbing to me and I find it disrespectful that the liberals are acting this way. I have many friends that are in Iraq and they tell me that we are doing good things there..It wouldn't matter who was in office Bush, or Kerry. Pulling out know would be a slap in the face to all of the soldiers/sailors/marines who have given their lives...(Im not a big fan of Bush, I didn't vote for him) its war and war is never pretty but please all you extremist out there don't compare this to Vietnam because this war isnt even on the same page..hell not even the same chapter..Vietnam was a disaster..( Thank you to all veterans of vietnam) What the troops need and want is your support...so, don't give up on them...

2006-10-08 03:33:51 · answer #1 · answered by Bucs_Fan 3 · 2 2

America joining the war was a reasonable (although massively delayed, since the war had been raging for 2 years already) reaction to the events at Pearl Habour and the Lusitania.

Illegally invading a country which had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 is, shockingly, not a proportionate or reasonable response.

And to the person who said the media didn't have as much influence in the forties, are you sure about that? Are you really, really sure? The media played a very large part in drawing attention to the sinking of the Lusitania in a ploy to draw America into the war. It played a very large part bolstering support for both wars even though both were going drastically wrong. Maybe you only notice propaganda when you feel it's liberal, but belive me, there's been enough on both sides.

I'm with the other level-minded people on this subject - screw your war. If you care about your loved ones dying then don't support the war that's put them in that danger - DUH!

2006-10-08 11:19:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a Navy Veteran, the cameras scare me the most. There is way too much information broadcast over satellite links, which if we here in the US can see it instantly, so can our adversaries. This is the most insidious danger to our fighting forces.

In 1941, no one protested America declaring war, this is true. Also in 1941, the citzens were simply proud to be Americans. I feel that pride has greatly diminshed. Now we are too worried about being republican, or democrat, or liberal, or conservative. We put far too much stock in being an African American, Irish American, Puerto Rican American, Gay American etc. We have little pride in the American, but put way too much stock in the title we place before it.

We are dividing our own house, and as a very proud and great American once said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand". Wake up, America! To quote an old saying that was around in 1941, I'm sure, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!"

After 9/11, there was a surge of patriotism, until all the differing factions in the country realized that it served no one's agenda. Forget all your agendas. A real patriot cares about his or her country first! And at the rate all you liberals and conservatives, republicans and democrats, and all those for whom just being an American isn't good enough, but has to have a label, are going, we will not have to worry about United States troops for long. For we will no longer be United, but just the States. And there will be the Republican State, the Democratic State, the Liberal State, the Conservative State, the Gay State, the Straight State, the African American State, the Mexican State, etc.

Division is not required, wartime or not. We fought a bloody civil war 140 years ago which proved this point. And a truly patriotic American will ignore all that is said on television, do your own homework, and make your own decisions. But never will a truly patriotic American make a statement that dilutes the bravery of the American Military. A truly patriotic American will support our Military in all endeavors our government assigns to them, agree or disagree.

Our men and women who are fighting under the flag of the United States Of America deserve nothing less than respect for being willing to take on the job, and support for carrying out that job to the best of their ability. Those who are screaming "illegal war", "bring them home", and the like seem to forget that this is a volunteer force, and in the military, war is part of the job description. And that the time for questioning the legalities, or moralities, or whatever your objections are, is after it is over. Our brave men and women deserve, and should expect, nothing but the support of the nation under whose flag they PROUDLY serve. And those of us at home have but one obligation to our military -- to support and respect their difficult situation.

I am proud to be an American, proud to be a veteran of the United States Navy. And I am saddened that so many of our citizens have forgotten our valuable lessons learned in past conflicts.

God Bless AMERICA!

2006-10-08 13:17:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In one respect you are right,with news crews running around and filming everything it can get a little intimidating to the military only because if a mistake is made and sometime mistakes happen in combat it would be taken and turned into American atrocities in Iraq. Even if if was a an honest mistake it can be turned into a War crime now please understand that the soldiers,sailors,marines and airman we have in combat are our best and use their best judgment no one wants the media attention which in most cases is negative and demoralizing at best it never gives our military just credit in the fact that we don't always use maximum force in dealing with the enemy because we do take the civilian factor very seriously we don't need or want to kill or harm civilians so with this in mind our military has to fight somewhat restrained as much as we would like to level towns or cities to get at an enemy we don't and never will we do it the hard way we go in after them and that is dirty dangerous work but that is how we do it and most of the time we do it right with little or no civilian casualty's. I say that to say this we are fighting and winning with or with out the cameras we just cant do it like in WW2 with massive air strikes and arty war is very restrictive these days

2006-10-08 11:14:25 · answer #4 · answered by soldierof the 82ndAirborne 3 · 0 2

You tell 'em , girl .
If Some liberal was in the White House , Iraq would be the best thing since CORN FLAKES , YAY PRESIDENT __________ , YAY !!!
Of course , we'd still be trying to capture Bagdad and the casualty rate would be 10x higher , due to mircomanagement from the White House , just like Viet Nam , Bosnia , Somalia .
Let's not forget to thank BILL CLINTON , for cutting the size of our forces by 25% and slashing their budgets .

2006-10-08 10:52:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

look it this simple i have been to iraq, its not all what you see on the news they never talk about us building schools or hospitals all they report is the blood & guts stuff because thats what sells the news to ppl. but you are right they need to let us fight this war the way it needs to be fought! in many ways it is just like vietnam because the government keeps seting rules for us to follow (R.O.E) its hard to fight an enemy when you have to worry so much about civilian casualties. the insurgents dress and look like the iraqi nationals so you tell me how you fight that??

2006-10-08 12:57:41 · answer #6 · answered by S 2 · 0 0

If Iraq had anything to do with 9/11 I would be 1,000% behind the effort, just like I am behind our efforts in Afganistan. But the reality is that the ONLY reason we are in Iraq is because DADDY didn't finish the job,,,,,, and that p**** junior off.

2006-10-08 11:13:14 · answer #7 · answered by tom l 6 · 0 0

Wow, you really bought the propaganda didn't you? Fighting in Iraq has NOTHING to do with 911, except for any tenuous links invented by the bush administration to justify their illegal war. If Bush had wanted to exact retribution for 911, the US would currently be at war with Saudi and NOT fighting in Iraq. It's an embarrassment to the rest of the 'free' world.

2006-10-08 12:10:38 · answer #8 · answered by knowetal 3 · 2 1

Back in the 1940's, the media did not play as much a role in the Liberalism running rampant in today's society. People were not spoon fed their beliefs through TV such as MTV and CNN - they made moral decisions based on their upbringing.

I can only hope that with the advent of more news outlets - Fox News, internet, blogs, etc. that the Liberal left will come to their senses - slowly but surely. If they don't, nothing will be accomplished, they will be too busy starting investigations in to 'war crimes', trying to impeach the president and forming committees.

2006-10-08 10:27:40 · answer #9 · answered by Caroline H 5 · 4 3

I believe it's democrats who you are addressing! They still believe in the bill clinton and madeline albright style of government. Why, they had the best foreign policy program, since joe kennedy was ambassador to Great Britain, prior to WWII.

In case you forgot, kennedy was opposed to the war against hitler. Clinton was opposed to war, no matter what. He believed in a win, win policy with our adversaries. Even while they continued to attack the US, clinton believed all things could be worked out through diplomacy. Even while Osama bin Laden was standing in Afghanistan, scratching his head and wondering if and when the US would respond to his attacks, bill clinton held firm.
Yes sir, you won't see me sending some mother's son off to be killed. I'll wait until they're planning to kill 3000 of our citizens. By then, it will be someone else's problem.

2006-10-08 11:50:55 · answer #10 · answered by briang731/ bvincent 6 · 0 2

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