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44 answers

its just one day, so dont go mad spending too much money on it.

much better to get a house extension or a conservatory in my opinion

2006-10-08 03:10:49 · answer #1 · answered by monkeynuts 5 · 1 1

I'm so sick of this question. We recently married and it was the most special and magical day of our lives. Every little detail was perfect, just as I'd had imagined. It didn't;t cost us thousands of pounds, everybody did something to help and so it was more personal. Mum did flowers, gran did cake, step-dad and father made the garden stunning so we could hold it there, my best friends mum is a celebrant so she conducted the ceremony. The biggest expense was the marquee and drink. People today seem to have lost sight of the fact a wedding should be unique to the couple making the commitment and that is what the emphasis should be on; the commitment. There seems to be a competitive air about brides today, the wedding is gauged on how much it costs. A friend recently remortgaged her home to pay for her wedding and still is not happy. A friend of my husbands announced her wedding cost £17,000 but didn't even think to mention whether or not she had a perfect day. All the money in the world won't buy a long and happy marriage its about having faith in the vows you make to each other and a lifetime of hard work. Nothing could have made our special day anymore perfect and we won't be spending the next 20 years paying for it.

2006-10-11 04:21:34 · answer #2 · answered by esmequeenoftheworld 2 · 0 0

My wedding cost around 3 grand. We worked hard to make it that cheap though. We had it in a church in the country that a family member belonged to, and it only costs us 20 bucks. The decorations added up, But our main focus was on the dress, the decorations and the reception. Our folks were just as poor as we were so they helped in different ways. Her dad knew a friend with a restaurant and he got a great deal on the meat. The rest was pot luck. My mom sprang for the reception hall, a community building in the small town with the church(also a lot cheaper then in Kansas City). But they didn't allow alchohol, so we had 2. One with all the family, did the gifts, the pictures and the cake stuff. Then we had one for the adults. A bar in that same town also owned the motel which were both empty. So I talked with the owner and made sure that the rooms were available and that there would be live entertainment if I rented up most of his hotel. Why pay for everyone to drink? Unless your family's springing for it, you shouldn't have to buy anything on your wedding. My mom got us a night in this hotel room for 150 bucks, in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. I thought it wouldn't be that much, but the town blew me away. The hotel room was on the top floor and it was in awesome spot in the center of town. The town was so cool. It was in the hills, lost in time, and there was so much to do. All we did was explore and uhhh sleep for the first day. Not to mention the hotel only had 4 really huge rooms and it was completely empty. Had a secret entrance and everything. Town kinda had a bootleg theme.

Anyway, find a cousin or someone really into their church that lives in the country and have it there. Our family had enough connections to have a beautiful wedding with over 80 people for under 5000. Either way the best thing to do is plan well and try to relax. It's entirely worth it. My wedding was the best, most life changing thing that ever happened in my entire life. As long as the two of you can communicate well and really love each other, you'll never regret it. Even my relationship goes to heck, I'll always think back to my wedding and smile.

2006-10-08 03:53:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not including the honeymoon (approx 4K) it cost us about 5 thousand. We kept it small and intimate. It was the best wedding I've ever been to... and many family members and friends said the same. It's totally worth it if you keep what you truly want in mind. Don't get anything you don't really want. For example, I didn't care much about flowers... I got some, but we didn't go nuts on them. Also, we didn't have centrepieces or extra flowers. I did care about the dress... luckily I got one that had been marked down about a thousand due to two or three missing beads which the shop replaced anyway. We made our own favours and found they were very well received. I figure why spend a mint on one day that will inevitably pass in a happy blur. Spend the money on the elements you really really want, and then go on a great honeymoon or save for a house downpayment. Oh, and I totally recommend waiting a week before going on the honeymoon. Going back to "real life" right after feels weird, but we were in much better spirits than the other newlyweds who hadn't gotten any sleep because they had to go straight to the airport. Ok, I've babbled enough... congrats on the wedding and best of luck!

2006-10-08 03:19:44 · answer #4 · answered by Jarby 2 · 0 0

God some people on here are such cynics!! our wedding (3months ago) cost around £9000, including the honeymoon. My parents paid for some bits, his for others, but the main chunk of it (reception/food/DJ/honeymoon/stationary/cars...) we saved and payed for.

It took me nearly two years to plan everything, but a more perfect day I can not imagine, I would never ever change it and our relationship is actually so much better after the event.

I think the best advice is spend what you can and want to, don't spend a fortune if you can't afford it otherwise the financial stress in the run up could well near tear you apart, the planning is part of the fun and is what makes a wedding more than 'just one day' you wouldn't want to ruin that with money worries.

And whatever you decide, your day MUST be personal to the both of you, theres no point having a five course fie star meal if you, your partner and your family and social circle are more appreciative of fish, chips and a beer!

2006-10-10 01:59:01 · answer #5 · answered by give up art 2 · 0 0

Well, if you include the cost of the plane ticket to bring him here ($250) and the cost of the hotel room ($300 total), the cost of our outfits (roughly, $85 for mine, and about $100 for his), the cost of the JP ($150), the cost for the permit to get married in the part ($25), and the cost for dinner at a restaurant for my husband and I, my sister and nephew, and my stepdad (other people were there but they were our witnesses. His family and friends couldn't make it. The cost was about $100), then the total cost of my wedding was $1010.

Do I regret it? No. I married the man of my dreams. Now we just have to work on the visa to get him into the country. We'll have a renewal in a few years in New Orleans (my favorite place in the world) or Tenessee so his family can attend.

Remember, your wedding is ONE DAY in your life. It's just a day. The important thing is that you're getting married to the man you love, not how much money you're going to spend to show off.

2006-10-08 05:29:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My husband & I met mid January 1999 and married on 24 July 1999, our wedding cost no more than £250.00. That paid for the registry office charge, our Celtic gold wedding rings, my dress, which was amazing, it was long, very fitted, gold lace with a black under petticoat, I wore a fantastic gold scarf with long black fringes which I had owned for years ( cost about £40.00 in 1982 ), my husband wore a nice suit which he already owned. We had 2 guests who bought my dark red rosebuds, which secured my scarf in postion, also my husbands buttonhole, they also treated us to a fantastic meal ( in place of a present ) at an exclusive restaurant. In the evening we borrowed a 2 man dome tent and spent the night on the top of a mountain in South Wales, we built a campfire and my husband cooked us a meal which we washed down with a bottle of wine while we sat under a clear sky illuminated with a full moon - it was the hottest day of the year. We still talk about it, it was the most perfect day of our lives and if we were doing it all again there truly isn't one thing about it that we would change. It was such a wonderful, intimate experience. Marriage is not about show and trying to outdo other people by having a bigger ceremony, or a virginal white dress, wedding presents, speeches - that's all so false. My advice is to keep it small, intimate and inexpensive. Good luck.

2006-10-09 20:20:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't wish to say how much my weddings cost, because I don't really think that it is of any concern to other yahoo answerers. Looking back though, spending a huge amount on a wedding is not that wise an idea unless you have millions in the bank. My first wedding was the whole traditional thing, it was a great day, but the marriage went swiftly down-hill from that day. The second marriage was small, but also went down the pan. All in all, it is wiser to put the money to better use, like a mortgage!

2006-10-10 22:24:34 · answer #8 · answered by sparkleythings_4you 7 · 0 1

I have this quandary - if my partner and I ever marry, I've seen the wedding I'd like - it's a Winter Wedding at Hedingham Castle but omg!! it costs £6,500 and that's without the cost of wedding clothes and other fripperies. I suppose we'd have to weigh up the pros and cons - we'd have the memories of a beautiful day to last us the rest of our lives. On the other hand, we'd have spent well over £6,500 for one day! I am really not sure we could justify it, even if we could easily afford it. It would probably be quite possible to make a beautiful wedding day without spending so much.

2006-10-08 08:13:00 · answer #9 · answered by Specsy 4 · 0 0

We were lucky when we got married 22 years ago, my mom and my hubby's mom shared a lot of the cost between them, my mom bought my dress that I got in the sale for £150, a total bargain but really beautiful, a friend made my tiara and veil, I had the shoes already, hubby's suit was bought by his mom as was his shirt and tie, my flowers were silk and done for us by a friend who had a floral business, our cake was a gift from a baker, the cars were a gift from my hubby's aunties, our photographs were a gift from hubby's mom and the reception was a gift from my mom, the only thing we paid for was our rings and the flowers in church, so all in all our wedding cost us £200, we were so lucky and we got everything we asked for on our wedding list too plus nearly a £100 in cash gifts, goodness knows how much it would have cost us if we had had to pay for it all ourselves though.

2006-10-09 13:22:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My wedding cost about £15,000 including 2 week honeymoon. It was a traditional white wedding with all the trimmings. Hubby and I paid for it all ourselves but didn't get into debt for it.

Was it worth it....yes and no. Yes because I'll never have another day like it in my life and no because 2 years later we're getting divorced. But I wouldn't have spent any less if I knew it wouldn't last, it was my dream day.

2006-10-11 00:50:25 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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